We’re all aware and have been aware of things for a long time. We’ve all been watching as everything goes to hell. The theory that waking as many people as possible up to the bullshit is in full swing. Who knows how long it’ll take to be effective enough for major moves to be made. The thing that gets most of us, I think, is how long it’s taking. Most people are completely stupid. This part of the ‘plan’ is the most painstaking and tedious because the fortified walls of ignorance, and will fill ignorance, are hard to break down.
There’s another really good one out there who I won’t mention here. I spread their stuff like gospel to the plebs with Ukraine flags plastered on everything. God bless those who are in a position to bring the dark shit going on to the light.
I have no idea wtf you’re talking about. But it sounds completely insane. Let me Google that and see how many fact checkers deny its existence. Once I verify how false Google says it is, I’ll take an inverse and extrapolate how true it is.
So many in here are so quick to welcome any and all lay people to the fold. But once someone with some stroke comes over it’s a big damned thing. People just need to sit back and watch what happens before passing ultimate judgement on the man. I mean, shit. He’s making a fuck load of money swindling lefties into buying over priced goober-mobiles. Let him work I say.
Yes to all. But he’s allowing a monkey play pong without a joystick ffs. It’s not like he’s calling for all of humanity to get themselves implanted. I’m an Elon supporter for now. But I will never get any damned brain thingy-ma-bobs.
Didn’t we already have one? 6/6/2022?