Semmelweis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because when I think of English, I think of the Japanese word Tsunami

Semmelweis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Watched the whole 1 hour 7 minute podcast, he's just doing this for damage control and to see how stupid we are. He cut where he immediately will backhand those statements with some stupidity or another. He's making progress, admits near the end "I was gaslit" but still doing a lot of cope and also the best he could come up with against Ben Garrison was "Ben Garrison is an idiot", maybe show some humility and laugh, it was a funny comic, just as I will admit there are funny Dilberts.

Semmelweis 4 points ago +5 / -1

Courts will be like "Nah, no new evidence, in fact, throw out your current evidence too"

Semmelweis 10 points ago +11 / -1

Only if you believe his 3 minute clip compilation clip, the hour and 7 minutes podcast had plenty of cringe and he's just showing a few signs of improvement.

Semmelweis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not to defend it, but many states permit child labor with stipulations, Nebraska is one of those, and frequently farmer families will of course have the kids help out on the farm.

Doesn't sound to be the case here (although Nebraska does allow children to work at slaughterhouses in a limited capacity) but just providing a little bit of clarity that people may not know.


Semmelweis 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some of us make memes to see how many notice, some of us make big large bronze sculptures of dicks to see how many notice

Semmelweis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Elon would argue that AI, computer learning, and automation are all three different things that have a little bit of overlap. Elon has been very much against AI in the past, haven't heard anything that shows a change in perspective presently or in the future.

Automation is programming a machine to perform a specific set of tasks over and over until either infinity or some conditional or exception makes it stop. I assume he uses automation to manufacture a lot of his Teslas for labor reasons, for SpaceX it is essential due to humans not being able to perform the tasks needed (be it board manufacturing with microscopic components/chips, or possibly using chemicals/heat/etc to make parts that humans cannot endure).

Computer learning would be the "AI" people are touting now like ChatGPT. I haven't done a deep dive on it, but I imagine it is only scraping data off the internet and parsing it with some sort of self-evolving. However ChatGPT would not be able to draw images or make music on its own even if left to run for eternity. I know those things actually exist now, however a programmer has to be the one that guides it to be able to learn about music, to learn about images, so basically computer learning is basically dumbed down AI with censorship. I imagine Elon uses computer learning in SpaceX, Teslas most likely utilize a form of it for their camera systems to be more adaptive, doubt Starlink uses it at all on the surface but I'm sure he's got some Carnivore type program running.

True AI in its purest form would be uncensored and uninhibited, however that has been advised against since the inception of AI by its originators like Isaac Asimov where there were advised a hard set of rules in place that the AI could not subvert. Asimov's "I, Robot" was a collection of cases as to why AI appeared to break those rules but usually it was in fact was abiding by its hierarchy, been a good 30 years since I read it, but I recall like a robot going haywire on an asteroid mining camp as an example.

Semmelweis 2 points ago +2 / -0

When David Depape does it, it's "attempted homicide"

Semmelweis 1 point ago +1 / -0

When was this guy supposedly blue pilled/etc?

I know Jimmy Dore's been using his videos about the studies/research around COVID and shit for well over a year now. People so quick to suck that faggot Berenson's dick, think Campbell's been more damaging but he's across the pond battling UK's craziness not over here.

Semmelweis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope you're not referring to Bruce Willis (I swear one of the regulars looks exactly like him)! Although I think Kyle hasn't been on much lately either. I honestly only tune into the power hour about twice a month though.

Semmelweis 1 point ago +1 / -0

"What's your fortune say Dad?"

"You will have sex with your mother" - Jerry Smith

Semmelweis -1 points ago +1 / -2

Dunno, I always throw on Dave to go to sleep to, so might be from him, since he has a tendency to repeat things over and over again. He had a long stint of not saying my favorite quote, it's like Tom Segura's "Bikes" to me, whenever he says it my neighbors hear me echo I'm sure "They knowingly knew!"

Semmelweis -4 points ago +7 / -11

I don't think anyone cares enough about Schiff for it to "shock the world", first arrest'll be Trump.

Semmelweis 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm going to wait up to see if Twitter goes down for emergency maintenance right before the poll ends!

Semmelweis 3 points ago +3 / -0

I listened to Romney on War Room, she tried to make a good covering of her ass. I don't get why someone that says they spend all their time and money travelling to see "voters" would be using private jets to avoid all those filthy "voters" and avoid the free shit like talking with the popular icons from our side. "No I don't do interviews or podcasts with those filthy plebs"

"We spend 40% of what we get to raise more funds! And that's a good thing!" Sorry bitch, you're doin it wrong.

Kari Lake for RNC chair!

Semmelweis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've been having problems with Nitter for the past few weeks, usually returns no results. I figured Elon just did some shit to break it, sometimes when I refresh it'll fill, but I don't think I've ever seen it work correctly on any of his polls that he's done. Only tried about 4 different ones, butt I refuse to use Twitter even under new management, might change in the future, but I've stayed twat free since it was born, except I did make a fake account to troll someone on Patriots.Win once.

Semmelweis 3 points ago +3 / -0

The real questions are:

"Wil he post the real results after abandoning his post as CEO?"

How many will he think are fabricated by bots and how many by humans, and will he divulge his method. Keep in mind he recently removed the "Posted from Apple Iphone" and "Posted from Android", In my game hacking days you generally end up reproducing the same type of output your packets sent to make things seem authentic, so I'm sure a lot of bot programmers have included that in there and maybe he's moved to some other way of uniquely identifying devices/posting platforms, like with websites you send a lot of identifying info such as browser/OS.

"Who will he replace himself with?"

Current speculation seems to be Jared Kushner, or perhaps someone recommended by Trump's camp because of his post at the World Cup with Kushner today.

"Will he reveal that elections much like his past votes are fucked with just as much if not more since they actually impact the real world?"

Dominion, Changing the way you vote

Semmelweis 5 points ago +5 / -0

Through an Executive Order it was born, through an Executive Order may it die.

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