I’m not talking about the world, I’m referring the two fu*ing vipers on his staff and entire buildings modeled after serpents and snakes fkn everywhere. Did you open the image I sent you? The Pope built that in the 60’s, do you think he was high or just really liked snakes? Wtf does so many serpents have to do with the Catholic Church? Stop being ignorant on the topic, how is a secret society doing God’s work and wtf is up with the child molesters from the Vatican?
Ever seen the little box the priests would wear on their foreheads? And what’s their obsession with the number 6? I know plenty of the bible, I probably read it more than you did. How do you think I know the word rapture doesn’t exist in the bible. That’s also how I know Jerusalem was never a Jewish homeland until Israel was created in 1947 with the Belfour declaration. Not the belfour part only the Jerusalem part. Judea was always a landless nation even when they were in moving through Babylon.
If I’m not mistaken the book of Enoch was notarised by Noah himself and compiled from of various of his writings by someone who I can’t remember right now but they also compiled the bible at the same time. So you’d believe that is fake but nothing after that is corruptible?
Marriage is an oath, right? What does an arch have to do with weddings, beats me? I’m not saying people shouldn’t have traditions, I’m implying that the world has been so corrupted that we don’t know what oaths we’re taking anymore.
6th period? Creation of man? I can’t conclude that we’re in the sixth or seventh phase from the quoted passage and I don’t know how you did either. The passage says God Did rest on the seventh, as in past tense. What do the seventh day Adventist’s have to say about this?😅 The Quran is a spin-off of the Jewish skriptures similar to the Old Testament, Enoch was the grandfather of Noah the forefather of Abraham, the bible refers to this a few times, why was the book of Enoch removed? When did God say to not change his word or was there a time delay on when the law goes into effect? Who chooses/chose what God said in his word?
Okay, so which version of The book are you reading? Do you know how it was compiled and the year it was compiled in? Most Christians will talk about a rapture but the word rapture is never used in the bible. Does your bible tell you the story of Solomon’s ring and his pagan temples and wives? There’s a lot I don’t know, but I know that the modern bible isn’t telling the full story, by who’s edit?
Smart men would know better as to not let Marxist ideologies take a hold in the first place. Not seek a brotherhood with people other than their families. So say there’s millions of lodges and various brotherhoods, (you’re making a mistake if you’re under the impression that women or black men can’t be Freemasons or take part in lodge activities. it’s a common mistake) between all these brothers in secrecy, how does the left hand know what the right hand is doing? Only the top of the pyramid knows what’s happening below. Why infiltrate religions, schools and governments in secret if not for implementation of authoritarian influence over all aspects of life and culture, the person that thinks that a noble thing should go and pat themselves on the back in a country with a communist dictatorship, oh wait they’re already there patting alongside the oligarchs who own everything as Gods People serves them via every form of enslavement fathomable. No dude, freemasonry is evil AF. I assume we’re on the same page as to the origins of freemasonry and Solomon’s temple?
I’ve never heard that about the bible. Maybe the Quran and maybe to some degree the Old Testament of the Christian bible. My standing on the bible is that it’s obviously been modified and altered over the centuries. For example the book of Enoch and the controversy with the first king James version. Honestly I trust the deadsea scrolls more if they’d ever decide to complete the translations. It’s 10 000 years older than the bible and it’s Geniuses tells a remarkably similar story. For example, instead of seven days of creation it’s seven phases. If you put it in terms of phases then the sequence of events makes obvious sense in terms of what factors would need to be in place for sustainable life and it fits what we know of our planets history.
Marriage? Apparently it’s illegal to not get married under an arch or a roof, go figure... I get what you’re saying though. How do you feel about birth certificates and why your name is in all caps, registered similar to a business asset.
My mistake, not devouring, Divining. I confuse it because of the related symbolisms such as the alpharomeo crest. Divining Serpent, what is the Vatican’s obsession with serpents about? For example (https://www.traditioninaction.org/RevolutionPhotos/A752-Snake.htm) and Have you ever heard of the Black Pope? And I’m not talking about Desmond Tutu.
So I take it you’ve confirmed the burnt sacrifice meaning of holocaust. There’s been no use of the word since the fall of Rome (SPQR) up until 1976 when a Jewish author and playwright used the dramatised word in a Broadway play on the plight of the Jew. Remember that time when Matt Daemon played Loki?
I know you’re not allowed to say if you are so nod your head if you’re a freemason. If so then I can adapt my argument to prove my point faster. You might not be allowed to talk about it but it’s not going to stop me. Correct me if I’m misunderstanding what you meant by this. Are you saying if it wasn’t for freemasonry God’s will would not be fulfilled? Through a secret society? What exactly happened to the “free will” part of your bible? And how is using music artist to sing about their WAPs supposed to do Gods work?
