Did your ancestors come from Europe? If so, there's a good chance your ancestors were slaves in a feudal system. Instead of slaves, they called them serfs.

Serfs could never afford to buy land and had to live off the land of a Barron, Duke, Noble, Count, King, or other such form of Aristocracy -- paying taxes and otherwise having to adhere to the strict tenants of their respective lords.

This system we romantically perpetuate in media as fantasy actually was every bit if not more oppressive than the systems of slavery here in the United States. Slavery by another name is still slavery, and its common perpetuator is Tyranny. Tyranny being defined as such:

  1. Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.

In other words: "Do what I say or else!"

Tyranny follows no logic or reasoned excuse for overbearing interest into the lives of the individual. It is purely from a source of misplaced authority that people wield power like whips to keep others doing their bidding. Slavery, therefore, is almost always enforced by tangible punishment and the deprivation of rights.

But, more to my point, this system of caste serfdom has taken many forms in the United States, with our understanding of black slavery being merely the most propagandized. This propaganda stems from the Civil War as an excuse for it from a place of moral superiority on behalf of the Northern Union forces. Often times, you will find, Lies proceed War as it is only the Victors who write History.

Now, I don't want to go into the Civil War here, so I'll carry on...

Examples of these various forms of tyranny include: Indentured Servitude, Tenant Farmers, Peasantry, Serfdom, Plantation Slavery, Company Stores, and Patroonship.

There are more, but I want to talk specifically about Patroonship here, as I have a readily available depiction of those struggles.


Patroonship is the Dutch Trading Companies' variation on the idea of slavery. First, we must admit, that some people prefer slavery as the safety net it provides in otherwise inhabitable frontier lands and territories often leaves it as the only option for survival. By living within the protections of an aristocratic lord, you are afforded a bare-minimum standard of living such that your labor meet the interests of the land-owner.

Patroonship, like any of the above, provided those protections in the early days of the American Frontier. Those subservient to the Patroon were exempt from taxes, but had to pay the Patroon (the often Dutch land-holder) a rent in either the standard currency in circulation or more likely a percentage of their yield, the value of which is determined by the Patroon himself. Like dogs are "slaves" to their masters, there is a mutual relationship which lays the foundation of any servitude dynamic.

Which leads to the problems in the system and its devolution into Tyranny.

As time passed, farmers carried on into the double-digits of generations and the Patroon's control and perceived usefulness started to wane. Patroons began to be viewed as well as fulfil the role of a parasite.

Farmers who tended to the land never earned enough to buy the land for its true value, even if the Patroon permitted them as such, because a careful Patroon would always demand they pay rent in quantities that the farmer would never be able to gain independence from the Patroon. Additionally, the Patroon would wrack up debts based on frivolous charges and offences he could just make up on the spot. Being the sole arbiter of justice on his own estate, the Patroon could be held to no account other than by the outcry of the tenant famers themselves -- seeing how the provisional governments extending even past the Revolutionary Period permitted the practice of Patroonship well beyond its necessity.

We can see this period of time in the novel and movie Dragonwyck, starring Vincent Price as the Patroon Nicholas van Ryn, who is going through a tumultuous period as his tenant farmers are demanding they be permitted to buy their land they've worked on for generations from him.

While these pictures painted may not be as gruesome as Plantation Slavery has been portrayed, the oppression dynamic is identical.

  • If you don't work, you are punished rather than allowed individual autonomy.
  • You will never be able to afford to buy your own land without threat of seizure.
  • Debt ensures you are not allowed to leave freely.
  • Payment for labor, if it is provided, is often not recognized by the official government.
  • You are not permitted to practice the religion of your choosing.
  • You are not permitted to voice your concerns freely, at threat of losing your situation.

It is with this, and all previous iterations of the caste and servitude systems, that I can say that I, a white man, am due reparations every bit as much as any other race, be they black, asian, latin, or otherwise.

At some point our ancestors were ALL slaves to tyranny.

Are we therefore not due reparations on there behalf?

My Demands for Reparations are more than Reasonable

My ancestors came from Europe. They were serfs and then indentured servants.

Now, I too, recognize that I am under the heel of a Slave State. Income Tax and Property Tax are nothing more than another apparatus, a reinvention of the wheel, to excuse the practice of Tyranny on behalf of an Elite Caste of Aristocrats (now termed Technocrats) who wield power and oppression as their tools to further their own interests at the DIRECT detriment of my own.

Because I am not properly represented due to the rigged elections, I have no alternative to declare I am in a position of slavery. My labor is going directly towards my own oppression by way of predatory policies which prohibit the exercise of my God-given Rights.

Echoing the sentimental words of my forefathers, "No Taxation without Representation!"

We are slaves, deprived of the freedom afforded by and benefits of our own labor, and as such bear every bit the same, equal, entitlement of reparations as any other slave demographic in our past history.

Personally, I will accept reparations in the form of all and any Income and Property Tax being discarded as the foul and deceptive tools of Tyranny they have always been -- never again to be permitted in the Government Of The People, By The People, and For The People my forefathers who bloodily cried "No Taxation without Representation" founded all those generations ago.


You can't sell illegal drugs if people can't pay you in cash.

What are the alternatives?

Crypto and making the drugs legal.

If the Cabal wants to push Central Bank Digital Currency they have to know that it will destroy their own profit margins by kicking the legs out from under the illicit drug trade.

Though I'm not assuming they are competent, we have to assume their unsurmountable greed informs a more wise approach to their disastrous (for them) actions in taking us off cash. Which also means they have contingency plans for their drug markets.

We do see them trying to make drugs legal, in places like Oregon, Washington State and Canada...

Delving into Alternatives

But we cannot also assume they wouldn't try their hand at a crypto alternative to the CDBC. The Cabal always plays both sides. Controlled Opposition in this case would be certain crypto tokens -- every bit as trackable should you wish but offering an illusion of "unrestricted" transfer of funds so you can get your sticky on without Big Brother taking their cut.

This, too, will fail. Only larger crimes which have already otherwise had fallen under the crime of Wire Fraud are being done in crypto. The vast majority of illicit drug trade where the end-user is concerned is still using cash. I suspect this is not going according to the Cabal's plans. People, especially those who recreationally use drugs, are not particularly interested in learning how to operate a crypto wallet. While the millennial generation may be opting for a cashless exchange for their high, the majority of the older generation foreseeably would be suspicious of a paper trail they've been taught is integrated in every electronic system. That suspicion necessarily leads to non-compliance, so I can only assume they aren't getting their hopeful outcome of a druggy demographic accepting digital currencies any time soon.

In other words, "ain't nobody got time for that!"

It's not just drugs though; gun trade, pornography (particularly child porn) trade, racketeering pay-offs ("insurance"), low-level money laundering, and robbery will all be effected.

