I’m in some Facebook groups where you have the choice to post anonymously. People will refer to the OP as anon all the time and they’re not Q people. At least I don’t think. Shit maybe they are. That’d be cool.
Add also their lack of electronics, EMF, cell phones etc.
I love Fr Jim Blount!! I feel he’ll be a canonized saint someday.
He’s kinda right though, there isn’t any real evidence Hollywood uses adrenochrome. Aside from Fear and Loathing mentioning it, which was actually gonzo writer Hunter S Thompson, I don’t know if I’ve seen hard evidence of it. I suspect they do since they support evil, but until there’s a bust or some other type of concrete evidence of it we can’t prove it. It’s been years since I went down the adrenochrome rabbit hole so maybe there is more than I remember.
My husband is sort of a normie. He’s been told things by me, is mostly awake, just still only listens to Radio Conservatives for his info. So he’s in the know about a lot of news but not fully understanding the scope of the 5th Gen war we’re in. He saw it with me on the 4th and couldn’t shake the film the whole 50 min drive home. Cried the whole movie too, and he didn’t even cry when his dad died until months later.
My sister also is conservative but not awake to a lot. She went today with my boomer parents so I’ll see tomorrow how she handled it.
I’m related to one too. Perhaps they’d be proud of their lineage for still being patriots.
My dog is impervious. Husband shoots off his AR and the dog doesn’t even flinch. Last thunderstorm I opened up the door to check it out and he came running out to see what’s up, ready to defend. We live in the country so we don’t piss off the neighbors unless there’s tannerite involved.
I don’t care for his abortion stance either.
Did you have a parent you didn’t want to disappoint? Like if you disrespected them you felt super shameful and terrible for how you acted or how you disobeyed them? That’s the kind of fear Christians are talking about. You fear Him in the way you don’t want to offend Him or disappoint him because you respect Him so. You recognize his love for you and whenever you hurt him, you fear how he will feel, and you feel sorrow for how he will always forgive you even when you think you don’t deserve it.
I’ve noticed the ratio on Biden or White House tweets is crazy. Reminds me of when the bots were in charge and you’d look at a Trump tweet and think his approval was dismal and everyone was asleep. It’s the opposite now, people seem well aware of what’s going on.
Unfortunately I still know quite a few retards in real life so it makes me think the opposite and I tend to doom.
Great analysis. Watching Gaetz seemed like he was playing a role, to me. I couldn’t figure out what that role was until now. Thank you for your perspective!
Is it just me or did it seem like acting? Like faux outrage to make the enemy think Durham is incompetent.
Or a comm. Isn’t the sub visiting the Titanic wreckage? The Titanic was sunk to kill those who opposed the fed. So more billionaires die at the Titanic? No idea what it’s a comm about, just a thought I had floating around. Coincidence most likely.
You got a list of beers you suggest? My husband drinks a lot beer and his daily, after work, easy drink is now Old Style. Used to be Busch lite. (We’re rural Midwest so if you’re from here you’d get it) Then he drinks craft beers on the weekend. I like to drink Trappist monk beer on Sundays myself. Feels good knowing holy men brewed what I’m drinking.
Oh they’re the masters of lies. But when a priest is in exorcism, they have Christ at their shoulder and He commands them to tell the truth and that is when they reveal truths. The priest can do nothing without Christ’s authority. Demons hate God but they respect his jurisdiction and follow his rules and laws strictly.
Fr Ripperger is an exorcist priest. He encounters these demons in possession, knowing them first hand. He also studied the saints who experienced messages from God explaining spiritual warfare. He quotes St Thomas Acquinas quite often.
God is working through His people He selected for such a time as this!
I know I’m not a homophobe. Such a stupid term. I’m not afraid of gays, maybe a little if they seem like they want to diddle my kid. Or like they have some sort of demon in them. But even then I’m not afraid, because I have Christ on my side and they should fear me if they want to touch my kid.
Yeah I feel this. My BIL is gay, he came out really late in life and I knew before my husband knew. He moved to Seattle and met someone and unfortunately I get the creeps by him, the significant other. My BIL seems harmless and I adore him really. but I don’t trust his partner, especially around my son. The way he talks to my 4 yr old is soo weird, like not a normal person, way too gay and creepy. I never used to be this way, I was best friends with a self proclaimed fag hag. I hung out with lots of gay dudes. Now I’m so grossed out by most of them. Idk if it’s because my husband is so manly and they’re so feminine, it shocks me more? I guess I’m a homophobe now.
Can you take NAC when breastfeeding, anyone know?
These are my favorite rabbit holes lately. It merges my GAW understanding and my spiritual journey together. The exorcist priests also speak of the demons knowing their time is coming to end. It’s only a matter of time before God lays the hammer down. He only allows so much evil before He executes Justice.
I took a course once on Copywriting. Every sales tactic was to entice the 7 deadly sins. Vanity, gluttony, lust, etc. Made my stomach turn thinking to use my writing to make people buy things to make them happy and to entice sin, when really what they needed was God. I wasn’t super religious at the time but I didn’t pursue the career.
Same. And I also get three letter agency vibes from Anonymous.
Oh no, I’m seeing lots of people trying to say Ballard is cia and his OUR is just a front for more sex trafficking. Some Clinton donor also funded SoF. Also they dug up old photos of Caviezel doing some illuminati stuff, but most is like shadows across his face. I saw one dude on a viral TikTok try and say that there’s a real life pedo who was arrested in 2010 or something named Tim Ballard and his face fits perfectly over Ballard’s, he’s trying to say they’re the same person. It’s wild out there. I’m happy to not see it here. Saw it once and they got shut down fast because they got their info from Anonfamous