kekmemes -38 points ago +6 / -44

who cares about fucking videos. Videos mean shit if nothing is done.

kekmemes 6 points ago +6 / -0

they broke their oath fuck em. They need the military to be loyal to the DS orders and not to the people of this country so when they go all agenda 21 on America the military can ensure agenda 21 goes through.

kekmemes 1 point ago +3 / -2

they are not humanists lmfao. That is so wrong. Calls them humanists than later says they sacrifice people and says they want people wiped off the map. If they care about happiness they wouldn't cause so much misery. They are transhumanists that love ai and want to rule over us cause they think everybody not part of their club is subhuman/sheep. They (prob) do sacrifices to gain knowledge. I do think there is something to black magic where u can channel extra dimensional entities/ETs to gain knowledge (i have no proof of this though). I do think CERN also plays a part in this. The war is pro humans vs Slavers (want to treat every entity as a slave)

kekmemes 3 points ago +3 / -0

we should. Problem is we need to be unified

kekmemes 1 point ago +1 / -0

burning evidence? controlled explosives?

kekmemes 7 points ago +7 / -0

all they need is another false flag during the impeachment trial so the remaining republicans "change" their vote

kekmemes 7 points ago +7 / -0

tbh I don't trust the defense team to be smart. This case is so easy. Any of us here can present it and win. THEY LITERALLY HAVE BIDEN ON TAPE SAYING THEY CREATED THE MOST EXTENSIVE VOTER FRAUD ORGANIZATION IN THE HISTORY OF POLITICS.

kekmemes 6 points ago +6 / -0

they have no shame. They will find another excuse.

kekmemes 20 points ago +20 / -0

its gonna be rejected because of invalid signatures lmfao

kekmemes 3 points ago +3 / -0

According to known information and current events as of this post: Xi is not working with Trump. If Xi was working with Trump he would have never allowed covid to spread to America hurting Trump's re-election chances. Putin is not technically working with Trump but is very Russia first which hurts the Globalists as they want to subjugate Russia. Putin plays the game and puts Russia first even if the situation puts America last. TDLR: We should work with Russia more to counter the Globalists and get into situations where Russia doesn't feel the need to put America last in order to put Russia First. The last thing the globalist want is to have America and Russia be friends.

kekmemes 3 points ago +3 / -0

great meme Give this guy a pin.

kekmemes 14 points ago +14 / -0

remember this also means Trump's team can show video evidence. INCLUDING VOTER FRAUD. IT CAN BE EDITED IN ANYWAY JUST LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DID. HAVE PATIENCE PLZ.

kekmemes 4 points ago +4 / -0

yes i think. Also can enter any evidence.

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