Robbery being a unique situation...

CBDC will put an end to robbery of cash, meaning people would shift strictly to just robbing products right off the shelf as we have seen in these lootings at Target and Walmarts across the nation. They would then have to fence the goods online to convert it into currency, through eBay or Craig's List. Both, quite trackable in the grand scheme of things.

Into the Future

All this means, necessarily, that a CBDC will face quite the shitstorm of lootings and criminal outrage as demographics of a lower moral conscience reel with the lack of cash. They will, perhaps, even establish a strict barter system in order to pilfer goods and afford drugs, guns, pornography or other such illicit materials.

Make no mistake, this does not bode well for the WEF's CBDC. It is a pipe dream because the efforts they've taken to destabilize nations by increasing criminal activity has also created a demographic reliant on cash to function. They must first address the criminal activity if they are ever going to have a hope of smoothly transitioning us onto a CBDC. You can't have both operating simultaneously without vast amounts of bloodshed, crime, and the risk of criminals breaking ranks and joining the sheep as enforcers working against the NWO's interests.



Also known as Vitamin B1.

You typically can't get enough of it by eating vegetables and fruit. You need to get it from red meat. Bloody, red meat. And some fish. Particularly from organs of animals, like liver, kidneys, hearts, etc.

Why does this matter?

Because one thing that cats need more in their diet more than anything else is Thiamin. If they don't get it, their muscles break down, their fur turns ragged and falls out, teeth decay, eyes stop working, and eventually they go all bonkers.

That's why they fortify cat food with Thiamin.

A lot of Thiamin.

So much so that if humans ate cat food they could die due to liver poisoning. It's also why you can't feed dogs cat food or cats dog food. Dog food doesn't have enough Thiamin to work for cats.

That's because cats normally would be eating a ton of small rodents whole to fulfill their needs. As a result, cats evolved to not produce as much Thiamin on their own, and so if they are deprived of a source they're well screwed.

Which also means, vegans who feed their cats an all vegetable diet are literally torturing and starving their cats to death.

Now, why does this matter with us humans?

Because we need Thiamin too. They put it in cereal, but vegans can't eat that because the majority is not "vegan."

One of my teachers in high school was vegan. Also, an obvious Communist who came here with her husband from the Czech Republic after they stopped being Communist enough for her, but that's another story.

She was pale, emaciated, had ragged hair, a perpetual cough, and smelt like stale donuts. It's obvious to me now, she was severely B1 deficient. It would appear that a B1 deficiency can lead to delusions such as Communism and wanting to teach in an American high-school.

And now we're hearing about them wanting to stop meat production, especially red meat? Killing the egg market? Forcing us to accept crickets?

It sounds to me, with this knowledge in mind, that their aim is to deprive us of readily available sources of Thiamin such that we become deficient and end up like my emaciated, delusional high-school teacher who thought Communism was a good idea despite living in a nation reeling from the years it parasitized them like a cancerous growth.

Anyways, make sure your cats get a good amount of Thiamin and consider frying up some liver and giblets for a try. Lemon sauce goes well with it, if you need help getting used to the flavor. Who knows, it might be the cure to your specific and unidentifiable illness.


Very important you watch this process to understand what I'm about to write:


This is the Spirit of the Masonic belief system.

The Division. The Grand Fissure. The Left and the Right hands.

Diversity is Our Strength.

This is the heart of the Masonic ideal. To create by destroying.

The Cornerstone of their Temple is cut with the above method. Holes are bored down the length of the stone, and pegs are inserted. Each peg is then hammered bit at time, up and down the partitioned rift. Each gets a hammer blow up the length, and then once again back down, with every stroke of the hammer wedging in the pegs just a bit more until all at once the block is rent in two.

This is how the Masons see a Nation. As a slab that must be shaped into bricks, whereupon they stack each brick in a Pyramid to reach the Eye of Providence. A worship of Self-Interests.

Nations are the slab.

Each bore hole is a topic of political discussion.

Each wedge is a narrative injected by the Masons.

Over time, the Mason will tap a narrative, furthering the divide between the Left and the Right of the Nation little bits at a time. False Flags, controversial stories, unpopular legislation. Tiny baby-steps edging closer and closer to the ultimate goal of that grand fissure which separates a nation, throws it into the turmoil of Civil War, and with a whimper accepts Authoritative Tyranny as the only permissible avenue towards order.

This is the mystical power of the Masonic Orders. To Divide and Conquer. The method is as I have described. A slow tamping of pressure adding stress into a system, until like the stone it gives way to two parties who hate one another enough to make deals with the Devil to see their rival done away with.

Each peg, each stake aimed at the heart of the Nation, is a subject of controversy.

  • Left vs Right.
  • Liberals vs Conservatives.
  • Communism vs Capitalism.
  • Sexual Degeneracy vs the Nuclear Family.
  • Christianity vs Islam.
  • Black vs White
  • Wealthy vs. Poor.
  • Immigration.
  • The Border Wall.
  • Drugs.
  • Crime.
  • School Shootings and Gun Control.
  • Anti-Semitism.
  • Gender Roles and MGTOW
  • Public School Indoctrination
  • MSM vs Independent Journalists
  • Drag Time Story Hour
  • Transgender Mutilation.
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Antifa
  • Nationalized Healthcare
  • Inflation
  • Covid-19
  • Masks
  • Vaccination Status

Controversy after controversy... All pegs drilling themselves in one blow at a time, one sensational story at a time, and "two weeks" at a time.

All of them are being periodically tamped upon by the Masons among us.

This is the Foundation Block of the Masonic Temple. The method of sourcing their Corner Stone.

This is the true meaning behind "Diversity is Our Strength."

Tribalism which rips the Heart of a Nation apart. Deluding one side with insanity and the other with a moral superiority complex. Until they snap and hand the Mason a perfectly cut stone -- just another to add to the pile that is the Pyramid.

This is why they chose the name "Mason." Because their craft is the division of nations like the slab of stone. This is their most treasured method. Their modus operandi.


China has a Balloon flying over Montana, which they say is a "Weather" balloon that went off course.

This reeks of Comms...

What do balloons do? They inflate and pops if you overfill it.

What else inflates and pops?

The economy.


The way inflation works in an economy has been compared to an expanding balloon. Blow too softly, the balloon looks flaccid and wrinkly, blow too hard, the balloon pops. The meaning of the image is intuitive. Inflation operates in an economy the same way as blowing into a balloon, it works well as long as it is steady and kept in moderation.

Now, to determine what sector of the economy this "China Balloon" refers to..

"Oro y Plata" is Spanish for "Gold and Silver" and hearkens back to when mining ruled Montana, and the state was nicknamed the "Treasure State."

