high-valyrian 7 points ago +7 / -0

Great, great post anon! I totally agree with you, the framing in this article was highly suspicious because there's a lot of great gems in here like:

Miller told me that when Trump made him head of the Pentagon, in November, “the bar was pretty low.” He had three goals. “No military coup, no major war, and no troops in the street,”

This quote - super telling. Trump's three major military objectives. Note that the third one is "no troops in the street," which the Dems made Trump compromise on, Sun Tzu style, thanks to their use of Antifa.

Either Trump was shell-shocked, effectively abdicating his role as commander in chief, or he was deliberately stiff-arming some of his top officials because he was, in effect, siding with the insurrectionists and their cause of denying Biden’s victory.

Another great quote getting into POTUS's intent.

“If I was writing your headline,” he advised me, “it would be, ‘Who really is the secretary of defense? Chris Miller? Kash Patel? Ezra Cohen? Or [Chairman] Mark Milley?’ I don’t know how to answer that, frankly....."this trio, according to some observers, was made up of anti-deep-staters"

AKA, Trump's appointees are furthest thing from "deep state". We HAVE to stop allowing leftist shills goad us into believing Trump was "deep state all along." This is ridiculous and is pure projection.

“The idea was to put Kash in as the deputy, which doesn’t require Senate approval, and then to fire Gina the next day, leaving Kash in charge

Mike Lindell WAS RIGHT about Kash Patel being installed into the CIA.

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing Anon, how is watching diseases relevant to the great awakening/Q? Please review the rules for the forum:

-Keep posts related to topics Q has raised or that are current.

-HIGH EFFORT, HIGH-INFO posts only! Please respect other readers. Please use descriptive titles

Can you repost this with a better title, please? I absolutely think this site has some great research data.

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +3 / -1

Removing Dude - last and final warning. Post this stuff in the daily discussion thread. We are low to zero tolerance for these posts at this point. No more.

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing - Haha yes, anon, it is - mods are trying. However, posts like this only make the problem worse, because.. this post is against the rules and off topic. If you have feedback about the forum, please send us a modmail with your thoughts.

high-valyrian 4 points ago +4 / -0

I've had similar thoughts anon, just with the traffic we've seen moving to .win communities from FB, TW, Parler, Reddit, Voat, etc - and even the exodus of folks we've had come here from P.W/TD.W - it becomes plain to see and is understandable that people prefer to communicate using platforms whose values reflect their own.

high-valyrian [M] 3 points ago +3 / -0

Removing - anon, mods have made multiple announcements regarding posts about dooming. If you must post this, please use the daily discussion threads for these thoughts. We're a research forum, not social media site - we thank you for it.

by gamepwn
high-valyrian 3 points ago +3 / -0

One can only dream, fren

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing, this is a duplicate anon. Our rules ask that users check before posting to prevent reposts. Please post a comment on the existing thread unless there is something new to add -


high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing Anon, we don't know how else to be more clear - please use our daily discussion thread for these types of posts. It can be found on the top of the front page every single day. Thank you for understanding, your mod team

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing anon, we want this to stay a forum for Q research and the Great Awakening, not a Biden-Harris negativity sub. How is this related to the great awakening efforts? Read rules -

-Keep posts related to topics Q has raised or that are current.

-HIGH EFFORT, HIGH-INFO posts only! Please respect other readers. Please use descriptive titles

This is content better suited for patriots.win.

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing this, anon, this is a research forum, not a social media site. This type of thing is better shared as a comment on our daily discussion thread. feel free to repost there. Thank you for understanding

high-valyrian [M] 1 point ago +2 / -1

Removing this one - anon, this isn't a social media site, it's a research forum. this type of stuff is better shared as a comment in our daily discussion thread, feel free to repost there instead. Thanks for understanding.

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing - anon, how is the title of this post related to the news article you linked to? What in the world is a 'juan o savin' ? The article linked to is about Israel and the US government.


high-valyrian [M] 3 points ago +3 / -0

Source for this audio?

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing. What does this have to do with the great awakening or Q? We don't promote paytriots here anon.

high-valyrian [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Removing this, anon, this is a Q research forum, not a Biden-Harris negativity forum. Let's stay on topic and high quality :)

high-valyrian 2 points ago +2 / -0

they do! in order for you to show up as "anonymous," you would leave that Name box blank :)

high-valyrian 1 point ago +1 / -0

fyi, the threads were deleted by the person who posted them.

got too close.

high-valyrian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Shills always attack stickied threads because they're at the top of the front page. Stay strong, stay on mission, anon.

high-valyrian 2 points ago +2 / -0

definitely heard other people saying they had this problem too. i use protonmail and it's come in handy many times!

high-valyrian 3 points ago +3 / -0

Damn this is a great point anon. Gonna have to dig into this one.

high-valyrian [M] 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is not a legitimate Q post.

That's not a trip code. It isn't shimmering. It's someone who has typed "Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6" into the Name field and left the trip code BLANK.

high-valyrian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, this may be entirely unhelpful but I don't think there's anything wrong with you logging in with the same user/pass.

I'm also not sure why you'd be logged out, though.... so who knows. I do know that our particular .win site hasn't changed at all, so no worries there.

high-valyrian 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow, that's unbelievable BUT also completely believable :| Of course they copywrite strike Q, lol

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