Wow that's crazy.
And how the dem govs murdered the elderly.
Smoke that hopium if you want. I don't like the guy. I don't know.
Nothing really. It's been a bug in my head for a while. With sheller in the brig and Durham in the news I thought I would bring it up.
Ivectermine face Lisa paige?
The double vs are interesting
i mean the small towns are turning gay
I certainly wouldn't characterize their capabilities as perfect.
The small towns are starting to change into fort Collins
telegram is not fun. like a link loop. cant watch
This man is my brother.
I only have windows because I game. I tried Linux so many times. Hell I ran it on my Dreamcast (ahead of it's time) it's been some time since I have used a GNU operating system. Maybe I'll give it a go again.
what about mountains? flat means something. and mountains are not that.
depends on whether its the peoples border or the governments border.
I agree on all counts. Bigly
i liked todd when he was a guest host.
army leadership is shit. aside from some stellar units the army is bloated with SJW city dwellers that can not function. some of the most retarded people in this country. and i know retarded people, i am a Marine.
8magine if he smirked near an indian
i share your concern. but i fear that that ship has sailed decades ago. i doubt there is any privacy for most everyday Americans. most of the online services we use spy on us WITH our consent. how many IOT devices are on your local network? how many of your neighbors have cloud monitored wifi security cameras? ISP provided routers? smart tvs and smart thermostats, amazon devices. bill gates computer operating systems.
perhaps spoiling the intel with random garbage is all we can do anymore.
I can't bring myself to defend this asshole. You say he misspoke one way. I say he misspoke another. We both know he is a satanic pedofile.
Link breaks right after I link it here. Smells fucky