sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

are you certain Hitler was Alois?

You're right, that's his father's name.

His would have been Adolf Schickelgruber. Alois changed his name from Schickelgruber to Hitler, and so Adolf took the Hitler name as well.

sleepydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't disagree with any of your takes.

You're right, Hebrews aren't Jews.

The problem is that Ashkenazi heritage is all over the place geographically. You say Turkey, but I have other references that plop it just about anywhere on the Mediterranean, around Afghanistan, Ukraine...

For me, "Jew" refers to three things:

  • Scapegoat people who have been duped into believing they are descendants of Abraham.
  • Khazarian Mafiosos who are "ethnically jewish" whenever it pleases them.
  • Ashkenazi Mafiosos who adhere to an idea of an Aryan race of people, the term "Aryan" meaning "Original."

Some of all these factions will claim Ashkenazi heritage, as we can track it genetically to all three at this point, but not to the Aryan belief system.

For me, "True" Ashkenazi also adhere to Aryan Originalism, which Hitler very much promulgated. I believe he talked with a forked tongue -- saying flattering things to the German people while also appealing to those Ashkenazi "jews" who saw all other Jews (predominantly Khazarian) as a counterfeit who fell to ruin while the Aryan race moved into Europe and

entered on the land, he cleared the forests; out of wildernesses he has created civilizations, and he has not used the others for his own interests, he has, so far as their capacities permitted, incorporated them into his State and through him art and science were brought to flower. In the last resort it was the Aryan and the Aryan alone who could form States and could set them on their path to future greatness.

Again, this is all semantic. We can't talk about "them Jews" without a whole bunch of preconceived notions getting in the way. There are as many definitions and criteria for "jews" as they are trying to graft upon the term "woman" today.

Since we've already lost that battle, we are constantly stepping on one another's toes trying to figure out what the fuck we are actually talking about.

The basics of my argument are this: Hitler was a bad dude. He presented himself as an Aryan and the "true, original tribe" of the "Chosen People." He netted together a contingency of Ashkenazi "Jews" to fight the Khazarian "Jews." The "Final Solution" however, was to target all "Jews", Khazarian or Ashkenazi, whose blood was sufficiently "dirty" in order to accomplish those OP goals I laid out.

I'm not a fan of Hitler any bit as much as I'm a fan of Ben Shapiro. They both play to a crowd, may occasionally say based and agreeable things, and there is ongoing debate on whether or not either are actually "Jewish" or simply stooges and controlled opposition being used to control people.

sleepydude 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think where we are coming to a disagreement on is the name "Jew" in general.

As I understand, you view "Jew" as solely a Hebrew+Khazarian term, where Ashkenazi (Aryan) is a denomination of either.

I see Ashkenazi as separate from Khazarians as it is from Hebrews/Judaism.

I'm using "Jews" to describe Khazarians and Ashkenazi (Aryan) as ancestors of the Khazarian empire which split. Ashkenazi's (Aryans) are those who chose not to stay in Khazaria and took their Vedic religion elsewhere, with only a few adhering to Judaism as a scapegoat.

I'll agree his speeches may be intentionally mistranslated, and so when I see his attacks on "Jews" I see it as him propping up Ashkenazi (Aryans) against the Khazarians "Jew." It makes more sense to me if I translate in such a way.

The "Jews" we know Hitler liked and put in his military as officers I count among the Ashkenazi Loyalists who followed him believing he would restore the Vedic Khazarian Empire and excise the disloyal and then-current Khazarians who he believed to be impure, idiots who squander their legacy as he purports.

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0


25 instances of "Aryan" where he compares their supremacy to the "Jews."

Read it as if he is speaking to Ashkenazi loyalists in an attempt to belittle the Khazarians.

This passage in particular supports my theory that he alludes to the true lineage of the Aryan "race."

  1. And then we said to ourselves: THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS CLASSES: THEY CANNOT BE. Class means caste and caste means race. If there are castes in India, well and good; there it is possible, for there there were formerly Aryans and dark aborigines. So it was in Egypt and in Rome. But with us in Germany where everyone who is a German at all has the same blood, has the same eyes, and speaks the same language, here there can be no class, here there can be only a single people and beyond that nothing else.

