nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

But, it's also part of pushing us to the precipice... the good guys are letting this play out... right?

nobilisbellum 3 points ago +3 / -0

I posted a week ago that Dems will "win" both Senate and House by the skin of their teeth. No way in hell Nancy is giving up In for a penny, in for a pound. The only way it doesn't happen is if patriots Stop it... but it's not going to be by just waiting to see the results. They have been dragging the whole thing out across the country so they know which seats they need to steal in Cali or wherever... It's so fucking transparent and obvious.

nobilisbellum 4 points ago +4 / -0

Every company, manager, director, C level exec, and Board Member who was involved in the decisions to mandate should pay the price.

nobilisbellum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know it feels that way most days. But here is the reality.

If there was truly no hope for success through constitutional means and a CW or R were required to save the Republic, there would be a patriotic group of ex or current Mil would step forward. They would have the right network, name recognition, charisma, and moral character to take the lead and make a move that everybody will understand and recognize as the time to take action (if ever needed).

If a random, Tom, Dick or Sally get together and plan direct action on their own before that comes, they will be unlikely to spark a movement, labeled as militia, domestic extremists, and/or terrorists (by the leftist Glowies that are already watching them), provide a propaganda coup to that same left and, ultimately, they will end up in prison or worse.

A perfect example is Jan 6. There was no leaders pushing those actions. However, if President Trump felt it was necessary and had wanted to stage a coup at that point, he could have succeeded. It would have been planned and involved real operators and Mil, not Antifa working with a bunch of panzy feds. The whole thing would have been over in hours.

So, rather than a missed opportunity, I and I think most of us in here (except the glowies) believe we still have legal constitutional methods to save our country.. and when we don't, there will be an unmistakable message that it's time to change course.

nobilisbellum 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think most of us would be waiting for those we consider leaders to make a move.. Unless you are happy rotting in a DC prison being mostly forgotten about by everybody but your family and the occasional podcast host or radio personality.

nobilisbellum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looking for the silver lining... at least we should see a big surge in sealed indictments after this election, yeah? It's been a while since I followed that. Are we still watching those numbers grow every month? Just curious. GAW is more of a news site for the red pilled than the hard core Q boards back in the days that were all about the Q drops, Q Clocks, wild theories, and sharing analysis from 4chan / 8kun....

nobilisbellum 4 points ago +5 / -1

Did somebody say they were turning on the television for an update?

nobilisbellum 5 points ago +5 / -0

There is a part of me that accepts this as part of the plan.... If you want to wake people up, you keep fucking them over again and again... Everybody and I mean everybody was on the Red Wave bandwagon... what is worse than losing... expecting to win BIG and then losing.... that SHOULD get more people to open their eyes and wonder WTF is going on....

nobilisbellum 5 points ago +5 / -0

before I wreck myself... too late. :)

nobilisbellum 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah.... I've been on this train since before we got kicked off Reddit. Damn, I can't even remember all the names of sites we've moved to and from... It feels like a lifetime of patience. But, I'm not going to go out and start a revolution so, patience is about all I got.

nobilisbellum 9 points ago +9 / -0

and this is not dooming... just frustration at what is clearly happening in front of all our eyes. and anxious for some justice to start getting delivered.

nobilisbellum 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep. There is no way that all those polls and sentiment were wrong.... or that they were right and all the R's stayed home... no fucking way. I can only hope this wakes up at least more Indy's and R's. Dems will be creaming their pants....

And hope that we have all the evidence needed to hang a shitload of traitors some day...

nobilisbellum 4 points ago +4 / -0

oh, and I didn't even know the already called Nevada for Dems. Now they don't have to cheat in the Georgia runoff.

nobilisbellum 9 points ago +9 / -0

They are waiting to see if they need to tip the balance to Dems for House. The Dems fully intend to keep the House one way or another.

nobilisbellum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just wait till they both go Dem. Think they wonโ€™t do it? We will see. I hope they do as that will trigger another 10% of the people to wake up.

nobilisbellum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let's see how people react when they call the Senate and House for the Dems. I can't imagine people don't freak out.

nobilisbellum 3 points ago +3 / -0

Possible Theory: Bad guys juiced it because they want Ron to look SOOOOOO good to create more of a chance that he runs for President vs Trump... they learned from 2020 and have spread their cheating out all over the place... There is no fucking way so many people are out voting blue to stop what everybody knew was coming. No fucking way.

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe they do, but they really don't understand how much they underestimate the power of the genie in that bottle.

When dealing with a bully, you can try to avoid it and deal with it following the rules for a while... eventually, you are going to have to beat their ass.

nobilisbellum 2 points ago +2 / -0

These MFers are playing with an armed nuke. If the French Revolution was bad for the Bourgoisie, the resulting event if these bastards pull the same shit they did in 2020 on a large scale would be oh so much worse for the so called elites and ruling class...

nobilisbellum 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm... The 35% who said they got the shot and would do it again... that number will continue to decline as they "die suddenly" and watch others doing the same.

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