mahcaw 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your problem is you assume that people around you are all acting in good faith, and you are seemingly blind to the incredible political and monetary corruption that is warping the reality away from anything that could be considered credible. It is so dangerous and youd better wake up to the reality soon.

No, I am fully aware of the corruption by Big Pharma and the blatant corruption in politics. It's been that way for decades. However, there are certain times when humans use medical technology to survive as a collective, and this is one of those times. Whether it's the invention of insulin shots for diabetics or vaccines against another virus. Also this was an international effort, our economy was getting fucked by the pandemic, and pharma companies leapt at the opportunity to create a vaccine. The only reason you hear about Pfizer/Moderna/J&J is because they were the first successful companies to do it.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm going to recommend this Pew Research quiz to better understand your own political ideology: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/quiz/political-typology/

I think it will help answer your questions.

mahcaw 1 point ago +2 / -1

So...if you don't trust your doctor over your own medical knowledge, why did you go to the doctor?

mahcaw 0 points ago +1 / -1

All online spaces can be open to manipulation. Reddit, this board, random boards and chat rooms everywhere. So I stay wary of all sources.

mahcaw -2 points ago +2 / -4

Q multiple times ditched phones because he was being tracked BY THE FUCKING ROTHSCHILDS

This is what I mean by manipulation. "Ditched phones because he was being tracked by the Rothchilds" sounds like some cool spy movie shit, and I think he was just weaving his followers along.

Also, if you knew you were being tracked, you wouldn't post online.

mahcaw -3 points ago +2 / -5

Right, but the writing was on the wall, the political climate was tense during this time. The "stop the steal" movement was being pushed and all the reactionary media that led up to Jan. 6th.

mahcaw -4 points ago +3 / -7

/u/ARandomOgre would be the best at answering this.

I think after January 6th happened and the FBI started knocking on doors, whoever was controlling the Q account realized it was too dangerous to continue posting.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

I find this board interesting, that doesn't mean I have to believe or care about any of it.

mahcaw 0 points ago +1 / -1

I hear you. I guess my point is that he can both love this country and also want to retire. At 75yrs old, I think most people would want to spend their time with family or just enjoying life in general.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

Also, unemployment benefits ended in September. So it's definitely workers choosing not to return to low-paying jobs.

mahcaw 1 point ago +5 / -4

There's a huge movement of people that are refusing to return to low-income jobs because the pandemic made them realize that they were being exploited by their employers. This is why workers have been asking for better pay and why unionization efforts have been so strong this year.

mahcaw 1 point ago +3 / -2

Trump would not lead us this far to throw it all away.

Yes he would, and I think other people would too. People change their minds all the time. He's not your parent or some supernatural figure. He's just a human being with his own needs and problems like everyone else.

mahcaw 0 points ago +1 / -1

What possible excuse could the CDC have for making the guidelines (that hospitals have to follow to get federal funding) that unvaccinated get tested with the absurd and unscientific 40 cycles, while vaccinated get tested with the drastically lower 25 cycles.

As I said before, have you considered looking into what the explanation is? The fact that you're acting solely on that one assumption is what doesn't make sense. There could be a legitimate explanation for the cycle differences, and I would ask a epidemiologist or someone in the field, instead of whatever the Weinsteins think. It seems far less likely that the Weinsteins suddenly discredited the thousands of scientists/doctors that worked on the vaccines by making a random assumption.

mahcaw -3 points ago +1 / -4

It's actually up to the business to decide. Just because a state doesn't have mandates, doesn't mean an employer can't have their own required business policies. It's the same reason why a bar owner can hire a bouncer to keep out angry drunks, and the angry drunks can't just sue the bar. In your husband's case, the bouncer is his employer's policies.

mahcaw -2 points ago +1 / -3

I dont care who said it, I care if its true.

And this is the reason WHY you should care about who said it. If you had a cancerous tumor, would you ask your barber for medical advice or an oncologist? That's the difference. It's the same as trusting the Weinsteins for medical advice over trusting actual epidemiologists.

mahcaw -1 points ago +1 / -2

What possible excuse could the CDC have for making the guidelines (that hospitals have to follow to get federal funding) that unvaccinated get tested with the absurd and unscientific 40 cycles, while vaccinated get tested with the drastically lower 25 cycles.

I mean, have you considered looking into it more? Like here for example.

I'm not trying to change your mind, but two biology teachers with an obvious bias do not seem as credible as the thousands of epidemiologist and virologists that are actually in the field.

mahcaw 0 points ago +1 / -1

Maybe where you live, they advertise it that way.

But a simple search will show you: https://www.doh.wa.gov/Emergencies/COVID19/VaccineInformation/HowVaccinesWork

"MRNA vaccines teach your cells to produce a harmless piece of the coronavirus spike protein that then triggers an immune response to build antibodies."

It's basically just creating a line defense for your body (antibodies), not removing anything.

mahcaw 0 points ago +1 / -1

a product that removes immune response

Please show me your source for this, this is the most hilarious thing I have read today.

mahcaw 0 points ago +1 / -1

But go and take your shots and booster. Very normal with vaccines you need to take booster every 3 months, nothing suspicious at all. Go get boosted please, for all our sakes.

It's actually every 6-8 months here. Vaccines and boosters have existed since the 1800's. You're just choosing to ignore all of medical history, because that's easier than just saying "oh whoops, I made a mistake."

But go ahead and don't trust any medical science. And if you get sick, don't go to the hospital, because if you can't trust medical science why would trust a hospital? Why trust medicine? Everything is just what you want to believe, reality is not objective at all.

mahcaw 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean the .08%? Yeah I'll take those odds.

Because 98 to 99% are unvaccinated and dying.

And if the math was the opposite, I would probably have your belief. But the statistics are undeniable, and being reported by every state health clinic.

mahcaw 1 point ago +1 / -0

everyone I work with who has been vaxxed are non stop coughing and taking sick days here and there, but nothing mayor so far.

The vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting Covid like a force field, but it prevents you from being hospitalized from it, and causes it to feel like a mild cold instead. I'd rather have a light cough for a few days than be hospitalized, but that's just me.

mahcaw 0 points ago +1 / -1

Excluding myself, most people on GW are going to say not to trust the Covid vaccine.

Here's an anecdotal sample size from my area: I had to get vaccinated for work (January), so did my entire department (100+ people), and my family, girlfriend, and her family.

If just 1% of people from those 100+ were harmed then at least 1 person in that group would have been harmed.

Everyone is totally fine.

mahcaw 2 points ago +4 / -2

I don't mind people theorizing over cryptic messages, but when you take direct language and distort it to fit your opinion you undermine your own ability to theorize over cryptic messages.

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