photobuf 7 points ago +7 / -0

Israel's Mossad has every politician with any power compromised not only in the USA but in Britain and many other countries. The heart of the Cabal is there and it's tentacles run throughout the world. The world will eventually turn against Israel and leave them to fend for themselves against Iran, Libya, Sudan and others backed by Russia. It will not go well for them but God will intervene before they are destroyed---not for their sakes BUT to prove the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is the ONE true God---- and He will take them through the Great Tribulation. I read it all in a Book about the future.

photobuf 11 points ago +11 / -0

intuitive and meaner than a junkyard dog if you argue and they are right! Keke

photobuf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agree. Just throwing out Obama and now we have KaObamala who is an anchor baby---not eligible either I think!

photobuf 2 points ago +2 / -0

KaObamala was not black until it became a necessary part of her campaign. She was of Indian heritage when she was running for AG in California and for the Senate.

photobuf 4 points ago +4 / -0

I read somewhere she told Oprah she was afraid she was going to be arrested. Get Oprah while you are at it! She had an Adrenochrome factory in Africa of young girls thinking Oprah was helping them. Wonder how many went missing? Who said Oprah eats humans the other day?

photobuf 6 points ago +6 / -0

I recall scripture where God says he "formed" us in the womb. The ovum is fertilized with the sperm and becomes a cell that starts duplicating itself. One, two, four, eight, sixteen cells---all identical to each other, then "something" intervenes and tells this one cell to become a heart muscle, another cell identical to the others becomes a liver, then a lung, then brain, bone skin----God is involved in every faction of a pregnancy. It is easier to believe that someone created our DNA which is the code of life---an error correcting code at that---than all this happened by chance! To believe evolution take a lot more faith than I got!

photobuf 6 points ago +7 / -1

Not sure people know how soon either. Jesus is out King. There is not one government on this earth that is not influenced by demonic beings. The Book of Daniel ---authenticated by Jesus---- gives us insight into the spiritual warfare going on in the other dimensions when he speaks of the "Prince of Persia" and the Prince of Greece---two demonic beings that influence these nations. Gog of Magog, Prince of Rosh is another one of these. I wonder who the "Prince" is over the USA, China, and Britain? We are in the middle of a spiritual battle and the END GAME is almost here. I hope and pray we can focus on our Savior and trust He is in control.

photobuf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think most of them already have!

photobuf 8 points ago +8 / -0

Don't ya love it when they prove Trump is right about Global Warming! Keke

photobuf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Israel boobytraps all these pagers given to Hezbollah ranking members is like our government giving traceable phones to illegals coming into the country. Our Military knows where they all are. They also know where all Trump supporters are! Makes me wanna go back to the stone age!

photobuf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Makes me wonder why a LOT of musicians ODed or ate a bullet. Maybe they couldn't live with what they did to get famous.

photobuf 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Cabal is deep into most every government on the planet and we the people are just pawns in their game of world domination. Thankfully we have the King on our side and He will win!

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