yes since yesterday theres been many posts about it it's a big possibility since its their only hope
yea you quickly get used to it
it's a figure of speech fren, just trying to keep everyone energized! been seeing a bunch of dooming after farewell speech, there's no reason not to be excited right now, cant have quality posts if everyone's feeling like shit
Lou Dobbs is Based!
I'll come back to doom with you guys. Not being emotional at all but it's very likely over if that happens. Not counting on it happening though.
You can feel it in the air, very based mother in law indeed God bless
my eggs are all in this basket, every single one, nothing to do with believing Q or not, the fuck do i care how disappointed i get, its a lot worse than disappointment coming our way if this fails buddy, seems to me you're the one who doesnt know that which is why you're hedging your bet because youre too much of a pussy to accept the possibility that you might be disappointed even if it means ignoring all the facts that directly show that Q is 100% real. There's fucking books of Q proof, I've seen the proof with my own eyes you cant tell me Trump is not working with Q, if nothing happens it means Q failed not that it was a scam. If Q was a scam then Trump was a scam and we were fucked to begin with. And we will deal with that reality if we get there. If you'd rather go with pure feelings rather that hard facts that's your choice but go somewhere else with that shit we do not want it here.
aw u gonna cry? u wanna talk about your feelings? too much of a bitch to wait 12 hours to actually find out what happens?
No no one will say anything then you fucking moron, now get the fuck outta here
Who’s president right now faggot?
No one asked you. He said the same shit a week ago. Fuck off if youre so sure
Shut the fuck up
Hows that a fact bud?
Either the DS kills him after he’s sworn in or before he’s sworn in or he gets arrested for treason I’m sure someone let him know lol
For real this been on my mind the past 24 hours I really hope everyone is aware of this
Its very sad how ignorant and misinformed average people are
Because he’s not president elect fucktard
oh I doubt communists even question the narratives of today lol but I get your point they never question the 20th century official narrative
thats weird.. try turning off community styling in settings maybe?
who and what exactly are you referring to though
not with that attitude
no they're up 1-0 at 85min and Trump's got them by the balls and even if he loses he had a much tougher challenge and he did a hell of a better job waking people up worldwide than fucking Hitler.