So, a Chinese "Weather" or "Spy" Balloon was caught hovering off-course over Montana, the "Gold and Silver" State.

If you ask me, I think the Chinese Government just accidentally let slip they are about to restructure around a Gold and Silver backed Yuan - a la the BRICS.


We might be on the cusp of a big economic crash/explosion.

Trump certainly is cheering on those prospects, though the desired outcome is unclear to me...



Oh, and for anyone doubting the relevance of Comms and Q...

Learn to read the map.




Buckle in, it's time for a bland history lesson on our hidden benefactors and their origins.

Let's get this straight, Jews aren't Hebrew. What we know about Jewish culture and people likely have no direct connection to Abrahamic Judaism as we know it. If you've been keeping up with Clif High, you'll know what I'm talking about here.

I want to go more in depth with my own personal study on WHO it is we are actually talking about.

Khazaria and their Origins

Let's head back to the 650–965 AD era, which is the height of the Khazarian empire. The Khazars were a tribe who broke off of the remnants of the Babylonian Empire. They worshipped the Elements, most notably the Wind and their chief deity was the "Prince of Air."

It's important, however, not to interpret their worship in a strict literal sense. True, they worshipped the "Wind" but it's not as cut and dry as the movement of air. They worshipped Air in the figurative sense. Air is what is spoken among the people. Air is rumor, gossip, blackmail, popularity, sensationalism, slander, legal doctrine -- all those things which are bound to the spoken word. All those things which we account as remnants of the Universal Language spoken before the fall of their cherished Tower of Babel.

Therefore, when we say they worship the "Air" it's that they worship very much the same values we hold today in Hollywood and in Politics. They truly believe that the most vocal sentiment is the correct sentiment. Whoever can shout the loudest, spread the most rumors, and wield authority over others using the power of suggestion, manipulation, coercion and psychology is operating in the will of their deity, the Prince of Air.

Those are the foremost tenets of this cult, in addition to human sacrifice in both body and mind. It wasn't just cutting out hearts on an altar, but the subjugation of the mind by the influence of the "Air" which is nothing more than the power of the Lie. Their crown jewels were Banking, Money magic (usury) and Legal Entrapment (contracts, fraud and legalese).

This religion of theirs was called Vedism, and they love to hold grudges.

For a long time they held their own squeezed between Christians in the west, Jews in the south, Muslims in the east, and Mongol-Proto-Russians of the north in what we know as modern-day Ukraine (Crimea).

The Shattering

It came to a head, however, where the Khazarians had to choose a new religion such that they would be protected by one of the surrounding empires. Threatened by the Mongols of the north, they decided the best course of action is to adopt Judasim as their religion so they could afford protections from both the Christian Europeans and the Hebrews from the South as well as have the Mongol-Proto-Russians of the north ignore them.

It was at this point that two factions arose within the Khazarian Empire. Some did not want to forsake their gods and some decided to adopt the title of "Jew" while practice their Babylonian Death Cult in secrecy. The ones who did not wish to forsake their religion fled into both Europe and Southern Asia (and into India).

Those that went to Europe splintered even more and account for what we know today as Roma Gypsies and the more predominant "Ashkenazi Jew". Those that went south east, to Asia, founded Brahmanism and that eventually became Hinduism.

Those that stayed in Khazaria, living a double-life, founded the religion of the Yiddish Jew we know today, with the "13th Tribe" of Israel being the Khazarian Mafia.

Civil War

As time went on, these three factions struggled with their identity. Hostility grew between the cultures and the Khazarians were the most "successful" in a sense of maintaining their original religious practices. By operating in secret, hidden behind a charade of Judaism, they successfully established themselves as predators who preyed upon the Silk Road and trade between Asia and Europe. They became known as the "Namestealers" who would raid caravans, steal their identity after torture and manipulation, and then pretend to be the victim merchant -- seizing his assets and taking control of their properties.

The Brahmanism of the Southeast-Asian denomination eventually led to them completely losing their identity. Those that held fast to their Babylonian Death Cult identity eventually fled and filtered back into Europe as immigrants, also adopting the name "Ashkenazi" or palling up with the Roma Gypsies.

All these factions living in relative secrecy or seclusion, practicing their religion by sowing seeds of rumor, gossip, and blackmail among the leaders of European, Middle Eastern, and Asian royalty, eventually found themselves in seats of power of all major nations and religious institutions. With that power came tumultuous alliances and betrayals, as is the case with any mafias and mobs vying for territory as they run their rackets.

However, the minority of "true blood" Khazarian families looked upon the mixed-blood among the "Jewish" people; their petty squabbles and fighting amongst one another, and decided to consolidate their people by "culling the herd."

First they would cull the goyim -- the Anglo-Saxons of Europe and Russia (especially those filthy Mongol-Russians) This was done through their Bolshevik infiltrators.

Which brought us WW1 and preparations for a "One World Government" through Woodrow Wilson's actions.

Then the Khazarians decided to enact an ambitious plan. Their aim was to secure a state of perpetual victimhood such that none may ever seek to point fingers at them as instigators of national usurpation and benefactors of tyranny. They would use the "jewish" useful idiots they had cultured in order to excise the Ashkenazi among them and leave only the Khazarian Mafia as rulers of the world.

WW2 and the Spoils of War

They recruited a young man of mixed-Ashkenazi heritage we know now as Adolf Hitler.

His original name before it was changed to Adolf Hitler was Adolf Schickelgruber.

Which translates roughly to "Moneygrubber” or a bit more clunky “Fate-digger.”

Yeah, I shit you not...

His father Alois changed his name, and so too did little Adolf take on the Hitler name.


They get him into positions of power using their leverage on Germany and use the Weimar degeneracy as a platform for his ascent to a more "civilized" Germany. They let him cut off their Central Banks, and allow Germany to become a military power-house to fuel their grand cleansing plan. With all this, Hitler forms the "NAZI" party.

The "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte"

How do you get the "NAZI" out of that?

Well, you don't you get the NAZI out of the Ashkenazi. Hitler played the Ashkenazi in Europe who saw themselves as the true "13th Tribe" of Israel, the Aryans, and convinced them to claim the world. Little did his higher-up NAZI loyalists know, he was working for the Khazarians the entire time to hand them the world.

The Khazarians always play both sides...

The major goals of the war were to:

  • Seize the Vatican, especially the Jesuit order, which they did through Mussolini.
  • Destroy the Illuminati in France.
  • Seize the Rosicrucian Order.
  • Cull the "dirty" jews, especially the Ashkenazi.
  • Subjugate the Polish people, who were the last remnants of their ancient rivals, the Mongol-Proto-Russians who call themselves "The White Guards."
  • Turn the United States into a World Police to plunder and abuse as they see fit.
  • Inject America through Operation Paper Clip with loyalist NAZIs.

