report_a_shill 1 point ago +1 / -0

He must actually want to stand a chance of winning this time.

report_a_shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was about to write a new top-level comment about Live CDs/bootable USBs, but then I found this comment. I would absolutely recommend going this route, as you can really experiment with a distro until you feel comfortable or try out several different distros until you find one you like.

Another great use for Live CDs/bootable USBs is to load some with an assortment of tools for diagnostics/recovery, or if you want to be able to borrow nearly any computer from a friend or family member and have a consistent desktop experience and be less worried about any malware that might have been installed on their system.

report_a_shill 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can dual-boot if you want to try out a particular distro or two and you could still switch back to Windows if you later decide, but yes, backup everything in either case.

report_a_shill 8 points ago +8 / -0

I second Mint. Ubuntu has been okay, but more and more I find myself rethinking it due to how subject it is to the whims of Canonical.

report_a_shill 1 point ago +1 / -0

I suppose we've already seen local jurisdictions do this to an extent in Florida, where some schools/locales acted in opposition to DeSantis.

It's a good point that this is better settled by the legislature, but I think I'd rather have stronger signaling from the executive branch also, especially since a single individual has more total influence.

I'm not pooh-poohing local action, but then I like to have my cake and eat it too. In the immortal words of the little girl from the Old El Paso commercial, ¿Por qué no los dos?

report_a_shill 6 points ago +6 / -0

If someone in the courtroom hit him with a skateboard in that moment, could he even be mad about it?

report_a_shill 1 point ago +1 / -0

That said, I don't think not explicitly preventing local mandates automatically qualifies a candidate as a RINO, especially before taking office and taking official action.

report_a_shill 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't like the idea of leaving this to the local level if you can prevent it at the state level. Preventing jurisdictions from having injection mandates is not the same as mandating that people can't get the injections if they want. Notwithstanding the fact that we should be getting involved at the local level, the truth of the matter is that not all people can easily move to a new community just like that. People put down roots, and societal/economical structures exist that make it difficult to relocate.

Imagine that you moved your family and bought a new house to start a new job, then few months later the town you moved to voted 51% - 49% that people with your religion can't work in that town. That's not something you could have anticipated when you made the move; you might not even have conceived of it as a possibility. You couldn't possibly have thought, "Gee, it's a bit of a gamble to move here because I might be forced to choose between my religion and my family's well-being" and entered that into your calculations before moving.

Considering how important the issue of injection mandates is to the people on this board, and that this same group don't generally find elections to be all that secure, I don't know why they would want to leave this particular issue to be subject to a local tyranny of the majority, or worse yet, the tyranny of the majority of mysterious 3 A.M. ballots.

report_a_shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not sure how significant the bottom-right image is, as it's just a block of 256 addresses, which pales in size to the 175 million IP addresses controlled in total by GRS as mentioned in the article.

report_a_shill 6 points ago +6 / -0

I hope it goes on her permanent record...just in case she needs any proof down the line that she's a BAMF.

report_a_shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think I understand your point more fully after reading more of your comments, and I sympathize. However, to me, your phrasing suggested that that there aren't any "thinkers" (or maybe "thinker" types) on the board aside from "doomers". Apologies if I misunderstood.

report_a_shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know what part of what I've said constitutes "high moral ground mentality" or that anywhere I've done anything other than "think logically" (case in point: I attempted to construct a logical argument on your behalf and reply to it, rather than reply to no argument). It is entirely possible for two knowledgeable, well-meaning people to disagree without it being the case that one or the other isn't "thinking logically".

If your question is "Why did Trump sign this EO?", then I must confess I don't know the answer. But, if I were to hazard a guess, which is all any of us not in his confidence can do, then, looking at his other actions in total, I assume it was a preliminary move to bring about a quicker economic recovery. By setting the EO into motion, it enabled Operation Warp Speed to happen when it did, and so we didn't have to endure a longer period of lockdowns and shuttered businesses.

So, by answering your question, I hope this counts as "adding to the topic" to your satisfaction. Feel free to agree or disagree with my assessment.

report_a_shill 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could have sworn I was on topic. I suppose I erred in replying to the main thread instead of to the comment "Explain this Hopetards, dr martin is based AF". I'm trying to construe this as an argument of some sort, but there's no explicit conclusion, so please forgive me if this is not what you intended.

Premise: Trump signed an E.O. promoting SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development. Premise: Dr. David Martin says that there is no SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19, etc. Premise: Dr. David Martin is an expert (or is sufficiently well-informed) on the subject of SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, etc. Premise: Dr. David Martin would not purposefully misinform ("dr martin is based AF"). Conclusion: There is no basis for hope/trusting the plan/believing patriots are in control, etc. ("Explain this Hopetards")

Feel free to restate this, or correct me if you never intended to be offering an argument that could in turn could be subject of a rebuttal or a counter-argument.

report_a_shill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Explain what this changes. We keep seeing on this board the argument that patriots couldn't possibly be in control because of the existence of the shots, as well as the standard rebuttals about changing the cabal's timing/optics/getting the economy back on track earlier. The video has a lot of information, but I didn't see anything that should change the mind of any "Hopetards", as you call them.

report_a_shill 5 points ago +7 / -2

I like how you lumped in "thinkers" with "questioners, doubters, and skeptics", as if anyone who happens not to express doubt with respect to this or that topic is incapable of thinking.

report_a_shill 4 points ago +4 / -0

Today was gonna be the day, but they'll never throw it back to you.

report_a_shill 2 points ago +2 / -0

We should note that the Facebook site used to be at the thefacebook.com domain, which was created in 2004. It's reasonable that a business would purchase a more simple/desirable domain and switch over after becoming successful whilst having nothing to do with the new domain prior to that point. However, this is a nice avenue to research, and maybe the domain really was being parked until the right time/opportunity arose.

report_a_shill 6 points ago +7 / -1

Care to share your game theory analysis? Who are the players, what are the possible game actions, what are the payoffs? What is the Nash equilibrium?

report_a_shill 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's the same brand name, but that test is for the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), not the Covid virus.

report_a_shill 5 points ago +5 / -0

Don't waste your breath on this troll. This is a thinly veiled rewording of the Nazi Party platform. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/nazi-party-platform

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