I don’t think I can make a decision on what role he is playing in all of this.
For some reason out of nowhere that just popped into my head and I had forgotten he said it.
I do my best to save the ones that come up on here, but I wish we just had a vault of them that we could go to. I’m ready to start dispensing them left and right as things seem to really be cracking at the seams.
This shouldn’t come as huge surprise, but I’ve been checking Snapchat maps to get a better idea of the magnitude of this convoy and they’ve clearly taken down multiple and I mean multiple snaps from the time I went to bed last night to this morning.
Any input is greatly provided. I just feel like it’s a raw deal they’re making us unvaxxed test instead of just everyone. This is ostracism.
Surely he isn’t naive enough to not understand the detrimental effects of the shot right? This vaccine was developed years in advance correct? Is it possible he is trying to take the credit and fall for the vaccine failure so the MSM will stop pushing it? Thoughts?