Did I mention they love to hold grudges?

All these things did they accomplish and more...

Hitler likely was rewarded with a cushy villa in South America, and then they laid the foundations for the Cold War with the aim of crushing the spirit of Russia once and for all while furthering the Globalist Police state through propping up the United States.

JFK, of the Fitzgerald Family Mafia attempted to stop them, and he was put down.

Reagan was shot and possibly replaced, I'm personally fuzzy on the details there.

Bush (4th Reich) instigated 9/11 after "stealing" the election from Gore (they were supposed to hand off the Presidency between factions like the Coven in the movie Underworld.)

Barry Soetoro was used by the House of Saud (working in conjunction with Mossad and the Rothschilds) to punish the Bushes and seize the Patriot-Act surveillance apparatus.

The Clintons (Rockefellers) fought to get things back on the Rockefeller train with dismal results, though promised the Presidency as the Rockefellers have gone without for far too long.


And then that "bastard" Trump comes along and revives the JFK dream of a world without the Cabal right at 0-hour in their plan to reign in WW3 through U1 and Clinton turning against Russia and wiping them off the map with a nuclear detonation, war, a Pandemic, and possibly an alien invasion all at once -- enshrining the New World Order as the only means by which Humanity can overcome our squabbles and fight against the alien scum who threaten "Our Democracy."

Some genuinely compared him to Hitler because they saw him as an actual "Ashkenazi" NAZI -- fighting on behalf of the Ashkenazi's who desperately want revenge for WW2's campaign against them and teaming up with Orthodox Russians in order to strike back against the Khazarian Empire.

That's where things get really messy. We know Trump is working alongside Russia, though maybe not as much as the MSM wants us to believe with their 2016 Russia Russia Russia hoax. We know Trump is an heir to the JFK dream. We know he was recruited by Q to give America a fighting chance.

What we don't know is who is pulling their strings. Are they being led by someone in the shadows? That's hard to say, and is worth thinking about...

Anyways. That's what I've got so far. There's some finer points I can get into, but for the time being that's a good roadmap of who the Khazarian Mafia are, who the Ashkenazi's are, and their Vedic origins especially how they think and worship.

One thing I left out, perhaps for another time, is how they formed all the Secret Societies and subsequently lost and reclaimed them over the years as they struggled to gain power in the highest echelons and aristocracies of Europe and Asia.

Also, how Francis Bacon's work in Symbolism and Cryptography revolutionized their control apparatus...

But, again, that's for another time. I hope this, at least, was worth the read even if I probably have some things wrong. Again, it's a work in progress. This is my understanding after tons of research and pondering.

Without question! (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 These people are stupid!
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude

The US isn't just giving all our spare munitions to Ukraine for no reason. Hell, those NAZI wannabes don't even know how to use our tech. They'd be more likely to shoot their eyes out than operate a stinger missile and some Bradleys.

No, I suspect the only reason they're giving Ukraine these armaments (which then immediately sells it on the black market to launder the money back to our politicians) is so that WE the PEOPLE cannot turn around and raid the bastille as soon as the markets collapse.

Think about it -- the last thing these corrupt douchebags in power want is for these military grade arms to fall into civilian hands once they run out of funny money to pay the national guard and armed forces to continue to stand down while we beg for justice to return in some form and fashion. They don't want us forming militia groups, and this theory all comes full circle with their gun-grab obsession and the Jan 6th "fully semi-automatic armed insurrection."

Shit's gonna hit the fan pretty darn soon, and they really don't want armorers selling the spares on the fly to civvies while the corrupt officers and brown-nosed warhawks plan their big escape behind a smoke-cloud of the jabbed burning down MSM headquarters and hospitals before the suddenlies get them.

Guns and brass look like the better investment over gold and crytpo to me right now... Otherwise, the US Govt would be shipping bullion and bitcoin to Ukraine to launder, am I right?


You've heard the expression, "don't shit where you eat" right?

Well, I think an even more pertinent expression could be "you don't put poop in the fridge."

Or rather, "people don't put poop in the fridge."

It's not something people just do for no reason. Sure, it's not immediately obvious when you first put it in there, but the smell will bleed out and incorporate itself into all the other food in the fridge. It'll sour the whole thing. Instead of just having shit on the table like the typical expression goes, everything gets infused with shit taste and smell. In many ways, it's a worse thing to store poop in the fridge than to shit where you eat.

Now, you may ask, "what does this rambling mess have to do with anything?"


Biden had poop in his fridge. Pelosi had poop in her fridge.

What the fuck?

They have evidence of corruption, stupidity, gay lovers, paying hookers with Russian oligarch money, and quid pro Joe deals.

All that was stored away, kept preserved by the FBI.

But NOW of all times, it's all coming out in less than a month?


It's poop in the fridge. They made everything SO MUCH WORSE by sitting on this shit and letting it infuse everything and everyone associated with them.


It has to be planned. They have to know they're doing it. It's not just a distraction or a misdirection. It's not just them getting rid of these fossils in power by cooking up a sensational story.

There's poop in their fridge. I want to know why. I don't trust their explanations, hell I don't even trust our own. They aren't just shitting where they eat. They put evidence and stored it in their garages. They blatantly lied about their own surveillance capabilities. They have tasked the MSM to fuel the conspiracy theory narratives -- lifting them up so they can pick them apart.

These documents from Biden -- this "attack" on Pelosi, and her subsequent EXORSICM!? didn't just happen. There's more to this whole story. The exorcism rumors are connected to this video drop today, it's more than just a hunch.

They're "exorcising" the bad rumors, the bad spirits, about her husband and his underwear visits with chunky fuckbois. This video feels like it's staged.

Because people don't just put poop in the fridge. It's not something they do. Some people shit where they eat, but they don't poop in the fridge. Nobody is so stupid as to sit on evidence of their wrong doing and release it for no apparent reason whatsoever.

I'm suspicious of these recent "happenings"...


How did that happen? This video doesn't show that.

I'm getting weird vibes from this video, dudes. Things just aren't adding up. There's been plenty of time for Hollywood to piece together something. My trust has never been lower, so I'm gonna hold off on drawing any conclusions until the autism specialists go in with their scalpels.

Did they fluff up a bunch of rumors and make it look a ton sketchier a few months ago so when this came out it would seem puffed up and therefore misdirect from the gay lover stuff?

I mean, the ?automatic? door opening is a weird one as well...

All this smells fishy -- probably like that hammer...


The purpose of this thread is to try and explain the Antique and even Masonic understanding of Ascension.

Today, the typical understanding of Ascension is you can fly. You get "raised up" and can see things from a higher perspective.