This one shows his adversity to Russia and the Jews as well. Put the two together, and pegging the Khazarians in the cross-section isn't a far stretch of logic.

The whole of present-day Russia has nothing to show beyond a ruined civilization, a colony ripe for development through alien capital, and even this capital in order to supply resources in labor for its practical work must introduce Aryan intellects, since for this again the Jew is useless.

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just can't buy into this idea that they would ever pick Judaism when Jews were powerless at that time.

It's because they were powerless that they chose them. They were not a threat, and therefore ignored.

We're talking Christians vs Muslims.

Christians don't hate Hebrews. Muslims don't hate Hebrews. Mongol-Russians don't care about Hebrews.

If they became Christian, Muslims would tear them apart. If they became Muslim, Christians would tear them apart. They were in the firing range and instead of picking a side that was trying to claim supremacy over the Silk Road trade, they picked the neutral party.

sleepydude 5 points ago +5 / -0

CIA = 4th Reich, of which the Bush Family rose to the top and controlled. HW Bush was basically our era's Himmler, and his ancestors allegedly came over from Germany with Operation Paperclip.

Clintons are supposedly Rockefeller. Bill Clinton's actual name is William Jefferson Blythe III. He was adopted and gained the name Clinton. Some theories have it that he was a love child of Winthrop Rockefeller and his birth story is fabricated. https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/winthrop-rockefeller-122/

Obama was a CIA asset working for the House of Saud. Q explains this.


Why would Prince Alwaleed bin Talal (Saudi Royal) pay HUSSEIN to attend HARVARD LAW SCHOOL?

The Rothschilds likely control Biden (likely just as a paid mercenary), Gore, and any of the other Globalists.

Rockefellers have fallen far, but still own the world's medical market.


Rockefellers own the Medical Industrial Complex and part of the Oil Industry (no longer American).

CIA+Bush owned the Military Industrial Complex and some oil (then Obama took the military stuff for himself).

Rothschilds own all International Trade, Commerce, Travel, Banks, and Israel (Mossad, Hollywood and Epstein included).

Saudis own the world's biggest chunk of International Sex Slavery and Oil.

Vatican (Jesuits and joint venture with Swiss banking) own the world's treasures, ancient history, and charity initiatives (which launder money, hide assets, and move sex slaves). They are basically owned by the Rothschilds now, though.

There are many more, but those are the big ones in play right now.

sleepydude 10 points ago +10 / -0
  1. Why are you using their own propaganda as a basis for fact?

  2. I agree, he wasn't "Jewish", he was Ashkenazi. A descendent of Vedic Aryanism. Read some of his speeches and it will become quite apparent that he saw that the Indo-European race of "Aryans" were the true "Chosen People" of which he believed he was a part of.

  3. Schickelgruber. I mean... Come on, that's the most stereotypical "Jewish" name I can think of.


The European hypothesis found in time many able supporters, and the advocates of rival Teutonic and Celtic claims waxed eloquent and heated over the exact location of the Aryan homeland. An industrious search was mean-while conducted for words common to all Aryan languages which described the natural features of the racial "cradle". This work of reconstruction was certainly not lacking in picturesque results, for attractive visions were presented of Aryan Arcadias in which the simple and contemplative ancestors of many bitter controversialists dwelt together in exemplary unity and peace.

The Cradle of Indo-Europeans, The dawn of Indo-Europeans on the Ukrainian steppes

In April 1786, Sir William Jones, a polyglot and a Supreme Court judge in Calcutta, India, made a great discovery. When reading Rigveda, a compilation of sacral hymns of the Aryan conquerors of India, he found that the predecessors of modern Indo-European languages, including Sanskrit, Latin, Ancient Greek, Germanic and Slavic languages, were related.


