nopinkofuckheads 0 points ago +1 / -1

if you follow Jeff Prather, the first things he says is, planning is invaluable but plans go to hell within 5 minutes after implementation.

Plans don't mean shit, planning does. Nothing goes as expected.

nopinkofuckheads 1 point ago +1 / -0

He has a backup. And another backup. Look for him elsewhere. He got 80k followers almost overnight.

I like his info but the Nasara/ monetary system and the us corporation expiring make no sense to me.

nopinkofuckheads 5 points ago +7 / -2

It’s all the fat gross nurses, they dream of getting groped by Biden

nopinkofuckheads 11 points ago +11 / -0

It’s amazing watching them throw darts all over the place, hoping one will hit close to reality when it does happen.

They have no idea what’s going on, just like us. We are getting something through the q and or other intel sources, even through murky it’s something.

What the heck does the MSM get? They make so much garbage up, And if they do know they sure as shit can’t tell the truth. They’ve got nothing

nopinkofuckheads 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump is Purpose built vengeance machine

He won’t let these bastards get away with shit. He’s been talking to us daily through Twitter and other online sources. All of a sudden he’s quite. This man in his mid 70s didn’t just changed his entire personality. He’s up to something.

nopinkofuckheads 5 points ago +5 / -0

100 dollars worth of metal, that is how it was before. Precious metals fluctuate because the dollar fluctuates. You can't inflate the money supply if it is pegged to an asset. If money is pegged to the metal, it won't fluctuate, they are pinned together.

nopinkofuckheads 7 points ago +7 / -0

I didn’t even know what Q really was until someone in the media asked Trump about it. I figured if the media was against it then there had to be something positive about it.

I was and have been on the Donald a long time but I ignored it because I didn’t get all the time stamps and numbers.

This is our Good vs Evil battle. Right in front of us, and I’m wide awake now. There is no leave me alone and let me live. I think the biggest take away is we all need to partake in our local city politics beyond voting. Get involved somehow and push back.

The sad reality is the doers are out doing, while the losers are running the country into the ground. We all need to postpone our careers and or business to put our time in to keep the country on track. I just don’t know where I fit in but even a small city council job can make a difference.

nopinkofuckheads 16 points ago +16 / -0

I’ve noticed my dad, who was born in the 40s, has a hard time telling the difference between scam emails/messages and legitimate communication.

I think that generation didn’t grow up with that style of communication and their brains have been set up for an analogue world.

I think it relates to the MSM because older generations are used to being fed info instead of searching it out & researching.

We have each other to bounce off one another and verify what’s reality. If one doesn’t have that anyone could get lost in the ocean of disinfo.

nopinkofuckheads 24 points ago +24 / -0

Purpose-built vengeance machine- I'm keeping that one.

nopinkofuckheads 1 point ago +1 / -0

It doesn't, I think that is where all this is coming from.

nopinkofuckheads 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wondered the same thing. Only thing I remember was Trump merged the fed with the treasury, but I don't know what effect it had.

Essentially the fed had to create debt to issue currency, so currency by default cannot exist without debt. It's all one giant bullshit ponzi scheme and fractional reserve banking creates money out of interest. It's bananas. We have to pay taxes and interest on money created from thin air to bankers who do nothing.

nopinkofuckheads 6 points ago +6 / -0

We are in total darkness to what is being coordinated, the only thing I have heard is it's to protect the inauguration, and that is BS. The fact we aren't being given information is eerie and unsettling, probably on purpose.

nopinkofuckheads 2 points ago +2 / -0

I shit my pants one time wearing shorts. The shit shot right out onto he floor and I looked around, nobody saw it. So I quietly cleaned up it and threw out my undwear.

That was when I worked at a pizza shop decades ago. The bank shot from my shorts to the ground still confuses me.

nopinkofuckheads 9 points ago +9 / -0

Chris Miller is in charge of the NG, and he reports directly to Trump.

These are Trumps troops and there was no need for martial law or insurrection act to get them there. This was planned.

They expected a false flag attempt at the capitol building when trump asked everyone to come to DC. He used this as an excuse to set this up and make it seem like it was the Dems idea. The perfect con is when the target doesn’t even know they e been had.

nopinkofuckheads 1 point ago +1 / -0

If af1 was that easy to see it seems it would be real easy to fire at it from the ground. I don’t see them giving away their flight path.

nopinkofuckheads 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chris Miller is in charge. He reports to trump directly.

nopinkofuckheads 2 points ago +2 / -0

Miller is in charge of DC troops. Trump doesn’t need insurrection or martial law to control the troops. Miller reports direct to trump and no one else can get in between them.

nopinkofuckheads 1 point ago +1 / -0

Direct contradiction to his testimony.

nopinkofuckheads 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Joint Chiefs doc was apparently a fake.

nopinkofuckheads 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it’s encrypted then how the hell would anyone know?

nopinkofuckheads 2 points ago +2 / -0

It changes for me based on my IP address location. Swap your VPN to a different city and see what the time says. it was 19:40, I switched to a german address and it shows 19:48

The site was crashed. Reports of DDOS attack will be next.

nopinkofuckheads 1 point ago +1 / -0

my phone tried that shit, i cancled it and it said it would automatically update.. I backed out of it and it never udpated. I also had auto updates off.

nopinkofuckheads 8 points ago +8 / -0

That’s a good one.

What should be the tradition on Patriots day?

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