jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's hardly anyone left on twitter, if you put a right wing comment now you get dozens of retweets cos there's hardly anyone speak straight anymore....

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

considering there were ice sheets 2 miles thick down to London and considering before that there we alligators in Sweden I would say the datum point is so wide that it's almost impossible to tell.

you want to measure 1mm of movement with a super sensitive mercury switch, on the decks of a container ship that's in 30ft seas in the roaring forties....

good luck with that.....

jojoQ1 -6 points ago +4 / -10

SHOW ME ONE THING THAT HAS BEEN ONE - SHOW ME - Don't tell me - don't' give stupid tips and clues and codes

SHOW ME ONE ARREST - Show me the indictments.

Not a clown circus impeachment trial - SHOW ME SOMETHING REAL.

I am completely 100% open minded but these next weeks are for results.

If the super bowl team is 50 points down 5 minutes before the end of the match - they gotta pull a rabbit out of the hat to win. Of that anyone can agree.

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I must say it's starting to look a lot like it and in that case it will be manufactured opposition to string you along with lots of hot air and nice talk..... complaining about how bad Biden/Harris are etc. etc. etc. blaa fkg blaa.

Same thing already happened in the UK with Farage.

It's 0% credible if they do this ZERO

They had 4 years to prosecute and go after all the spooks and swamp rats and they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !

You get some soldiers and some swat teams and you lock them up - simple as that.... the dirty games the other side are playing might be beaten with games, but ultimately if you have proofs and justifications you just goto town !

jojoQ1 5 points ago +5 / -0

yeah it's all hidden in Royal Families and Religions.

Vatican - what a great place to hide assets - who would question that.

Royal Family land titles and huge real estate.

I should think that Scientology and pbly the Mormons too are a Roth enterprise.

You set it up - and you control it.

jojoQ1 1 point ago +1 / -0

the best way to beat the clowns is to out do them with something so ridiculous no one can deny it.

jojoQ1 -10 points ago +10 / -20

So my neighbor is worshipping Satan, addicted to some strange drug and is eating babies.

I set up a webcam and bug his phone and i have everything on tape.

I know where the bodies are buried in his backyard.

So instead of prosecuting him for his crimes, I arrange a fender bender in the street outside his house - then when he sues me I can present the evidence.

This is the logic here.... it makes no sense at all.

jojoQ1 6 points ago +6 / -0

yes the UK has done full NK

it's insane the stuff coming out of the UK right now

10 years in jail if you enter to the UK and fail to disclose the other countries you've visited (due to covid risk).

the UK was always in danger of becoming a thug nazi state - you could see in London- one homeless guy shouting drunk at the pigeons, annoying but not really doing any harm.....

50 police would show up with several vans and a dozen cars and etc. and you'd look at it and think.... wow - there's $5M of hardware and $5,000 an hour in police to deal with hone drunk....

you could see in the summer, at the protests, the police with lines of 20-30 motorbikes - all lined up - insane money spending and where many police forces use Skodas or Ford cars etc. ah no - the British Police all have spanking BMWs.

jojoQ1 40 points ago +40 / -0

which is of course the entire point of the global warming scam -

oil and coal go flying up in price - who owns oil and coal ?

Rockefellers and Rothschilds....

jojoQ1 29 points ago +30 / -1

it's time to ban all words - in the best interests of equality

we can just communicate with grunts and howls like monkeys

if we go and live in the trees that will also help the climate crisis

jojoQ1 2 points ago +8 / -6

i am not really surprised

biden has nearly been in power for a month, his administration is rolling along making new laws and getting sh1t done.

most people operate on a SHOW ME don't tell me basis.

where is it ?

we're waiting....

if there is all this evidence - at one point with holding it makes Q, Trump etc. complicit or stoopid.... or both...

jojoQ1 0 points ago +2 / -2

if you goto Frankfurt Germany there are lots of junkies shooting heroin in the streets - just outside the European Central Bank headquarters

therefore the people that run the ECB are all hooked on smack ?

logical no ?

jojoQ1 1 point ago +1 / -0

that's about the size of it - but you forgot the hookers and the butt plugs ...

jojoQ1 31 points ago +33 / -2

man - wise up and stop posting BS

the missing persons reports are THE REPORTS filed in the year

after the drunk husband comes home, or little johnny who ran away for a day came back it's no longer a missing person any more is it !

if 450,000 kids were missing - that's nearly 1M parents - not to mention siblings, aunts and uncles etc that are missing their children out of let's say 200M parents in the US - don't you think you might be hearing a little something about that ?

jojoQ1 8 points ago +8 / -0

they don't need to be impeached they are not in office

many of the criminals have never been president so this is an utterly pointless strawman argument.

it doesn't even set a precedent because Trump only just left and the others left years and years ago....

there's nothing that gives them blanket immunity for heinous crimes after the fact - president or not !

jojoQ1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not a question of belief it is a question of what is right infront of your eyes !

"2 - Dems control al social and political discourse. Biden will do whatever he wants and there will never be any consequences. If this is what you believe then Durham will be fired and nobody will care."

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