I know this is mostly borne from a desire to see this movie conclude, but I'm gonna put this out there. I'm not saying that something is for sure going to happen on 10/13, but I am suggesting that I wouldn't be surprised if something did. Let's just say there seem to be some dots that connect here.

While I was at work today, I realized that this Friday is Friday the 13th. This reminded me of the Knights Templar because, historically speaking, Friday the 13th was not a good day for them.

So, a brief background here for those who aren't familiar with the Knights Templar.

The Knights Templar got their start by providing security for Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land. Eventually, they developed a banking system so that the pilgrims could deposit their money before they departed for the pilgrimage, be issued a letter of credit, and then withdraw funds once they reached their destination. This eliminated the need to carry months of wealth on-hand for the journey, which made them a less attractive target for thieves. The Templars also started loaning money and would hold collateral to secure the loans. Well, as it turns out, the Knights Templar also made a lot of money by doing this...like a LOT of money. The Templar wealth began to impact the economies of the various governments. Long story short, one monarch got rather indebted to them, and to whom the Knights Templar would not forgive the debt nor extend further credit, so on Friday, October 13th, 1307, Philip IV of France raided the Paris Temple and rounded up Templars. The captured Templars were starved, sleep deprived, put on the rack; some were burnt at the stake.

So, in other words, a group of extremely wealthy international private bankers with ties to Freemasonry were rounded up, tortured and executed 716 years ago this Friday. (Hopefully, you can see the parallels here.)

Other Trivia: The Templars have ties to Freemasonry (for those unaware).

The cabal's high holiday is October 31st. 13 is the mirror of 31.

Did I mention this Friday, 10/13 is National Transfer Money to Your Son Day? Aren't we awaiting/anticipating the great wealth transfer known as Nesara/Gesara?

I don't usually get into Gematria, but for grins, I did plug some phrases in:

Possible Gematrias for 716 (Jewish only): [*716 = years since Philip IV moved against the Knights Templar, or 2023 - 1307] Trump and Qanon Curse Has Been Broken Time To Clean House Satan Has Nothing Left It's a Good Day

Possible Gematrias for "October Thirteenth" (745 Jewish/1230 English): (745) Boobytrap (745) Nineteenth President (745) Nobody Left Behind (1230) Davids Demolition Day (1230) Golden Era Coming Soon (1230) No One Is Above The Law

Possible Gematrias for "October Thirteen" (637 Jewish/1062 English): (637) Get Money (637) Epic Fresh Start (637) I Am Table Flipping Pissed (1062) Xrp Gold Standard (1062) A Level Playing Field (1062) Runs On Ripple (1062) Turning Point (1062) From Dark To Light (1062) Lets Finish This (1062) Bring Back The Real Usa (1062) China Invades Taiwan (1062) Trump Is Coming (1062) The Apple Of My Eye