justice_will_prevail 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Katie Groves stuff was new to me along with some of the rapper/musician stuff but after a few minutes I think the rant the brother did about "killing pedos" was a bit much... point made, move on. Unnecessary in my opinion. Agree with the NSFW recommendation.

justice_will_prevail 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sheesh... At least Raw News said "Q Researchers" however that story and NBC's is pure trash.

justice_will_prevail 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kun says it's fake: "The Red Cross Cash video is making the rounds, re-labeled as Chechen"




Anon asked "Does any anon recall, it seems the video is older than 2017/18, feel like I've seen it on /pol/ before then." I saw it but thought it was associated with a Q post.

by BQnita
justice_will_prevail 10 points ago +10 / -0

"opened peoples eyes to innovation..."???? That's a mighty weird way to say we lied our ass off.

justice_will_prevail 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glowies are "everywhere" or I'm a paranoid schizophrenic with surround sound speakers. (obscure song lyric from Jim's Big Ego) Da link: https://youtu.be/aC551c5upgI

justice_will_prevail 2 points ago +2 / -0

Public opinion may be the more that we need. That D'Souza 2000 Mules comes out "this spring", “‘True The Vote has spent the last several months since late last year collecting more than 27 terabytes of geospatial and temporal data—a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The data includes geofenced points of interest like ballot drop box locations, as well as UPS stores and select government, commercial, and non-governmental organization (NGO) facilities…From this we have thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona,’ True The Vote’s document says. “According to the data, each trafficker went to an average of 23 ballot drop boxes.”

That movie coming out (the book isn't slated to come out til October) should blow this thing to pieces.

justice_will_prevail 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently it's a pol reoccurring troll: "Reputation - "Sam Hyde Is The Shooter" Sam Hyde has been a target of smearing campaigns carried out by 4chan's anonymous trolls and critics of his comedy, prompting his name to be invoked as a possible suspect in a number of major gun violence incidents across the United States since 2015, including the shootings in San Bernardino, California, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Hesston, Kentucky, Minneapolis, Minnesota, the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the U.S. Naval base in San Diego, California, the U.S. Air Force base in San Antonio, Texas, among many others. In July 2016, Hyde was once again falsely attributed by several European news outlets[18] as a suspect in the shooting spree at a shopping mall in Munich, Germany, resulting in the largest spike in search queries of his name to date."


The Ghost of Kiev meme likely just another notch in 4Chan's belt.

justice_will_prevail 1 point ago +1 / -0

Comedian... the Ghost of Kiev meme. Didn't really follow along about all that though.

justice_will_prevail 1 point ago +1 / -0

9 out of 12 of those NY cops dead... do we know anything new?

Link: https://archive.ph/ADRS9

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