I grew up around freemasonry, I know for a fact that it’s involved everywhere from York Rite Christianity throughout Judea and even in Islam, freemasonry isn’t a society of a single religion and it’s even in Chinese state religion. Paganism has almost has a bigger influence in freemasonry than judea has. The entire concept of a secret society running the world from the shadows is evil in of itself. There is no way you’d be able to convince me that they aren’t evil. I know most of them don’t think they are but obviously they know nothing until they’ve reached the 33 degree, then it’s too late.
In response to the questions segment. As I’m digesting the information thus far I think Adolf never intended to save the world, I think he merely wanted to expose the cabal and have the world choose for itself, thus the Berlin Olympic Games of 1936 was to be a showcase of what the German people had achieved in half a decade of using its system of public participation in policies.
Switzerland has been a neutral country since before WW1, hasn’t it? In order for this conversation to be productive you’ll have to argue in good faith in not assuming Germany’s occupations had the intent of world domination. Mussolini had audiences with the Pope in Rome, yes the fascist could have wiped the smallest country that is the Vatican from existence but he didn’t. Why? Getting back to the original question, yes Adolf did publicly criticise the underhanded systems of the banking oligarchies in Switzerland. If your follow up question is why did he occupy France, the answer is that strategically it was a Marxist neighbor with ill intent for Germany, the ‘enemy’ tyrant government would have used France as a landing pad for a global attack on Europe. When Adolf ‘occupied’ France WW2 was about to break out and Churchill had already started bombing German cities. Adolf basically begged for international peace for years before the war broke out. Up until his speech in 1940 titled a Last appeal to reason. Why would someone who wants take over the world beg for peace before changing from defence to offence? Earlier you claimed 27 million deaths on his ledger, at what part of the war was this supposedly? The reason I ask is because if I recall correctly Stalin confirmably slaughtered at least twice as many Ukrainian farmers, Christians in gulags and Russians in general. This was far before Adolf was even Elected to power. Why did Churchill and Roosevelt team up with Stalin again? I must have missed that part in history class. I can’t remember any sanctions against the USSR before and after both wars.
The reason no one did anything when Germany occupied Poland is because most of the educated world thought that it was a justified move against communism and Marxist ideologies (we’re labled as Fascists because we fight their Marxist ideologies) In 1938 East Germans were being massacred in their homes by Marxist movements such as the AntiFa and BLM groups we see today, Germany occupied Eastern European countries in defence of the German people who lived on land that Use to be German land. That’s why I keep asking about 1938 Poland.
Hitler didn’t have the control over the NSDAP as we are lead to believe. Himmler was not a fan of Adolf and he did harbour a hatred towards Jewish people. A lot happened behind Adolf and the German people’s backs. Germany was never funded by anyone other that the German people and their allies. Germany was systematically being boycotted and suctioned in the global economy, Germans ejected the gold backed Roth* banks and created an entirely new financial system where credit was outlawed. Germany had to do with the limited resources they could muster So they had to invented revolutionary industry such as the first 50ton rated hydrolic press that stamped out most of the Luftwaffe's airplanes. Banks wanted to destroy Germany for showing the world what can be done without a debt system. The only people they were financing were their own chronies like Churchill. The American national treasure that is Henry Ford wrote about this, Adolf even credits Henrys work as an inspiration. There’s a reason Adolf was Man Of The Year in 1938, he already had the popular vote and the admiration from across the world.
Freemasonry, how old do you think it might be? they undermined Adolf around every corner. People think Adolf was an atheist but he was Christian and had a Christian wedding, his in-house doctor was a practicing Jew. I can’t argue every Germans argument but I can give explanation to a specific instance such as something in the Nuremberg trails or the “ Final solution “ documents. Clarify this point a little more please.
The Germans were the only to ever arrested a Rothschild. The fact that they didn’t hang him is testament to the fact that Adolf wanted to de-escalate the political tensions.Remember that Judea declared war against Germany in 1932, why did they do that so early?
There’s no German document that has the word holocaust in it, not one. Himmler has a couple of instances where he talks about liquidation of Jews and none of those documents were ever presented to Adolf. The “final solution” was drafted years before the war as a solution to the Treaty of Versailles, there was no mention of genocide or gas chambers yet they revolve the entire argument around this document that no one ever reads. If Americans were so desperate to save lives from concentration camps the why didn’t they start with the Japanese internment camps they had all over America? Back then America still had Jim Crow laws. Rumours of gas chambers only started circulation after the war.
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