killerbunny88 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah it really hasn't changed anything. Most workplaces, businesses, stores, and schools still require them.

killerbunny88 2 points ago +2 / -0

And everyone always forgets about Gen X lol I never here anyone talking about them lol

killerbunny88 14 points ago +15 / -1

The credit for this masterpiece goes to an incredible anon who gave me permission to post it! Enjoy!!! It's a work of art.

killerbunny88 15 points ago +15 / -0

I'm a millennial..... my generation is royally screwed up and I can't stand 90% of them. I still have hope for Gen Z!

killerbunny88 33 points ago +33 / -0

Gen Z is a lot more conservative than Millennials comparative to age. Most generations get more conservative as they age, but Gen Z is starting out far more conservative than Millennials were.

killerbunny88 1 point ago +1 / -0

They may have stopped putting it on there then. I saw it last Spring. Or maybe it depends what state you're in? Like how in California everything causes cancer

killerbunny88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Elderly lady was just arrested in Texas for not wearing a mask in a bank.... They charged her with trespassing.

killerbunny88 2 points ago +2 / -0

The gun stores in my area have signs that tell people not to wear a mask.... because IT'S A GUN STORE lol

killerbunny88 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup because only a teeny tiny percentage actually need any kind of hospital care. And if more doctors would use the therapeutic cures/prevention there would be even less! In one study I read about, use of HCQ and Zinc reduced hospitalizations to 0. Literally 0.

killerbunny88 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will come back as often as I can!

killerbunny88 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm currently reading in Genesis, too! It's my favorite book in the Bible.

killerbunny88 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you Slechta! Thanks for posting the thread. Glad it didn't get deleted. Cats is deleting most of the prayer threads. It's ridiculous.

killerbunny88 2 points ago +2 / -0


I thank you for today and for giving us the opportunity to join together in prayer. Lord, I want to ask for your assistance on GAW. Please place the right people in leadership positions and remove those that are creating division and hurting the overall purpose of this board. You know the full situation, Lord. I ask for you to step in and help us.

I ask for you to be with President Trump, his family, the Q team, and everyone who is loyal. Lord please protect them all, give them guidance, wisdom, strength, and the courage to do what is right. Lord please expose and destroy the evil that has been going on in secret. Bring it all to light. Please Lord, open the eyes and hearts of the American people and help them to accept the truth of what's actually going on. We ask You for justice. Please free this nation from Satan's stronghold over it. Destroy the Cabal once and for all so that we can be free. Lord, I ask you for a revival in this nation. I pray for the hearts of the American people to once again turn to You. Please do not allow this land to be destroyed. Bless this nation. Unroot this evil. Lord. We cannot do this on our own. We need You to go before us and grant us this victory.

Please give us patience as we wait on Your perfect timing. Give us faith and comfort as we watch this evil administration attempt to destroy this nation. Lord, this time is so difficult. Knowing so many children are being hurt and killed sickens us. Please Lord. Deliver us from evil. We love You and we thank You for all of the blessings You have bestowed upon us. We praise You and we love You, Lord. It's in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

killerbunny88 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is one possibility, but I think Abbott did it to save face. The legislation was about to end the mask mandates for him.

We haven't had lockdowns here since May. We were only locked down for a few weeks.

Of course the end of the mask mandate hasn't changed much. Most of the businesses around me are requiring them as are school districts. Many rural areas don't wear them at all and never had, so it really depends where you are in the state.

killerbunny88 5 points ago +5 / -0

And we already have therapeutics available that do the exact same thing, only better. These medications have gone through years of testing to make sure they are safe. And even in most cases these aren't even necessary. My sister and her whole family of 5 got COVID in November. It was like a bad cold/mild flu for them. The worst thing that happened is my sister lost her sense of smell/taste for a month. Heck my 95 year old grandmother got it and recovered without any problems.

And for those that DO have issues recovering, Zinc, HCQ, Ivermectic, and a few other drugs are shown to do wonders in lessening symptoms. In one study that I read, therapeutic treatments got hospitalizations down to zero. There is literally no need for these poison injections.

killerbunny88 14 points ago +14 / -0

But these aren't vaccines. From what I'm hearing they say you can both still get and pass on the virus even after the shot which is why you still have to wear a mask.

There is not enough money in the world to make me get this poison injection. I'll be dying with the DNA the good Lord gave me.

killerbunny88 9 points ago +9 / -0

Women in the military get pregnant all the time. From my understanding, they are generally given desk jobs for the course of their pregnancy. No big deal. There are lots of different jobs in the military.

It's the idea of heavily pregnant women needing flight suits that is concerning.... By that point, they should have an appropriate job until their pregnancy is over.

killerbunny88 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'm watching Little House on the Prairie right now. It's a sad reminder of how far TV has fallen. It teaches about strong families, working hard, God, etc. Little House was on from the mid 70's to the early 80's.

killerbunny88 5 points ago +6 / -1

Glad you're back. Cats is a tyrant and a bully. At least half this board can't stand him.

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