Hezbollah better learn smoke signals! Second round of explosions!


Just testing out how good Yahoo censorship is working these days! Keke


Would you love to know what these 5000 patents are? Free energy? Anti gravity? https://www.wired.com/2013/04/gov-secrecy-orders-on-patents/


There is a tale of Nelson's heroism that goes un-noticed today. Once while sailing south of England, an alarm was sounded and he was told a Spanish Man of War was approaching from the west. Nelson quickly responded, sound general quarters and he told his aide to bring him his red jacket. The battle was quick and decisive as the put the Man of War to the bottom. The next day the alarm sounded again and he was told that two Spanish war ships were approaching from the southeast and said with an unfaltering voice to sound general quarters and told his aide to bring him his red jacket. After the battle. the aide asked him why he always wore the red jacket during battle seeing how it identified him. He told the aide it was just in case he was wounded, the men would not see his blood and lose hope. The next day an alarm sounded and Nelson was told the entire horizon was filled with Spanish war ships. Nelson stood boldly and declared sound general quarters and prepare for battle. He turned to his aide and told him to bring him his brown britches! Got cha! Keke

Compare these two! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by photobuf ago by photobuf

Looks like they are getting ready to reveal the "reptile ruling class".

"The researchers didn't stop there, even suggesting that these cryptoterrestrials may take on different, non-human primate or even reptile forms."



My beautiful Anon wife just pointed this out to me. She is smarter than me. Trump makes a reference to Hannibal Lecter in his speech and if you remember the movie, the real serial killer loved butterflies and even raised them. Now we have a portrair of Kin Charles with the telltale sign of the Monarch Butterfly on his shoulder. Trump doesn't say crap off the top of his head. Jus sayin!


The movie bad guy Spectre had developed a virus that would just attack an individual DNA. Then I remember Russia saying Ukraine Bio Labs were tying to develop a virus that would attack the DNA of certain ethnic groups. Now I got to thinking, what if they have developed virus that would attack people with the same DNA characteristics? Everyone's DNA is different in so way but everyone has some part of their DNA that is the same! Some will have blue eyes or brown eyes according to a particular DNA strand. Some will have genetic defects that run in their families like obesity, heart disease or cancer. Now imagine that everyone with a certain defect like cancer in their genes get a virus that accelerates the cancer and makes it a Turbo Cancer killings thousands or millions over a few year period. How would you deliver the virus? Create a fake pandemic and give everyone a vaccine WITH the virus. Population control on a vast scale. A new virus every few years targeting a certain groups DNA delivered by a vaccine for a fake pandemic. That would make a great movie, huh?


We all understand the reality of Jesus fulfilling the Passover as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. The original Passover and Days of Unleaven Bread had a physical fulfillment of Israel being saved from slavery in Egypt. Jesus was the spiritual fulfillment of saving mankind from the slavery of sin. The Feast of Firstfruits had a physical fulfillment when Israel entered into the Promised Land and offered the Firstfruits of the harvest as an offering to God. Jesus fulfilled the spiritual side of this Feast when He was raised from the dead with others as the Firstfruits of the Resurrection. Pentecost had a physical fulfillment when God gave the Law to Israel at Mt.Sinai when they came out of Egypt. The spiritual fulfillment was when God gave the followers of Jesus the Holy Spirit and the Law was written on our hearts and the Church era began. The spiritual fulfillment will be when the Church era ends at the Rapture. The Fall Feasts have had their physical fulfillment but we await the spiritual fulfillment to come. Trumpets will be the return of Jesus when He takes over and rules the nations from Jerusalem. Atonement's spiritual fulfillment will be when all of mankind becomes ONE with God. Tabernacles will be when we all dwell with God and the Last Great Day will be the Great White Throne Judgement.

Trump posted this!! Notice the "STORM" (twitter.com) Eclipse Day U S A 😁
posted ago by photobuf ago by photobuf
Looks like it's going to be a BIG 3 weeks! CAN’T EAT 🍿 FAST ENOUGH!
posted ago by photobuf ago by photobuf

Q post on 5 year Delta Feb 26. A lot of dead people since then!

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