photobuf 1 point ago +1 / -0

THIS is what it says!

SCOTUS, Military Action, and Restoring the Republic

The next official step is the reconcilation of the 2020 election. With the fraud fully exposed, SCOTUS and the military must legally resolve the election before November 5th, to secure the future of the Constitutional Republic. The deadline looms large as the final moves are made to restore the Republic from the corporate shadow government that has been running parallel to the legitament government for decades.

The military's actions, backed by legal precedents like EO 13818 and 13848, are designed to dismantle global corruption, expose foreign influence, and reestablish control over the Republic. By maintaining EMS superority, deploying PSYOPS and leveraging military assets like Starlink and Space Force, the military is ensuring the Republic survives this moment of existential threat!

photobuf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Low res video. Got to the 5:o3 mark and read it.

photobuf 1 point ago +1 / -0

The video is low resolution. I just took a screenshot. Go to the video to the 5:03 mark and read it.

photobuf 6 points ago +6 / -0

We buried a friend of mine after taking this poison. He went in to get the antibody treatment because they told him he had Covid. He had a head cold! He was almost well by the time they could get him in the hospital for the treatment but they decided to give him this poison instead. He went in on Wednesday and got the treatment. Almost immediately his organs started failing and he was dead by Saturday. I didn't find out until the funeral what they had given him. I was out of town that week when he went into the hospital. Fauci should be tried for mass murder!

photobuf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Did you read what it said. SCOTUS and Military would resolve the 2020 election BEFORE Nov 5. I do remember Trump saying in a speech around April something like he would be back in office after the election OR MAYBE SOONER.

photobuf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did anybody read the part where the 2020 election HAS to be overturned before November 5? Military and SCOTUS?? I hope this happens since Red October is upon us and Congress is on break and can be held accountable as in arrested for treason. Less than 40 days to find out!

(At 5:03 read the top left page!)

photobuf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, I am just going to throw this out in the pool and see if it floats like a terd or sinks like a rock. Q told us to trust Wray. Every time Wray goes before Congress and is asked questions about ANYTHING, he says he cannot comment on ongoing investigations. IS it possible that Wray is not a bad guy and all these people are under investigation or is Wray the coverup man in charge?

photobuf 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is called create an agency and hire all your relatives to run it! The Democratic way of job creation----most are government jobs!

photobuf 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't drink pure sugar water with a little flavoring. One 12oz Coke has 1/4 cup of sugar! I stick with water or Yingling!

photobuf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another Date Fag---BUT I LOVE IT!!!!! Keke

photobuf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jackson was raised by a tyrant and pervert. Michael was a product of his raising. He never grew up, was never let to grow into a man. His music was his release and told of an inner turmoil that in my opinion was some of the best music ever recorded!

photobuf 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you strike at the King, you better not miss. What Iran should consider is that there are a three hundred million of us that will DEMAND revenge. Brings to mind the old Prince song---You dropped a Bomb on me, baby"

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