In the Sephardim and Ashkenazim the distinction between the subtler Oriental and the more conservative Western Jews has maintained itself in Europe also. From the 8th century onwards Judaism put forth a remarkable side shoot in the Khazars on the Volga; if legend is to he believed, but little was required at one time to have induced the Russians to accept the Jewish rather than the Christian faith.

sleepydude 9 points ago +9 / -0

More on the Prince of Air:

2 Wherein, in times past ye walked, according to the course of this world, and after the prince that ruleth in the air, even the spirit, that now worketh in the children of disobedience, - Ephesians 2:2

Ephesians 2:2 He proveth by the effects that all were spiritually dead. Ephesians 2:2 He proveth this evil to be universal, insomuch as all are slaves of Satan. Ephesians 2:2 At the pleasure of the prince. Ephesians 2:2 Men are therefore slaves to Satan, because they are willingly rebellious against God. Ephesians 2:2 They are called the children of disobedience, which are given to disobedience.

sleepydude 8 points ago +8 / -0

Shhh! Let's just get our foot in the door by getting black people exempt. Once that goes through, all we gotta do is change our race status on our tax forms.

If it works for gender, and they take the race bit to court, we win no matter what! Either we get the woke trans junk off the books, or we can loophole our way out of taxes.

I say, it's a brilliant plan. Of course, it's gonna take a lot of shoe polish to pull it off... Meh, we'll work through those details later.

sleepydude 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nothing will change until the MSM headquarters all around the world get mostly peacefully protested.

They have more power than even they realize. People are so sold on the credentialism cult mindset that unless you're an "expert" with a degree you aren't even allowed to say the sky is blue, grass is green and shit smells.

Screw government and politics -- the greatest enemy of the People is the Media. They are the final gatekeepers on fact and truth, and it's so sad we allowed it get this way...

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

If it gets to the point where we have to form militia groups to overthrow blue helmets coming in, yeah, the White Hats would have failed by that metric.

All it means is that the Cabal doesn't know what's coming any more than we do.

sleepydude 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do believe they're getting rid of our munitions. I have no reason to doubt they're just plundering our stock.

What I just don't believe is that even 10% is getting to Ukraine. They're selling the stuff to warlords in 3rd world countries to pump up wars a decade down the line. They've been pulling that trick since before the Cold War.

What's left of the lie to sift through is the "why now?" and "why in such volume?"

It feels like a big sell off before a crash to me.

sleepydude 4 points ago +4 / -0

Being stupid doesn't disqualify you. If that were the case, we'd all be screwed, because I'm sure you've done something stupid enough to get you killed at least once in your life, right?

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been trying to figure out a way to prove the existence of a very particular bot that flags posts as problematic.

For DeepState tracking and surveillance purposes on this site, it would be necessary to somehow flag posts and catalogue them automatically while also preventing the bot from:

  • Getting Caught
  • Cataloguing the same post over and over again.

If I were programming the bot, I'd choose one of two options:

  • Post a comment on these problem threads so the program can look for my username.
  • Downvote the thread.

The first's drawback is that if the mods ever catch on that the user is a bot and posts automatic context-less comments then your comments on all prior posts get deleted with the bot. So that won't work well.

The second's benefit, however, is that only people who styled the page can see a down arrow, which means a post that is resoundingly popular won't likely get down-dooted. In fact, a post with tons of updoots and no down-doots is almost always a likely candidate for influential cataloguing. So, you have the program "flag" the thread with a down-doot, save the link to the thread, and monitor the comments therein for better comprehension of the collective users' opinions on any subject.

Once all this data is collected, you can ask your database structure questions like "is Damar Hamlin alive?" and it will provide to you all the threads about Damar Hamlin, the most popular comments, the greater insights of those comments, and access to offline backlogs of this site's general appetite on the subject. You feed that info to your spin-doctors and they immediately put out an article to counter the most popular narrative amongst the most radical "conspiracy theorists" online, thereby discrediting them while fortifying your base of normies against the theorists' ability to "notice" things.