That's not altogether untrue, but it's a narrow view of a much wider concept -- a concept that even our forefathers had difficulty conveying without symbolism and graphics.

So, here's the idea...

Say you want something to pound stuff with. You've been using your fist and some rocks, but I'll be darned if it doesn't hurt after a dozen or so bashes, so you think "there has to be a better way!" like in a Billy Mays infomercial.

Then, one day, you stumble upon a corpse of a deer or some other large game. You grab ahold of its femur, and lo and behold it's a pretty good bashy stick with that knob on the end.

2001 A Space Odyssey - Dun dun!

Skill Unlocked: Leverage

Problem is, it's still too light...

But the concept is there. A handle with a knob on the end.

You'll call it, the Hammer. Capitalized, because the actual hammer has yet to have been made. There is but one in all the Universe, and it's currently residing in your little monkey brain.

So now comes the lofty goal, of taking rock and stick and combining them to form something greater than the sum of its parts. You find a stick with a crotch, take the rock and smash it in the Y gap with another rock, and there you have it, an instance of a hammer!

Skill Unlocked: Crafting

Skill Unlocked: Invention

Problem is, the rock keeps slipping out. It's not like the femur, the bone, you had before. So you need some way to keep the two together. You got options, but you figure the best is to take some vines and wrap it around the rock so it stops slipping out.

Skill Unlocked: Lashings

Skill Unlocked: Tying Knots

Skill Unlocked: Innovation

You now have a serviceable hammer. That Hammer you saw in your mind's eye now exists. The First Hammer, with which you are pleased...

But the story does not end there.

The Hammer's story is not yet finished. Now that you have a hammer, dreams of other hammers come into your mind. You realize new potentials, new opportunities which were not available to you before the advent of the poundy stick you now possess.

Another design for a Hammer pops into your mind.

The Son of Hammer. A birth of a new hammer, only made possible by a hammer made before it -- for it.

The Hammer of Hammers. The Pounder of Pounders. The Basher of Bashers.

You see where I'm going with this yet?

It will not be the first Hammer, but the First AMONG Hammers.

But, how to do it?

Time passes, and many iterations come and go, but eventually you see the proper material. Metal. Stones crack. Metal bends. Metal is heavy like stone.

Metal melts...

Metal will work. But metal is birthed through heat. Through the flames and through pain and suffering.

You dedicate time and efforts to building the Kiln, which turns wood into black wood. Charcoal. This black wood burns hotter. It melts metal.

You plop the green rocks you found, the seed of metals, into the furnace and heat it up with the black wood. It melts, and you catch it in a rock with a hole in it. You pick up that rock with sticks and pour the metal into a mold, the casting, an empty cavity begging for seed to fill it. A womb which will birth your new-born son.

The child cools down. The Hammer Head crowns from the mold and birth is given to an infant. But it is without handle. A hole in the head resides for the handle, but the head must come for the handle to fit it. So you get to work, taking up flint, and grind away at the branch to form a stake, a wooden beam, with which to pierce the side of the hammer and raise it upon.

Skill Unlocked: Carpentry

Then, when the time has come, you drive the handle into the hammer's head, and bash a wedge in the other side to bind it into place. To do this, you use the last tap of the original stone and stick hammer you've been using all along up until now. It's purpose is served -- to help give birth to this new Creation.

With that, it is finished.

The Hammer of Hammers is done.

The Universe revels at the Mind's Eye given birth to a new Creation, which fulfills the Creator's goals. With which the Creator is "well pleased."

This Hammer, born through fire and flames; through carvings and piercings of spades and spears; through pain and suffering; is now here in its most prescient form. All other hammers seek to model themselves after this template. All other hammers now resemble this authentic, genuine article -- not as imitations but as children of the original design which formed in the Mind of the Creator.

This Hammer, the Primordial Hammer, is the Messiah. The Rule by which we measure; by which all other hammers are compared. Which resided in the mind of the Creator at the start of time. The true birth was the moment that monkey picked up a femur and the idea grew in his mind. The conception occurred then.

Bringing it Home

In the times of Genesis, this all was well understood. In the New Testament, Jesus proves to us his Nature.

God breathed into the earth to form Adam. This process occurred exactly like a metal casting. The earth was the mold which God filled with his essence. Unfortunately, Adam came out of the mold and did not serve his master as a perfect casting.

Jesus fulfilled the original plan. He was the perfect casting. God realized that the earth was the problem, that the mold was the flaw in the design, and so he created a new Vessel, a new Womb. A Virgin Womb. A Womb designed to be the Womb of Wombs. How else might the Son of Man come into fruition if not through Man? A clean an untouched Womb, within which he poured his Spirit as one would pour metal for a new Hammer.

Upon a beam, a tree, did we hang Jesus. He is the Hammer of Hammers to which I speak.

The Process of going from hammer to hammer; to use one hammer to make THE Hammer is called Ascension. This is the antique understanding of that term. It's a movement up steps. When you have made one tool, you may now use that tool to make its better. Upwards and onwards; invention and innovation; until you reach the top of the Mountain and hear the words spoken from beyond the clouds:

17 And lo, a voice came from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. - Matthew 3:17

This is the Truth of Scripture. This is the Prophecy foretold.

This is the essence of the Primordial Man. Proof that God had in his mind the outline of his Son well before time began ticking along.

Ascension is the act of using what came before to make tomorrow. Ascension is living in the present moment. Ascension is the act of climbing that lofty hill of invention and innovation to arrive at that Immortal soul which rests in your mind. To conceive, to aspire, and to achieve.

True Ascension can only come from those who recognize Perfection is Christ. That God gave us proof that Perfection can and is, but more importantly sought. You will never acquire that Perfection which you hold so high up on a pedestal until you realize what God's definition of Perfection is.

Perfection is that with which you are "well pleased."

You will not achieve Perfection through Obsession; only Aspiration.

In other words, perfection is that which does the job for which it is intended with no fault. A few nicks and scratches here and there does not prevent you from fulfilling that destiny. Temptation and suffering will not prevent God from using you as a tool to build the walls of Heaven's Mansion.

God's Son is a Carpenter, and he knows that every tool gets dull, and every tool gets rusty. He is the one to clean us of our sins, to hone our edge, and to prepare us for the day he uses us to fulfill his will here on earth and beyond.

Rest assured, he did not create you out of whimsy. Every tool in the Workshop of God has its purpose, and it will come for you as sure as the sun rises and sets. It is up to you to be as receptive to his file and brush as you can be; to be prepared for him to come like a thief in the night; for when he asks for you to do Great Works, he expects you to not fight him or grow spiteful as he carves metal off your edge and buffs the dead wood from your handle. It may seem painful, and you will suffer, but the end result is a Perfect you with which he may be "well pleased."

