Maersk Denver (WMDQ) has now been tugged free of the canal.
It was following right behind the Evergreen in the canal.
As of 2019, here is the current distribution of the U.S. population by race and ethnicity: White: 60.1% (Non-Hispanic) Hispanic: 18.5% Black: 12.2% Asian: 5.6% Multiple Races: 2.8% American Indian/Alaska Native: 0.7% Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander: 0.2%
Doesn't appear to have moved.
I think they'll be watching for that.
I can't find that article.
Never mind. Found it.
Doesn't appear to be.
Evergreen Court Home not Heath Hospital.
Does that website display my time zone time? Sorry, can't edit titles. That'd be +7 hours.
00:00 resting at 0 knots 03:30 dick pics at 2 knots 06:30 head to canal at 10 knots 07:10 enter canal at 8 knots 07:30 travelling at up to 13.7 knots 07:40 down to 12.8 07:41 impact at 12.2 knots