So, whenever you see a VERY popular thread here, but it has a single down-doot, always suspect that's not a real dude from reddit. It's a bot using that down-doot to flag the thread as already catalogued so there isn't a repeat in its dataset. I have no proof, can have no proof, and that's why it'd be effective.

It's what I would do if I were parsing the site.

sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

I tried. It's too blurry for me to make out anything, especially since it's night and the glass panels in question are obscured by the counter.

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

Calculating shipping before a sale is like predicting the future, and they expect us to figure it out just like they expect us to calculate to the exact cent we owe in taxes when they could just tell us.

Sorry to say, but it's meant to be this nebulous to prevent competition against the big boy corporations who have this all down to a science, because they are responsible for designing this system to begin with -- solely to benefit them alone.

I wish you luck on your endeavors. Typically most people find tacking on a flat rate base to cover potential shipping in the price of the item is what you're left having to resort to. Specifically, you have to tack on about 5 dollars or some percent mark-up to everything listed on your site to cover the obscure shipping and tax you eventually find out you owe after the fact.

Ultimately, the cost has to be transferred to the customer, one way or another.

You just gotta get inventive on how you're gonna hide those costs or at the very least offer something to your customers to make them think they're getting their money's worth. Things like adding some tat into the order -- "buy this and get a doodad thingy free!" It's not free, though. It's just a cheap thing you add in to make them feel that extra $5, compared to the big corporation's offering, that you had to mark up your item in order to cover the tax and shipping nonsense isn't without some return on the value.

Hope that helps, or at the very least gives you some options to dance around a rigged, exploitative system.

sleepydude 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's so erratic and all over the place, it's not like there's a cohesive understanding of any individual anymore. Same could be said here, too, but we're suspicious of everyone under the auspices they may be working for Q and have to keep their heads down occasionally lest they get caught out.

Their excuse is that everyone is working against Trump, even himself. The DeSantis vs Trump debate has really splintered their understanding of a way forward, while we just assume Trump is the only way and DeSantis is a distraction -- either a White Hat distraction or Black Hat distraction, it doesn't matter.

Point is, we know Trump is gonna finish what he started. Them... they're not so sure it can happen that way anymore, so they're panicking and trying to find some sense, some signal, among the noise.

sleepydude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hard to say, there's so many of 'em and they're kinda marbled together at this point.

I believe you're right that Alwaleed was the first taken out after Trump got in, so it might just be him, but if SA (House of Saud) is one of the 3, then that's not accurate.


House of Saud (6+++) - $4 Trillion+

Rothschild (6++) - $2 Trillion+

Soros (6+) - $1 Trillion+


The Fourth family would likely then be among these candidates: Rockefeller (Clintons), Vanderbilt (A.Cooper), 4th Reich (Bush), or maybe one of those Asian families who never really get the limelight. Then again, it could just be the Pelosi family. Newsome and Pelosi's family are all in control of California.

If you push me to pick one, it'd probably be Pelosi.



sleepydude 6 points ago +6 / -0

Only One ever walked the earth and avoided giving into the urge to believe the lies at least one time.


Only one cloth was taken through the mud to come out clean on the other side! We might think such things impossible, but nothing is impossible through God.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
sleepydude -1 points ago +2 / -3

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

What is it that I can possibly say to change your mind? Nothing?

If so, that means your mind is closed. You've shut your eyes, closed your ears. You won't listen to me, you won't entertain the idea. What fuels this zealous attachment to your own "personal" definition to that word?

You have formed a meaning to the word "spell" which is in keeping with the modern, Cabal, Hollywood interpretation of the word. That's not the word I'm using.

They attached demonic baggage to the word such that people may not see it for what it is and how they abuse it daily. They add this mysticism and superstition to protect and hoard it away for their own personal use.

It's no different to how they demonize guns. They have whipped up a view of guns which is illusory, thinking their mere presence in a room is a danger. So too can be said for the word "spell."

"Assault Rifles" have endured the same treatment. It's all illusory; smoke and mirrors, used to dupe the masses and achieve the end result -- a world where only THEY have the guns.

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