Wow, great find fren!
It didn't play for me either. Try clicking on the white area immediately surrounding the video to open the post itself, it played for me from there.
I understand your anger and frustration, I really do. But if our goal is to show people that we are undeserving of that ostracization you've experienced, is being a jerk really the best approach? It seems to me like that approach would be exclusively counter productive.
Ok, let's consider your approach. Who benefits when we are assholes to people who don't share our views? The person being an asshole gets to feel better about themselves and their situation temporarily, sure. At the same time, the asshole proves MSM and social media right, helps the invisible enemy achieve their goal of division, and provides more supporting evidence for BLM waitress' worldview that says that everyone on the right is a hateful bigot. I'd say that being an asshole is self serving while being simultaneously self defeating if you ask me.
Maybe our goals are different. My goal is to be kind to all people to show them that there is a better way. I used to be a hopeless liberal, and someone behaving like OP did would have absolutely reaffirmed my worldview.
The only thing that kept me from being too far gone was the compassionate conservatives I interacted with who were living examples of the fact that not all conservatives are how the news and Reddit portrays them.
Then again, maybe your goal is to keep these lost, manipulated souls from ever finding truth and God. I hope not, but your current approach will only serve to fulfill that goal.
Who does it help when we make those kinds of assumptions about people? I can tell you this- it's nobody on our side of the fight.
What if she had seen the headlines about the BLM co founder buying multiple mansions and started to question the organization? What if she hadn't? What if this patron could have been the one to start the ball rolling in her awakening?
I was a fairly deeply entrenched liberal at one point, and behavior like OPs would have absolutely just further cemented my views about conservatives. I pointlessly wrote in Bernie for president for goodness' sake, lol.
The thing that truly helped me understand that what I had been told about conservatives was untrue was the kindness afforded to me by the conservatives I came in contact with. Kindness can go a long way in breaking down walls, fren.
We can either be the ones to break through the brainwashing and show that we aren't the monsters CNN says we are, or we can prove them right. It's your call, but I know from lived experience what the more effective approach is, and I think most of us know that deep down. It can feel good to be vindictive and hateful, but it only serves to damage our movement and our reputation as a group.
It's disheartening to see the only level headed comments at the bottom of the list. sigh
I think you meant "piece of shit". It doesn't matter what color the piece of shit is. If we can't handle someone expressing their political opinion without fantasizing about all the ways we can fuck them over, are we really any better than the left?
This comment section is an absolute dumpster fire of hatred. We're supposed to be better than this.
This kind of divisive action only serves to reinforce the divisive propaganda that has been fed to those on the left. You are, in essence, reinforcing her worldview and her opinions of you because you acted exactly like the media told her you would.
The vast majority of people are coming from a place of compassion, and until you see these NPCs as fellow humans who deserve our respect, you are doing nothing to help our cause.
Tipping the lady healthily and leaving a note would have been far more impactful than the route you chose to go down. I don't want this to come off as belittling, but we all share the same goal here. You wouldn't know it from this comment section, however.
Hopefully next time you'll see an interaction like this for the great opportunity that it is!
Yeah, seems to me like a way to discredit the movement with something stupid. It seems like it's designed to get us to go out of our way to look crazy to the vaxxed normies we'd be asking to touch with a magnet.