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rolandkhan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, I agree that not ALL Jews are Evil. But their ideology accepts it, their churches accept these rabbis, they continue to protect banksters and other Jewish elite from criticism...by doing that they side with Evil, and from there ARE Evil. One must resist Evil in order to be Good; apathy and ignorance only empower Evil, not resist it.

To distinguish the difference is simply differentiating between the Jews that provide this cover and distractions for the elite and those who outwardly denounce such Evil. Good people of any faith will denounce any and all Evil around them, as well as that within their own ranks, while the corrupted and Evil are apathetic and/or supportive toward it.

It's on them to stand out and distinguish themselves (it's the individual's responsibility, not that of their "group"), for if they blindly ally themselves with Evil and its ideologies, even if through apathy/willful ignorance, they shall be considered as such. The same as we do with the racist terrorists of BLM, Antifa, and even our Media going along with and pushing it, as they are all considered Evil by any of us looking at them honestly.

rolandkhan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Same, or I used to a lot more, but now I'm not going to hold back from calling Jews and Judaism out any more than I would Muslims and Islam.

Good Christians denounce the Pope and the Evils within the Church, and we also denounce so-called "Christians" that support abortion; what do Muslims and Jews do with the Evil within theirs? Provide cover, confusion, distractions, and excuses while constantly playing the victim...sound familiar?

This issue is a complicated one, and I and others aren't calling all Jewish people Evil (except for those who defend it, or are aware of it and do not denounce it). We ARE calling out the elites at the top for being (or even just claiming to be) such and those who continue supporting and defending them, just as we would call out anybody else that supports Evil, such as Communists and Muslims, right? For too long, Judaism has been given a pass and has been absolutely free of any and all criticisms, ask yourself why? Are there similarities between what and how they do things compared to how we know the cabal does things?

What religion did the Bolshevik leaders and their followers belong to? What institutions and ideologies have been promoted? Hint: We're not allowed to criticize them.

If the cabal is just "pretending" to be Jewish, why are they constantly defended and protected from criticism by the very people they are impersonating and supposedly misrepresenting? Why do Rabbis around the world continue to call us non-human and most Jews either accept this (or brush it off) because it's found in their scripture so therefore it's accepted as is?

They always portray themselves as peaceful, win over the minds of sheep (or the goyim) then slowly manipulate them into committing atrocities/genocide against perceived enemies, which are all predicated on lies.

Too long these Evils have persisted because we are not allowed to criticize the REAL enemies of humanity or the ideology behind them.

If they're "fake," why is their influence so complete and unchallenged by those to who they should otherwise be an offense?

rolandkhan 1 point ago +2 / -1

Just how "Biden got 80 million votes" and "most Americans support gun control" and that the mass murder of babies is empowering to women.

rolandkhan 0 points ago +2 / -2

It's also like saying that since there are some innocent Muslims that don't agree with the atrocities done in the name of Islam, so, therefore, Islam is Good and we shouldn't confront the ideologies of the Evil(s) within it.

rolandkhan 0 points ago +2 / -2


"Real Jews" continue to support and condone the leaders at the top that continues to claim to be Jewish, and they're okay with these elite Jews doing what they do and will continue defending them against criticism because of "anti-semitism" just as racists claim "racism" against any criticism of them. It's the exact same Bolshevik tactic.

If they're all just "posing" as Jewish, as I myself also once believed and fell for this cover, then why aren't the "real Jews" all coming out against the banksters, rather than defending them from criticism through the same cries of racism and victimhood? Why do they go along with or ignore these atrocities, this Evil within their midst, at the very top of their ranks?

They'll also go out of their way to distract people from the fact that these elites even are Jewish (or even that they're pretending), instead of just calling them out as "fake Jews," they provide cover and deception to prevent criticism of any and all of their ideologies.

They simply refuse to give up the corrupted belief system and so continue defending it regardless of who's in control of it or what atrocities it commits...that kind of non-resistance to Evil IS Evil. And so long as we continue to reject confronting it and therefore never criticizing such belief systems, they will continue gaining and regaining influence to continue committing genocide after genocide as they've done throughout history.

Rabbis around the world have consistently stated since it's written in their scripture as such, that non-Jews are not human; it's about time we react appropriately.

rolandkhan 5 points ago +8 / -3

These so-called "optics" are becoming more and more questionable by the day.

rolandkhan 5 points ago +8 / -3

Bolsheviks through history. The only ignorance is our ignorance of the Evils of what the elite Jews have done to humanity.

I used to feel the same way as this, and considered it "racist" to talk about the Jews in such a way until I actually went about learning the history and just how much influence they still have today and are the leaders and cause behind just about all of our problems. They are the bankers, they are the media, they are the corrupt politicians and advisors. Our ignorance is getting us slaughtered in one war/genocide after another. We need to wake up to and face this truth before it's too late.

The Jews that aren't a direct part of it, still stand up to defend them and/or shut down any and all criticism of them by shouting "anti-semite" the same as they shout "racist" when it comes to anybody that disagrees with or challenges them. The non-resistance to Evil they portray is itself Evil.

rolandkhan 3 points ago +4 / -1

You respond by coughing very hard as you walk by and see if they run to save themselves or confront you because they don't actually fear the virus. Either way, you win.

rolandkhan 2 points ago +3 / -1

Well for starters, there's the NYT tweet used as a source. Then, to top it all off, the list of links ("sources") at the bottom all go their own stories all attacking "Qanon," so if one takes this site seriously at all, I have some adrenochrome for sale.

rolandkhan 24 points ago +25 / -1

"Here's a Thriller that's based on what we're doing to you right now; watch for your entertainment."

rolandkhan 4 points ago +5 / -1

Does anybody else have so little expectations of people anymore where they think this could actually become some kind of "fad."

Get the vaccine and record your side effects, try to one-up each other!

rolandkhan 25 points ago +26 / -1

"No, I don't take experimental shots from advocates of population control."

by BQnita
rolandkhan -2 points ago +2 / -4

Have they?

I only see one side out there, currently terrorizing their cities with nobody on the other side of the "battle line."

So long as we keep depending on the police that is obviously siding with the terrorists, our cities will continue to burn.

We haven't drawn any battle lines, we're surrendering them each day we don't defend against them.

Literal terrorists, literally in our streets, and we won't dare make a stand.

Those are the "battle lines" I see so far.

I wonder how much of our cities being burned and how many victims being assaulted/murdered is "part of the plan." It's one thing to not go attacking gov't buildings, it's completely different to not even defend one's own communities and against the gov't when they put their boots on your face.

rolandkhan 2 points ago +3 / -1

Until they make a forceful move of course, then it's ammo we'll be popping.

rolandkhan 2 points ago +4 / -2

No, we're about to start blasting terrorists and tyrants to high Hell.

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