likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're right. Clearly, Mickey's right arm is missing an elbow, leaving two elbows for the left arm.

likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Artificial child porn already exists. It's called "Japanese Animation" or "Anime". Despite the existence of this product, there continues to be a strong demand for real CP. So, the proposed AI would not be necessary or beneficial.

Also, in general, AI-generated content will always be inferior to hand-drawn or real-life content.

likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Artificial child porn already exists. It's called "Japanese Animation" or "Anime". Despite the existence of this product, there continues to be a strong demand for real CP. So, the proposed AI would not be necessary or beneficial.

Also, in general, AI-generated content will always be inferior to hand-drawn or real-life content.

likesfruitcake 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is quite possible and quite likely. We both have limited information about the matter. I have a different interpretation, but I don't disagree with your interpretation.

likesfruitcake 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think perhaps that the Egyptian and Babylonian priest-bureaucrat cults merged at some point long ago. They both built pyramids. They seem similar. It is also possible that the Aztec pyramid human sacrifice cult merged with the Egyptian one much more recently.

War as a blood sacrament is common to all three.

likesfruitcake 2 points ago +2 / -0

Epstein island owl-idol temple

Ellen DeGeneres Egyptian blue and white stripe set dressing

Pyramid on the dollar

Observation that wealthy and influential people find it amusing to enjoy things that are not available to commoners

Observation that Judaism is available to commoners

Observation that wealthy and influential people operate under a consistent global code of laws (such as one dictated by a secret society) that is not related to the laws of their particular nations of residence

's what I got

likesfruitcake 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is an Egyptian pyramid on the dollar.

likesfruitcake 2 points ago +2 / -0

I prescribe 150 mg hopium hydroxide twice daily.

likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

So very many people fell for the brainwashing, including my former self. It doesn't take much brain-power to see through it. I agree that we in the peanut gallery very much share responsibility for the corruption that has been allowed to take place.

likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the swamp-draining will be much more quiet than we would prefer, with regards to the Egyptian-type priest-bureaucrats like Biden and Pelosi. I think that once enough blackmail material is collected for a particular mid-level priest-bureaucrat, they are given an offer to provide what intel they have and then resign. That's why so many in congress have announced they are not running for re-election, and why so many CEO's are resigning.

The top-level priest-bureacrats like Pelosi are being left in place while the lower-level thughs who actually collect the child sex slaves etc. are dealt with harshly and privately, so that the enemy generals can be negotiated with while the war proceeds. I expect that these generals will be removed using the electoral process during 2022 and 2024, so that there can be a smooth transition of power without disrupting social services.

likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps this Batman is an impostor.

likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Millennia is correct. The Swamp started with the caste of priest-bureaucrats in ancient Egypt. That's why they put a pyramid on the dollar in the 1930's.

likesfruitcake 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pictured: a mask that actually protects against covid

likesfruitcake 13 points ago +13 / -0

It's an international effort. The swamp is global. This shit-sheet has to be rolled up from bottom to top, simultaneously, all around the world, or the rot will infect everything again starting from any missed areas. The USA swamp is probably towards the top of the sheet, so we won't see regime change here for quite a while yet.

likesfruitcake 3 points ago +3 / -0

Behold the greatest mass-deprogramming operation of all time. And it's probably accidental. "Never interfere with your enemy when they are making a mistake," writ large.

likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want that too. But I don't make the big decisions.

We are watching a possibly accidental expert-tier mass-deprogramming operation. The left is "purity" spiralling, spinning off supporters as they continue to double down on their insanity instead of the correct option for them of strategic retreat.

The conservatives need to be angry in 2022 and 2024 so that a tidal wave of votes will overwhelm the left's vote tampering operation. We failed to vote in sufficient numbers in 2020. Disappointing. So the insanity will continue to gradually increase all the way through 2024.

likesfruitcake 2 points ago +2 / -0

They can't do mass arrests without triggering mass riots. But they can "convince" a bunch of people to resign.

likesfruitcake 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden has alzheimer's or something. He doesn't even know about the dog, and is incapable of bonding with any sort of living creature. A nurse asks him if he would prefer orange or lime jello with his meal twice a day. Meanwhile, the dog bonds with the caretaker every day while running happily around the White House lawn, which is preferable to the dog's prior existence as merchandise in a breeder's kennel.

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