Okay, let's do some magic. 💊 RAW UNCUT HOPIUM 💊
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude

First, let's establish what "Magic" really is using three old-world examples, so you know how they apply them in their own understandings:

  1. The Pied Piper.

Synopsis: Flute player offers to rid the town or rats by leading them out of town playing his magic flute. When he's successful, the townspeople don't pay him so he uses his magic flute on the town children and kidnap them as payment.

When, lo! as they reached the mountain-side, A wondrous portal opened wide, As if a cavern was suddenly hollowed; And the Piper advanced and the children followed, And when all were in to the very last, The door in the mountain-side shut fast. Robert Browning, The Pied Piper of Hamelin: A Child’s Story

  1. They Gypsy Woman - The Evil Eye / Stink Eye

There is no singular story on this one, as it ha had many interpretations over the years, but the premise is about the same. A Gypsy woman gets slighted by a traveler, usually a man, and she puts a curse on him by waving her hands and giving him the "stink eye" or "evil eye." Stephen King wrote a modern version of this called Thinner where a fat lawyer gets cursed by a gypsy man he screwed over in court.

  1. Alice in Wonderland - The Walrus and the Carpenter

Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland as an encoded how-to manual to get away with pedophilia. It covers using uppers and downers to prep a child for their memory to be wiped (potion makes you small, cake makes you big). This particular case of the Walrus and the Carpenter is a case study on how to set up a protestant church and the Walrus, dupe a Carpenter (representative of a priest like how Jesus was a carpenter) who doesn't know what you're doing, a useful idiot, and honestly thinks you're trying to share the good news. He's a patsy, and the very essence of a lambskin apron, who will take the fall (gets dirty) should things go south and your plans to molest the "oysters" goes belly up.

"True" Magic

Magic is not about casting fireballs and freezing things with fancy light shows. Magic is convincing people that you did those incredible things without some illusion, scheme, scam, or sleight of hand.

Magic is in the dupe, not the spectacle. The smoke and mirrors is what everyone remembers, because the real magic spell being cast is on the mind, which is intangible. It's more about psychology, but still affects the spiritual integrity of the victim, so we can't say it's all-together an illusion. People being scammed actually believe the scammer is honest, they're getting what service or good they were pitched, and that everything is gonna work out just fine for everyone.

If you tell a man a sword is magic and give him a demonstration, there is a confidence in that sword and himself which comes from the user's mind. This confidence itself is the Source of magic, and can accomplish the once thought impossible. Call it placebo, the self-fulfilling prophecy, or whatever term you wish, the point is that you delude someone into believing something and by the terms and rules of that artificial belief, they use their spiritual essence, their divine spark, to perform great feats of faith.

Effectively, magic is preying on faith. Trust, therefore, is a potent weapon.

The Hierarchy

Even modern stories utilize this trope. For example, in Star Wars the Emperor serves as the Walrus to Darth Vader's Carpenter. Darth Vader believes he can control the galaxy with an iron fist, and therefore balance the force. The Emperor has deluded him into believing this, and when Vader figures this out he believes all that must be done is to replace the Emperor.

This trope is actually the modus operandi of the Freemason hierarchy. The Sith are modeled after Freemasons, and any other such Secret Society. "Always two there are. No more, no less. A master and an apprentice."

So, in Freemasonry there is the Freemason "Master" and then there's the "Apprentice." The trick here, however, is that the only way an Apprentice becomes a Master is to slay their Master and then take on a new Apprentice. The Apprentice is deluded into believing one day they will be a Master, and all other Masters hold secret just how the final act of succession occurs. An Apprentice who doesn't realize this "great truth" will never be "illuminated". If they do figure it out, it means they're viable candidates to become Masters and thus take a seat in the innermost chambers of the Lodge. Same deal with the Sith. Same deal with any other Secret Society. It's how they function.

So, again, the Freemason Apron denotes your Apprentice. It keeps you clean, and karmically innocent. So long as you coach your Apprentice to do your bidding, you get to stay clean. Also, so long as your apprentice follows your orders, they'll appear clean publicly.

Of course it's not always that simple. While they would like to have a 1:1 Master and Apprentice, Apprentices always have their secret Apprentices. Darth Vader had Star Killer, for example.

And so it is, that puppets have puppets have puppets.

In that way, I suppose the Secret Societies are closer to the Jedi order as well as the Sith, but whatever, that's a conversation for another time.

Regardless, that's what Q means by the +++, ++, +

The strings of + connect to ++ connect to +++

Like the Godfather Art:


"The Godfather III" as Q puts it.

Back to Magic

Alright, let's try to set up a magic spell.

A narrative.

You see, that's the real meaning of a spell.

Spell - 1. A story; a tale. 2. A charm consisting of some words of occult power. Start not; her actions shall be holy; you hear my speel is lawful. Begin, begin; the mystic spell prepare.

First you need people to fuel your spell. You need their energies. To do that, you need to form a demographic, a tribe, which would adhere to your spell as dogma.

Once you collect this crowd, next comes the spell casting. Like a pod-cast. You Tell-A-Vision. A dogmatic motivational speech from your Carpenter followed by the sales pitch from the Walrus. What comes next is a rise to action, usually incited by a False Flag (blame game) and then everyone is fervently seeking your product to alleviate worries and woes they didn't have until you came to town and convinced them that you have to buy band equipment because pool tables are the devil.

In the Gypsy terms, you wave your arms and chant something and the mystery will gnaw at the mind of the victim until they make the curse reality. A curse, a spell, has to be accepted to take hold. Think of it like a contract, because it is a contract. Often times you sign not really understanding you're being defrauded in the fine print. Same deal with a Gypsy Evil-Eye spell. They do some juju and your confusion is your signature. If you ignore it, forget it, it has no power. If you obsess over it, that means you're keeping your part of the contract, whose fine print is "mess up your life."

And then there's also the Pied Piper. Of course, you probably see the similarity to his actions and the theories of DUMBs and the like where they harvest adrenochrome. The current Spell these modern-day Pied Pipers are playing on us is the Trans/Drag spell. Sexualizing children is just the method to reach a goal, which is to kidnap your child's mind away because you aren't paying them for their "services." Likely, though, the Pied Piper is the one who introduced rats into the town so that he could scam them by offering to remove them. He had the means to do so, even if you didn't catch him bringing rats to town, which should already beg suspicion. So, you fulfilling the "contract" which is based on fraud and malice in the first place is actually just a means to an end to corrupt your children. Gullible people don't stand a chance.

That's spellcraft all wrapped up in a bow.

Getting into the Terms

In my post yesterday, I provided some terms which denote themes. Those themes form together to create a [Stringer] which is the literal interpretation of the phrase "Common Thread."

