ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, I need to go back and get that again. I've forgotten. It is in Obadiah I believe. In order to understand though one must know that Edom or Esau is in modern Jewry. Jacob is made up of those who have been mostly Christians for the last almost 2000 years. They hear and follow Christ as Christ said. The bible defines its own terms. Sheep are Israel. The modern day Jews are not, and have never been, God's Israel people as proven by the bible, history and even Jewish writings.

ke4ke 2 points ago +2 / -0

Actually the scripture says the enemy of God would hold the old land in the end time. No one seems to remember the promise of a new land given to King David sitting on his throne in Jerusalem. There is another land now.

ke4ke 2 points ago +2 / -0

The modern day Jews are not, and have never been, God's Israel people as proven by the bible, history and even Jewish writings. As a people they are anti-Christ and enemies of God. By their own writings, 90% are of Khazar, Ashkenaz descent through Japheth. Esau is Edom, Genesis 36. "Edom is in modern Jewry", The Jewish Encyclopedia. 9% are of Edomite, Canaanite descent. These are the descendants of those who argued with Christ and saw to Christ's death. See what Christ told them in John 8. They admitted they were not Israelites. Blessing God's enemies brings punishment to us. 2 John 1:7, 9-11 and 2 Chronicles 19:2.

ke4ke 3 points ago +3 / -0

The modern day Jews are not, and have never been, God's Israel people as proven by the bible, history and even Jewish writings. As a people they are anti-Christ and enemies of God. By their own writings, 90% are of Khazar, Ashkenaz descent through Japheth. Esau is Edom, Genesis 36. "Edom is in modern Jewry", The Jewish Encyclopedia. 9% are of Edomite, Canaanite descent. These are the descendants of those who argued with Christ and saw to Christ's death. See what Christ told them in John 8. They admitted they were not Israelites. Blessing God's enemies brings punishment to us. 2 John 1:7, 9-11 and 2 Chronicles 19:2.

ke4ke 3 points ago +3 / -0

Already happened several years ago at Hormel, Spam, in Austin, MN. Police in Austin got sick, some permanently, having to deal with them.

ke4ke 4 points ago +4 / -0

The only problem is the biblical Passover is 4 April this year. The moon for setting dates is a corruption from Babylon.

ke4ke 1 point ago +2 / -1

The bible defines its own terms. The Called is true Israel. See Romans 8::28 and note "the called". The word church is "the called out". I haven't yet done the study on chosen. See 2 Chronicles 19:2 along with 2 John 1:7, 9-11. An example are the modern day Jews (who are not Israelites). They hate Christ, spit when they hear his name. Helping or even greeting them causes you to be included in their evil. The Latin word Gentiles should not be in scripture. The word is Nations and the who is based on context. Many times it is the Ten Tribes who were living in Europe at the time of Christ.

Grace can not exist without Law. Think about it. If the Law is done away so is the new covenant. See Hebrews 10:16.

The modern day Jews are not, and have never been, God's Israel people as proven by the bible, history and even Jewish writings. As a people they are anti-Christ and enemies of God. By their own writings, 90% are of Khazar, Ashkenaz descent through Japheth. Esau is Edom, Genesis 36. "Edom is in modern Jewry", The Jewish Encyclopedia. 9% are of Edomite, Canaanite descent. These are the descendants of those who argued with Christ and saw to Christ's death. See what Christ told them in John 8. They admitted they were not Israelites. Blessing God's enemies brings punishment to us. 2 John 1:7, 9-11 and 2 Chronicles 19:2.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

One more thing. I'm guessing your church has never taught the Greatest Love story in scripture. You can listen to it here, but I can provide a link to read it too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_nFTpuVeYQ

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

I get this a lot too. "I don't think God would do thus and thus. I don't care. I just look at what the scripture says. Hebrews is addressed to the Hebrews. James is addressed to the 12 Tribes. The whole bible is addressed to Israel. The fact that you are so concerned about others kind of proves you must be an Israelite. It is in our hearts to care for others. Grats.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Ammonites did not respect that when they took all the land from Moab. Israel then took the land from Ammorites and kept it. Moab was living elsewhere. Anyway you are correct. I decided a long time ago to go with scripture over church doctrine. Doesn't make me very popular when I tell people what the Greek actually says for a given verse. It is the world that is upside down not the Kingdom of God. Very few will have enough oil when the bridegroom returns. Same bride as before.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am not in a University. I read and study the Hebrew and Greek text. In the Hebrew and Greek there is unity of faith and doctrine.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is an interesting story on Ruth. The land of Moab was taken away from Moab by two kings of the Ammorites. Sihon king of Heshbon and by Og king of Bashan. Yahweh God gave the land they possessed to Israel. This land then became the home to the two and a half tribes of Israel. That is Gad, Reuben and the half tribe of Manasseh. The land retained its name, the Land of Moab, just like the land of Canaan. You will find the explanation for this in Deuteronomy 2:24 through 3:22. See also Numbers 21:26. It was about 250 years later that Ruth was born. She was born to parents who were of one of the three tribes of Israel who had opted for an inheritance on the East side of Jordan. She grew up knowing that she was from the land called the Land of Moab. Being separated from the rest of Israel she did not know she was an Israelite. The book of Jasher shows that the tribes East of Jordan had made a commitment to not forget their God or His Law. Through the times of the judges it is not really a surprise to find they did not remember. There is more. By the way, scripture says that in the end times, Israel would not know they are Israel. That is one of the over 100 prophecies and promises for true Israel.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

2nd response for fun. It could be that you enjoy this? It seems few Christians know about Logical Equivalent Statements called Contrapositives. God is the master of logic.

