deleted -5 points ago +1 / -6
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imausertoo 1 point ago +7 / -6

Yes. You are right. I am an employee of ADL. I want to take over the US and convert everyone into Judaism. Bow down before me!!!

In all seriousness...I treat people with the same respect they treat me. Many American Jews are cowards as well who never even fired a gun. if SHTF here they'd act like 1933 all over again and just cow tow to the insanity rather than fight it. I've learned not to trust people especially when they know my religion.

We all grow up in different environments and life experiences. Mine has colored me just like yours.

That doesn't mean I am OK with censoring. I want to see people who are antisemitic post openly so I can openly post my disdain for them and my zionist viewpoints. If someone is censored for their opinions, why not censor me as well? My opinions are probably more controversial anyway.

imausertoo -2 points ago +1 / -3

Wtf is up with your headline. Yeesh...

imausertoo -7 points ago +3 / -10

Nah. There's enough people who organically believe that crap.

Don't want to post any stories in fear of ever getting doxxed, but I've had my share of antisemitism that have negatively impacted my life in big ways.

Not to mention the shit my family went through. It's impossible to erase 2000+ years of superstition. Too embedded into culture.

imausertoo -2 points ago +3 / -5

People here seem reasonable at least...

Nice going to places that don't auto hate you for who you are...if that even has to be explained.

imausertoo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know either. Perhaps instructing us the people? Would be great if someone can explain.

imausertoo 1 point ago +6 / -5

You don't need an AI to spot antisemitic garbage online. Can do a quick 'Synagogue of Satan' search and find a ton of shit on Twitter, Reddit, etc.

Forget 4chan. That place is just a cesspool of internet dweebs who never even met a Jew before and think we are all satanic or whatever the fuck. You just get numb to it.

You never forgive it tho.

imausertoo -6 points ago +1 / -7


That's why I avoid many non mainstream spots online. I've tried to have reasonable conversations in the 'dark' spots of the internet. It doesn't work.

When people are so deluded into a conspiracy there's no amount of evidence I can ever provide to prove anything (not that I should even have to prove I'm not a cultist satanist just for having a difference in belief...).

There's so much of the nonsense online...it must be great sometimes to be one of those Ultra Orthodox folks who don't even have a smartphone or internet.

imausertoo 3 points ago +3 / -0

You know what I mean....most Americans are fairly comfy. So long as they can have the freedom to tweet whatever they want and cling to the hope of change in future elections, then the masses will keep being fat and happy.

Now when you start blacking out opinions, taking down people for their political opinions and activities...that's a line that upsets the apple cart.

imausertoo 6 points ago +6 / -0

Up until yesterday I thought of all this Q nonsense as fringe shit...but the level of censorship and just outright bullying over the past few days has opened my mind to it.

There's no reason to start banning things and create VERY OBVIOUS false flags if you already won. Doesn't add up. You'd think the best course of action is to just call the fringe crazy and move on with life. Get DC back to the old corrupt ways.

They're creating paths to make Trump a martyr at best. Why even risk making this a long term movement and make people desperate enough to potentially go to eat with you when you have all the power already?

imausertoo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Doubt it. Why specifically attack a telecom building?

It was either a foiled attack or one that will be enacted on in the future. Or the guy was legitimately a nutcase (which I sincerely doubt and is too convenient).

imausertoo 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well to be fair the Bills are a trendy team to root for (Allen in particular)

imausertoo 1 point ago +2 / -1

Don't know. I don't follow this stuff and I'm not good with cryptic puzzles. Since this is all very cryptic I'm guessing it's some alterior meaning or just 2 parenthesis and another for itself.

imausertoo -1 points ago +3 / -4


I only ever see it in cypitc antisemitic posts on YouTube, 4chan, forums, and even on TD (there's some legit neo Nazis on it but seems like they went away the past few weeks). This is legit the first time I've seen it where I can tell the intent is not.

imausertoo 1 point ago +1 / -0

Been to a Midwest airport over the weekend loaded with troops. Giant 747 from a government contracted transport carrier in an airport that doesn't get bigger aircraft than 737s and A320s from budget airlines. Lots of troops at the terminal waiting for pickup (and others dropped off). Thought at first it was due to the holidays but perhaps there's just a lot of movement in general.

imausertoo 2 points ago +9 / -7

Don't use parentheses like that. I don't think you used them with ill intent since it wouldn't make sense in the context you wrote it in. You probably don't know what it means.

Three brackets are used to signify something Jewish in a conspiratorial sense. It's used by antisemites all over the internet. It's supposed to be 'code' to appear as to not be antisemitic and get banned but any self aware Jew like myself is well aware of the lingo they use. As Sun Tzu says know your enemies better than themselves.

I see it all over the internet and it fucking boils my blood.

Just giving a heads up on what it means because I'm pretty sure you didn't mean that.

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