I suggest you look into that post just so you know where I'm headed now.

Water is information. A rag is a derogatory term for a propagandized newspaper. When you fill a rag (newspaper) with water (information) and then squeeze (the press) it out onto people's minds (brains) we say you are washing them.

That's Brain-Washing. You use rags (newspapers) and water (information) to wash minds.

And that's the spell. The Magic Spell is in the language. The above is the mantra, the chant, the charm that they utter which curses you to do their bidding.

Of course, you see the obstacles, right?

In order for a spell to work, so that people can subliminally recognize the connection and sub-consciously accept it, you have to establish idiomatic foundations (bricks) by which to dupe them.

In other words, you have to disseminate among the populace the term "rag" and "brain-washing" and "flow of information" and "surfing the web" so that people can subliminally make the connections like I have done above, while staying consciously clueless to the terms they are signing on to. Once that is established, the excuse these "witches and warlocks" use is "we told you exactly what we were doing, you just didn't understand so you are still the liable party."

That's the same logic they use to defraud you using contracts. They hide behind legalese or some other such "occult" or "hidden" language. They offer to teach you grammar and words in school so you further have no excuse not to understand the fine print they've obscured intentionally, but they do a shit job at it so you don't wise up and realize you're agreeing to a social contract (spell) you would otherwise never sign.

That's the spin cycle. That's the bait-and-switch. That's the scam.

Spells are contracts. They're forms and papers you sign with your cooperation, with your will and spirit.

Dispelling and White Magic

Dispelling is what we do here. We are taking their narrative, their spell, and destroying it with memes and red pills, which are our counter-spells. Narratives which break their own. We humiliate them and get the useful idiots to wise up to whom they are supporting. That's what Q is having us do, and has done so by using a White Magic spell on us.

Modern terms would account Q as a White Hat Psyop. White Magic, White Hat Psyop; Black Magic, Black Hat Psyop -- you see the spell that was cast, right? We on the Great Awakening have a White Magic spell cast on us by Q which induces us to search for spells and break them apart. Like White Blood Cells. It's an obsession all the same, which is the signature of a spell having been cast.

To get rid of the pomp and circumstance, what both sides are doing is quite simple. They are psychologically manipulating people to do a thing. If that thing, that goal, is a positive and honest one it's considered White Magic. If it's a negative, malicious, and parasitic one, it's considered Black Magic.

We just call them psyops today, but the purpose and modus operandi is the same.

To break a spell, you only need to point out that it's going on. There's no eye of newt baloney you have to do, no potion you need to drink, no pill you have to take. That's just Hollywood programming. Instead, to break a spell you need only provide what we call a red-pill, a thought, which you can seed into the mind of another which wakes them up from the spell.

Something that makes them say "huh, I never looked at it that way before."

You point out the scam, and they have no excuse to fall for the scam anymore. It was never in their best interest, so only those thoroughly deluded or gluttons for pain and suffering would continue with the scam once it has been outed. Even if it doesn't take right away, like the Gypsy curse, it will gnaw on them and cause them to doubt.

Just like a heckler in a crowd being wooed by a snake oil salesman, we are pointing out the obvious. We are pointing out the magician's sleight of hand. We're telling the punchline to a joke which is a cruel joke. We're offering up spoilers at the middle of the movie.

That's how you dispel a spell.

So whether you recognize it or not, "you're a wizard, Harry."


And the ones with Q who cast a spell on us told us exactly what they were doing, in their own way. Because that's how spells work.




Narcolepsy hitting hard, so I'll just jot down my notes in case I forget. Consider it an exercise for anyone willing to put it together for themselves.

Find the [Common Thread] AKA [Stringer]

  • Web, Web of Lies, World Wide Web, Spider Web.

  • Newspaper, Rag, Soak, Wash, Brainwash, Rinse, Spin Cycle.

  • Spell, "Stay for a Spell", Narrative, "Spin a Yarn", Story, Tale.

  • Flag, False Flag, Scrap, Brawl.

  • Water, Wash, Clean, Rinse, Squeeze, Flow, Flow of Information, Tide, "Testing the Waters", Litmus Test.

Put it all together, and you'll find how they think to retain their karmic "innocence" symbolized by the lambskin apron.

Apron - 1. A cloth or piece of leather worn on the forepart of the body, to keep the clothes clean, or defend them from injury.

They have to tell you what sick and crazy shit they're doing so it "absolves" them from karmic retribution. Or so they believe. By reading their double-speak, the forked tongue, you can piece together just how the MSM is actually a massive Evil-Eye Spell.

That's all for now. I'll go more in depth tomorrow for anyone who's interested.


Has the AI successfully formed a metaphorical argument?

You know, has it used an analogy to prove a point? Was the analogy appropriate to the subject prompt?

For example, saying pharmaceutical companies owning major shares in MSM news outlets is like the "fox guarding the hen house".

Can they understand and utilize such abstract notions in their speech?

I ask, because I think that it is potentially the best way to vet whether or not you're talking to a computer going into the foreseeable future. If someone can describe their view by means of analogy, they're human. Otherwise they are robots (or NPCs).

Consider it the modern Turing Test.

Fat of the Earth 🗣️ DISCUSSION 💬
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude


Yes, you heard that. Oil is the Fat of the Earth.

Coal, too, is not unlike the coagulated pus and dead skin which does congeal and harden into pockets of sebum.

To characterize such a process by the name "Fossil Fuels" assumes a lengthier process than is suggested by all systems in nature.

Which is to say, "fossil fuels" are fake and gay.

They are neither exclusively from fossils and provide far more than a means to combust for heat. All forms of plastics, resins, and carbon steel also find their start in the form of crude oil and coal.

The Earth is constantly undergoing a process of renewal, taking into it all forms of mineral and elements and purifying them with an even and temperate heat. This heat is not like the open flame which consumes, but an inductive heat which traps all vapors and gasses and condenses them under the weight of mountains.

An Inductive Heat, one of coil and rod. This process is a Generative one, consisting of a womb (the coil), and the phallus (the injected seed) which does pollinate the egg in a sealed vacuum.

When something dies, true, it's remains of carbon are taken into the earth and from it is extracted all the minerals and elements therein, but that is only the smallest of the sources for the Fat of the Earth.

Carbon is heavy. Heavier than nitrogen (78% of air); heavier than oxygen (20% of air). It sinks. To believe it could possibly get trapped in the upper atmosphere due to internal heat alone is asinine. It is the posturing of "green energy" conmen which deludes us so like a pox upon our houses.

When it does sink, it is absorbed by the soil and especially by our vast oceans.


Ask yourself:

  • How does oil end up at the bottom of the ocean, begging to be released by drilling?
  • How does coal end up at the bottom of vast deserts and arid badlands?

