sukebandeka 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yeah, like people can be anti-stem cell, but I think the most precious gift from "god" or a life or whatever you wish to call it, IS saving the lives of others.

You know... sorta what SkyDaddy did with his only son.

Not that we should go out and abort at will, but if it has to be done, then make the best of it. Don't let it be in vain etc.

People miss the messaging because they're so hyper-focused on X BAD, Y BAD, Z Immoral.

deleted -1 points ago +3 / -4
sukebandeka 0 points ago +2 / -2


They actually don't but whatever, keep making this autistic argument. It just makes anti-vaxxers look retarded. I hate vaccines, there are SO many better arguments but this lame "muh religious distaste for abortions" one is the absolute worst one. It's circular and quacks like Deisher make the movement look like dunces.

sukebandeka 0 points ago +1 / -1


Theresa A Deisher. Ms Deisher isn't exactly a good source. She has an agenda to push and she's never backed up her research.

Again, it's not how the vaccines are manufactured. As much as I dislike vaccines, you're just plain incorrect on this and people like Desisher and those who parrot her BS make the anti-vax movement look like drooling retards because they are trying so hard to confirm their bias they end up tying themselves in knots.

sukebandeka 2 points ago +3 / -1

Dude... it's a chocolate.

Idiots in marketing come up with the name. This really isn't it.

sukebandeka 4 points ago +8 / -4

It does not contain aborted fetal cells. This is the exact same thing as the "OMG COKE CONTAINS ABORTED FETAL CELLS" rubbish.

In the testing, they use lab created replicated human fetal cell lines. It's an "immortal" cell, that is replicated - the one used in the vaccines is PER.C6. It's from yes - an aborted or miscarried fetus from... 1985 - a collection of cells from a 36-year-long dead fetus.

They replicate the cell-line. The original cells collected act as a blue print for the cell lines in current use.

That absolutely does not mean that the vaccine CONTAINS aborted fetal cells. The cell LINE was used in testing. In a lab setting.

Maybe you object to the fact that a baby died in 1985 or that it was maybe aborted - though no one knows why it was aborted, it was likely a medical reason in 1985 - but the vaccine does.not.contain.aborted.fetal.cells.

The J&J one is an AD26 vector-based vaccine. It has a much safer profile than mRNA ones. mRNA is untested. That is why the J&J one is being slandered so much. There's much to malign with vaccines, however if you want one to be prolific and safely in the community, the J&J one is the best, hands down.

Turn your anger and research towards mRNA vaccines.

sukebandeka -5 points ago +1 / -6

Maybe this happened this way and maybe it didn't. It seems like it is a story of confirmation bias fan fiction rather than a reliable retelling of events.

sukebandeka 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a very good point. Very interesting to consider...

sukebandeka 2 points ago +2 / -0

If the vaccine was discovered to be "harmless saline" and there is no genuine COVID vaccine and yet people are experiencing issues, I'd hedge my bets that people have been given a regular Flu vaccine - those Flu vaccines are toxic at the best of times, never mind after a year of high stress, tension, neglected medical care and being trapped inside/social distancing that weakens the immune system.

I mean that's if there is no genuine COVID vaccine. Which why wouldn't they just slap any old shit together and call it a COVID vaccine? They don't give a shit about anyone.

sukebandeka 2 points ago +4 / -2

This article and all the associated articles citing this are really misleading and sometimes just outright false.

Senomyx use HEK293 - which is a cell line - this isn't some oMg aBOrtED bABIeZ thing.

It was first established in the 70s. It is much like HELA, established in the 50s.

They were cells taken from embryonic kidney cells. CELLS not actually aborted fetal kidneys. It was cells. The cells were then basically "photocopied" - they're immortal cell line material.

It's likely the fetus was miscarried, not aborted. This is cell line material derived from an embryonic kidney cells.... from ONE donor from the early 70s.

It's not "Aborted Fetal Kidneys". I hate to break it to you, but if they weren't using this long since derived cell line from human example, they'd be using animal cells. It's no difference. It's a blue print.

Seriously, sometimes I worry about people on this site. So easily taken in by non-sense. It's a non-issue.

Again, it's NOT. ABORTED. KIDNEYS. It's a blueprint cell line. It's not material derived from freshly aborted babies and it's not genetic material that's put into ANYTHING.

sukebandeka 2 points ago +2 / -0

"I click the link they require a long press"

Sorry, but what does that mean? Do you mean login?

sukebandeka 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy shit...

These are healthy people in their prime... brainwashed and now infected with god knows what.

100 years ago, Men like that were resilient, tough and going to war...

sukebandeka 6 points ago +6 / -0

This woman is the epitome of the missing link. She doesn't even look human anymore. She's evolved to her final form.

sukebandeka 1 point ago +1 / -0

If this is "patriots in control" then heaven help us if the DS is in control.

sukebandeka 7 points ago +7 / -0

This comment is the perfect antidote to this clown world tweet.

But for real, seriously? How can someone hold this kind of belief!

sukebandeka 7 points ago +7 / -0

It's still the Obama Admin since I imagine he's the one pulling strings so yeah, it is.

sukebandeka 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where did Nancy say that? That's so disturbing that I have to hear it!

sukebandeka 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yeah it is bad. The country is being ran by a shadow government who wasn't elected, even their proxy wasn't elected and no one has done a thing about it.

It's a coup. Plain and simple. My money would be on Valerie Jarret and Obama being the ones who are "coming and going".

sukebandeka 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would he do that? I mean I know, I know - coz he was told to, but by god... what a cunt.

sukebandeka 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why is the word "breathless" in there?

It doesn't fit. Very odd.

sukebandeka 3 points ago +3 / -0

"We voted in the new president"

First mistake there.

sukebandeka 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly that. I mean... they're so cheap, we could make them do anything for peanuts...

sukebandeka 1 point ago +1 / -0

"no offence" but why would a woman believe a man just because he says something, when she has a brain of her own to go over the facts and information herself?

Considering how retardedly blind and stupid half the people are on this very site when it comes to information (they blindly believe obvious bullshit), why wouldn't she think for herself?

You have to think for yourself, male or female - question. Don't just take your husband or wife's word for it.

Also don't take internet "paytriots" word for it. Or even Q.

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