racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Noahide Laws will have Christians beheaded. These people HATE Christians. Read the Talmud.

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was thinking God. What makes you think he hates himself? He seems very spiteful towards God even though he was given so much.

racial_maddow 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was lonely (narcissistic) and loved the attention.

As a complete aside to what I posted about, I think you just helped me understand why my in-laws are always saying they're sick and going to doctor's appointments and getting surgeries. I kept thinking it was so over the top. I'm having an epiphany. So thank you for that! Wow. I'm almost speechless and can't believe I didn't recognize this before.

Okay back to point!

Seeing as how you were a nurse for 25 years, is insurance fraud super rare? Pretty common? Do you know who I would report it to that would even care?

racial_maddow 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's a good one, I wish I had thought of it in the moment! I was taken aback that she was even telling me these stories! I knew this sort of thing happened but hearing a first hand account caught me off guard.

Thank you for your comment and idea!

racial_maddow 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is interesting that this nurse said none of their staff are vaccinated.

That's not what she said. She said about half are unvaccinated.

I live in a granola/hippy area meshed with the hood and active duty military population. These are three groups that I suspect are largely anti-vaccine and somewhat anti-overreaching government authority, so maybe that has something to do with it?

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

If I said black people are the problems of every country.

No one said that. Ever. You're setting up straw men arguments to knock them down.

You seem to be a person informed enough to see the difference, this is what I’m pointing out.

Um yeah exactly, you're barking up the wrong fucking tree.

You're trying to push a point that doesn't need to be made. At all. It's irrelevant to the original conversation. Why do you feel the need to push your point? NO ONE FUCKING SAID ALL JEWS. I think you're a narcissist.

Satan wants control of Israel because that is where the anti-Christ will rule from with the 7 Noahide Laws for all mankind. The Jews think they are the messianic people to properly rule the world because the rest of us are cattle. Read their holy book the Talmud.

Fuckin' trying to Scofield Bible me and shit. GTFO.

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because if he can kill them all it proves the book of Revelation wrong where it says Jews will accept Jesus in the end. No Jews left = no one to accept Jesus.

It isn't Israel he is after. It's the Catholic and Jesus loving Jews.

Do you know who Satan uses to kill Jews (and other ethnicities)?

OTHER PEDOPHILE, MUDEROUS JEWS. Marx and Freud spring to mind but I could be here for hours writing about Jews who murder and use other Jews for political gain.

Now...refute the original information or move along.

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

You refuted the original "wrong" information with correct information to everyone's benefit?

No. You didn't.

racial_maddow 2 points ago +2 / -0

but I dont word my thoughts haphazardy

No one did that.

Refute the original claims or move along.

You're having an emotional response to information you don't like because you've been trained like a dog to respond emotionally to criticism of Jews and Israel.

racial_maddow 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the original link provided, for starters.

I guess if that isn't enough for you, you could, I don't know, go look around: https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/child-sexual-abuse-in-the-jewish-community/

The Jewish community finds it hard to discuss this very real problem -- and that risks making it all the worse

racial_maddow 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am not missing any point.

You are not making a point. You are making a generalization out of something specific.

https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/child-sexual-abuse-in-the-jewish-community/ - Why do you try to cover up for rape in the Jewish community? You are causing harm by denying the existence of abuse simply out of an irrational fear that "some Jews" is somehow extrapolated in the minds of people as "ALL JEWS".

racial_maddow 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some people spew Jewish hate.

In this case, that is not what happened here. If you would like to debunk the information provided, please do so.

Are the two women who run the CDC NOT Israeli?

Does Israel NOT harbor murderers and pedophiles?

Is that article lying about the ethnicity (Jewish) of the pedophiles?

It then forms an idea into others.

Ah, the slippery slope fallacy.

racial_maddow 3 points ago +3 / -0

Israel specifically harbors Jews for their crimes whereas Germany is multi-ethnic and does not have a policy of harboring one specific ethnicity of people.

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