Are we to believe that ancient, vegetative biomes once resided in those places such that they would provide a swathe of carbon to produce these veins of oil and coal? Are we also to believe that these are an exhaustible resources which humanity could possibly over-indulge upon? How might an ancient jungle or bog manage to find itself offshore a modern desert? Are we to believe the terrain had altered itself so drastically yet still remain just off shore?

No. I say, the belief that we could exhaust the Fat of the Earth is as woefully misguided as believing one could hope to squeeze all the pus and oil from every pore on a man's body, upon which the foolish belief is that it would cease to produce even another smidge of oil. All sources of carbon contribute to the oil and coal reserves within the crust of the earth, not just from vegetative life. The Earth is a closed system. Carbon doesn't simply escape. It is recycled in vast chain of processes.

Much to the chagrin of many a youngster going through puberty, whose pores are perpetually clogged by hormonal releases of the sebaceous gland, so too does the Earth undergo seasons of great production in Oil and Coal. These take place within wax and wane of solar-seasonal ice ages. During these periods of time a great cold is visited upon the Earth, and much like the body does when cold, produces more oil so that it may not dry out and chafe under the blistering wind. Similarly, it is not unlike the body of any other animal that does produce sweat and oil upon its brow which occasionally congeals into pockets that may only be relieved by external pressures.

Another way to look at it is thus -- when the creatures of the world are in need, the Earth does provide a means to survive. We reside upon a living system, which conducts itself with an unusually sentient-seeming precision in the balancing of natural schisms. Carbon's removal and recycling through the bosom of the Earth is just another process within a grand web of systems constantly going on in this special little spec of dust in the cosmos. We are meant to combust and utilize this resource. If we don't, like an unkempt forest it will catch fire and combust itself in drastic fashion. In some cases, violently, as would the eruption of a volcanic body which would do far more damage to the biomes of the Earth than any amount of burning humans could induce. Humans, like microbes upon the brow, are Garden Tenders, as Adam was instructed; his and our role upon the Earth is to tend to it.

Under every mountain is a pressure and heat. They are like pores upon the face of the Earth which swell and inflame into the form of a pimple. Black heads become white heads, and when squeezed or excised do spout forth with a violent resolve.

We then, mere microbes in this grand web, do take the pus and use it for our own doings. Just as the microbes upon your brow consume the oil your skin produces to keep itself supple and pliable like a well oiled leather coat. So too, should you kill off those microbes upon your skin will you find that protective layer of healthy bacteria fail to combat the yeast and spiteful germs that find dry crevasse and form painful cysts, not only filled with pus but blood. It is a mutual relationship; a symbiotic relationship, and one we are not doing our part to fulfill in order to keep balance in an ever-moving system.

Which is to say, we humans form an essential role to play in the maintenance of the microbial balance upon Earth's face. We are an essential and beneficial component to an immense system which provides a relief of the oil and coal which pools under the topmost layers of the crust. Should we not continue to exercise this role, stresses within the Earth will build and be released with great violence, just as a person's skin fractures and bleeds should it not be maintained in like fashion.

More on the origin of these materials...

If you want to learn more about the natural processes, from a voice long before the Rockefeller Dystopian Monopoly on oil, you may start here, before the term "crude oil" had even taken hold:


Just one excerpt:

Whereas nature by a natural fire decocts the metals in the Mines, she denies the like decoction to be made without a vessel fit for it. And if we propose to imitate nature in concocting, wherefore do we reject her vessel! Let us first of all therefore, see in what place the generation of metals is made. It does evidently appear in the places of Minerals, that in the bottom of the mountain there is heat continually alike, the nature whereof is always to ascend, and in the ascension it always dries up, and coagulates the thicker or grosser water hidden in the belly, or veins of the earth, or mountain, into Argent-vive. And if the mineral fatness of the same place arising out of the earth, be gathered warm together in the veins of the earth, it runs through the mountain, and becomes Sulphur. And as a man may see in the foresaid veins of that place, that Sulphur engendered of the fatness of the earth (as is before touched) meets with the Argent-vive (as it is also written) in the veins of the earth, and begets the thickness of the mineral water. There, through the continual equal heat in the mountain, in long process of time diverse metals are engendered, according to the diversity of the place. And in these Mineral places, you shall find a continual heat. For this cause we are of right to note, that the external mineral mountain is everywhere shut up within itself, and stony: for if the heat might issue out, there should never be engendered any metal. If therefore we intend to immitate nature, we must needs have such a furnace like unto the Mountains, not in greatness, but in continual heat, so that the fire put in, when it ascends, may find no vent: but that the heat may beat upon the vessel being close shut, containing in it the matter of the stone: which vessel must be round, with a small neck, made of glass or some earth, representing the nature or close knitting together of glass: the mouth whereof must be signed or sealed with a covering of the same matter, or with lute. And as in the mines, the heat does not immediately touch the matter of Sulphur and Argent-vive, because the earth of the mountain comes everywhere between: So this fire must not immediately touch the vessel, containing the matter of the aforesaid things in it, but it must be put into another vessel, shut closed in the like manner, that so the temperate heat may touch the matter above and beneath, and where ever it be, more aptly and fitly: whereupon Aristotle says, in the light of lights, that Mercury is to be concocted in a three-fold vessel, and that the vessel must be of most hard Glass, or (which is better) of Earth possessing the nature of Glass.

If you didn't catch it, I'm trying a different writing style, like the above excerpt. Weaving in symbolism and cultured language may sound pompous at first, but it expresses the grandiose nature of things in an aptly poetic way. Tell me what you think.


First, let me be clear, I don't want to overly attempt to make Elon Musk seem like a good guy. He's a wild card, and even if he's a good guy it's in his best interest to appear as though he's playing both sides. Keep 'em guessing and while they're guessing they won't be actively attempting to murder you.

That said, I wanna spell out a distinct possibility as it pertains to Elon Musk's support of Ukraine using Starlink.

If they are using Starlink in Ukraine to commit horrible acts, including war crimes, then Elon Musk would have all that recorded in packet data. He only needs to transcribe and decrypt that data in order to have a full log of just about every order sent over the airways. Every drone in use that dive-bomb civilians and children, every order to maim and torture prisoners of war, every internet star retardedly jumping into the fray with their smart phones, and every map of the battlefield above and below ground.

He's got the capability to have it all documented and backed up on servers.

The only questions left to answer are "does he have it all backed up?" and "is he willing to do the work to show the world what's really going on in Ukraine?"

It's likely Ukraine bigwigs already know this. It might explain some of their desperation. They have to win the war now at all costs, because only the victors can write the history.

Is "Woke" just another word for "Hypocrite"? (media.greatawakening.win) 🧠 These people are stupid!
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude
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