inquimous 9 points ago +10 / -1

Fire as a weapon of war is an ancient tactic. No need to get all complicated if the wind is right.

inquimous 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think the residents are correctly identifying the enemy as the government. So far the old adage "No need to ascribe malice to what can be explained by stupidity" can cover the bad decisions, but the old trust and reliance on gibs needs to completely lose its power before they can move on to "why are these people here and why are we letting them destroy our islands?" It isn't just Maui.

inquimous 2 points ago +2 / -0

That would be an expensive roof. I put a metal roof on my house because I researched roofs extensively--I wanted one that would outlast me. Yet it is hard to get them around here, they don't seem to be harder for the roofers but the roofing companies don't offer them because no one wants to pay.

inquimous 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a nice way to look at what has so often been used as an excuse to hate Jews, or at least not have any sympathy. Really.

inquimous 0 points ago +1 / -1

Most prophecies are only recognized in hindsight. Plenty of candidates for the AntiChrist too. Bible datefagging is pretty hopeless.

inquimous 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Western Wall bit that we see today wasn't even part of the Temple, but the outside wall around the whole complex. Guess the Romans were running out of places to throw stones. Between them and the later Muslims, who also filled in and built over the ruins of Jerusalem, they certainly created desolation. The Western Wall continues underground a long way under the "new" constructions. It took winning the 6 Days War for excavations under Jerusalem to be done, to figure out a lot of these changes and find lost sites like the Pool of Siloam and a surprising number of cisterns that apparently were for Temple use. Plenty of candidates for what exactly was the "abomination." To me it seems like it would be the destruction of the Temple and all that went with it, but maybe it was more metaphysical, like the way of violence.

inquimous 7 points ago +7 / -0

Very good, all the nuances of Barabbas that never got mentioned as I was growing up. May I add, to further the goat comparison, the two goats had to be perfect for sacrifice and equivalent in every way, so that they were chosen for their fate by random lot, not quality. And Barabbas' given name was Jesus; both of them Jesus, son of the father. Barabbas was most likely a Zealot, and so were the two "thieves" crucified with Jesus. Thieves wouldn't be worth the trouble of crucifying. They had been in a riot where someone was killed and it was all a lesson not to challenge the worldly power of Rome. In the future, after the Jews continued to choose violence and the Romans destroyed the Temple, Hadrian paved over the Temple Mount and built a temple to Zeus and Aphrodite over the Holy Sepulcher, which at that time was a known landmark--only a few hundred years later, all this was undone, the Romans had preserved that landmark for posterity by trying to desecrate it. God wins.

inquimous 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just bought it on abebooks.com for a total of $21.35 including tax and shipping. Amazon owns them too, and uses them for some rare books, but it is a clearing house or consortium of book dealers and a great source for off beat books like that.

by panamax
inquimous 1 point ago +1 / -0

All part of the plan.

inquimous 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's one historical data map site, which claims to be pretty independent, although it uses "government data," seems like an oxymoron. https://usafacts.org/

If you look at the year trend for wildfires it is more. But more interesting is to look at it state by state. My state is more randomly up and down as expected. This means others are pushing up the average. There are a lot of other interesting data.


PS Note this is "acres burned," not "total fires," so it says something about the firefighting as well as the fires.

inquimous 3 points ago +4 / -1

Forest fires tend to be in forests That's where the fuel is. No fires in the Sahara or on ice floes.

inquimous 2 points ago +2 / -0

The ring of buildings with the destroyed sections had a firebreak of parking lot around it. The two ends of the ring of buildings didn't burn, although the trees and bushes between the burned sides did. As if the hot wind blew sparks over the break, across the middle section, and set the buildings and bushes in that path on fire. Maybe the green space had sprinklers that had been running and made the ends cooler or damper? It looks rather greener and lusher in the "before" picture than some parts of Lahaina, which is on the dry side of the island.

inquimous 11 points ago +11 / -0

So, no Mexican food because it all has meat or cheese or sour cream or all of the above.

inquimous 3 points ago +3 / -0

It would still have to be something dire like that, but puts a new twist on who distributed them and how.

inquimous 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nor did Carter. They aren't part of the Cabal. Generally, ideas about the contents are what we think an enemy of the Cabal would say. What if it was the Cabal? What would they say?

inquimous 0 points ago +1 / -1

Some little towns have a dollar store that's a local franchise. Most tourist towns have mom and pop art galleries, or restaurants, or flower shops. In my neighborhood there are mom and pop llanteras, a birria stand, a carniceria that I went in once, a guy who goes around in a golf cart selling crunchy snacks. And anyone selling more useful stuff got it from Walmart.

inquimous 8 points ago +8 / -0

But how much hate did it engender? How much alternate reality is now an unshakeable fact? I predict that if all reported gravesites are excavated, out of twenty there may be actual bodies at some, a grain of truth that sprouted a hundred lies because people want to hate more than they want to exert themselves.

inquimous 1 point ago +1 / -0

Phoenix had a "neighborhood" plan some years ago. Then the mayor and council all became Democrats. Now it's tear down old neighborhoods, build apartments, stack 'em up, make them ride the light rail.

inquimous 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our city freeways all have buffer zones of gravel and tall concrete walls. Even tanker crashes don't go far. Recycling yards (and they are a necessary evil) have more dangerous fires. We've had 2 4-alarm fires in a week and a propane yard fire before that, they all affected their neighbors . There's a zoning issue that must be common in cities. Recycling requires acres of stacked up flammables. It also creates big areas which are now too toxic for anything else.

inquimous 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another dumb idea in the current reality. Don't get me wrong, I hate them. But 15 minute cities would require displacing about 200,000,000 people while all the places where they live and work and go to school and recreate are torn down, and the people are restacked in apartments with ground level malls and offices so that all the services one would need are within a mile. As long as all those selfish (/s) people insist on having yards and freedom to choose their services, they will need freeways, because they will be spread out.

inquimous 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pretty hard to burn down freeways. Maybe I just see that because I'm surrounded by stacks of them. If even a little section of one is closed, the traffic diversion affects the area around them for miles, including other freeways. Brings home, literally, what a seething mass of movement is constantly going on in a big city and how supplies are distributed, or not.

inquimous 3 points ago +3 / -0

Very good summary of how we got here. Relaxing zoning won't help many places though. For eighty years development has been planned around freeways, which became necessary because of bedroom communities, and they are the "rivers" creating "islands" in the cities. There won't be any easy way to make 15 minute cities with this infrastructure and the subsequent sorting of all hotels in one area, all junkyards in one area, all medical centers, etc. All the power station routing, all the water routing that supports those concentrations.

inquimous 2 points ago +2 / -0

That guy could be on Maui not as part of a plot but because no one on the mainland would have him, too well known for being inept. Or it could all be connected to 44, who skated enough in Hawaii, and part of some plot. Or, the two possibilities are not mutually exclusive. Losers tend to lose options about where they can work.

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