The two following statements are equivalent. They say exactly the same thing. However feelings seem to be more important than truth in today's churches.

Galatians 3:29 "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

"If ye be not Abraham's seed, or not heirs according to the promise, then ye are not Christ's."

Do you understand this? The new testament has many statements just like this where the true meaning has been lost from God's intended meaning to become politically correct.

We had a college professor who put 1 Timothy 3:12 on an exam. One had to write the logical equivalent statement. Very interesting.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand and it is pretty normal to be accused of this. We are not trying to figure it out to that degree. However we are looking because true Israel has some responsibilities! We are shown several times where the people made a point to exclude those who had no heritage. The amount of words taken in scripture just to show Christ's lineage is important. He had to be able to show kinship because of the Law of the Kinsman Redeemer. Redemption is only for Israel. I just don't talk about the others because that is all the churches talk about. I don't teach that others can't be saved. By the way, Ruth was an Israelite. It helps to know the history of the land of Moab. There were no Moabites living there at the time of Ruth. The land retained its name just as the land of Canaan. The land belonged to Israel at that time. Do you know about the Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage of God to Israel? You will find no 13th gate in Revelation labeled, "everyone else". What people do is to spiritualize the bible. They do this because they look at the bible and try to make it fit the world. The key to understanding God is to make the world fit the bible. Use bible word definitions. I have a list. Always watch for context. You can't believe what you have told me if context has been carefully observed. Isaiah 51:1-2. The modern day Jews are not God's Israel people.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

God also told us to look to our roots, our ancestors. People tend to go to that end. No, I am not saying that. You want to know if you are an Israelite? If you are, you have something no one else has. Hebrews 10:16. You can ignore it, but you can't get away from the knowledge of it.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is what they would like us all to believe, but the world is upside down. The Latin word Gentiles should be read as Nations. It does not mean "non-Jew", just simply Nations. The context determines the who. In Romans 2:14-15, 9:24-25, Ephesians 2:11 and a few others, the context demands that those "Gentiles" are descendants of the 10 Tribes who lost the right to be called Israel, but were promised to be reunited under one head, Christ. The modern day Jews are not, and have never been, God's Israel people as proven by the bible, history and even Jewish writings. The bible becomes a beautiful love story once those who are anti-Christ are removed to their proper role. Revelation 2:9. From Jacob to the end of Revelation, the book is about God's true Israel.

ke4ke 3 points ago +4 / -1

We all he isn't running things. It is an old battle of Esau wanting Jacob dead.

God chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Isaac chose Esau, but Esau despised his birthright. Esau gave his seed to forbidden people breaking God's Law. Isaac should have then given the blessing to Jacob. Rebekah and Jacob tricked Isaac to make sure the blessing went to Jacob. God renamed Jacob to Israel (Ruling with God). From this point on to the end of Revelation, the scripture is about God and Israel. God even married Israel as a people and is remarrying Israel today as they become Christians. Esau hates God. God hates Esau. Esau hates Jacob. Everything that is going on today has to do with Esau trying to destroy Jacob/Israel.

Esau is Edom, Genesis 36. "Edom is in modern Jewry", Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41.

Scripture says that Israel would not know who they were in the later days and that Israel would take the Gospel to the world while forming many Christian nations. All of this has happened.

Our job today is to help Israel remember who they are and that they need to obey God's Law. True physical Israel is today found as the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic, Scandinavian and related peoples.

ke4ke 3 points ago +3 / -0

Global whatever and poison drugs are for trying to get people to believe that God made a mistake

ke4ke 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the clarification. In the Hebrew and Greek there is unity of faith and doctrine. Christ taught the Law. There is no difference in love or intent between the old and new. Same God, same morals. The modern day Jews are not, and have never been, God's Israel people as proven by the bible, history and even Jewish writings.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is a misunderstanding. Notice Paul's use of verb tense, is not was. Romans 7:7 "What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet." The Law shows you what is sin. God has not destroyed His morals. Basically I think it was about control of a congregation. The preacher has total control. Here is Hebrews 4:9 the way it should have read in the English from the Greek text. ""There remains therefore a Sabbath to the people of God." If the Law is done away, there is no new covenant. Hebrews 10:16.

ke4ke -2 points ago +1 / -3

Actually their king invited representatives from Islam, Judaism and Christianity. They chose Judaism for strategic reasons. The problem is that many of them and the world think they are actual Israelites. They are practically worshiped.

ke4ke 5 points ago +8 / -3

The modern day Jews are not, and have never been, God's Israel people as proven by the bible, history and even Jewish writings.

As a people they are anti-Christ and enemies of God. By their own writings, 90% are of Khazar, Ashkenaz descent through Japheth. Esau is Edom, Genesis 36. "Edom is in modern Jewry", The Jewish Encyclopedia. 9% are of Edomite, Canaanite descent. These are the descendants of those who argued with Christ and saw to Christ's death. Jesus told them they were not counted as Abraham's children and their father is the devil. They admitted they were not Israelite's. Blessing God's enemies brings punishment to us and they know about Balaam.

ke4ke 1 point ago +1 / -0

In other words, behave like the Law of God written on our hearts and in our minds is telling us to behave. Hebrews 10:16

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