To whom does this device belong? (media.greatawakening.win) πŸ” Notable
posted ago by svensq ago by svensq

Buckle up anons, this anon rewatched a series I haven't been able to sit through in a while. Twin Peaks, season 03 released 25 years after the original series aired.

In the new s03 "reboot", there's this segment called "Dr Amp". An eccentric online streamer that has some interesting takes. Since anons doesn't believe in coincidences, makes one wonder, how large was the Q-operation? Gigantic.


Take a look, Dr Amp sells shovels, gold spray painted shovels with the slogan "gold shit-digging shovel".

Well Anons did shitpost a lot, and anons did dig, and anons know why the Y family and elites covers themselves in gold.

Anons know that the elites and globohomo cabal calls us SHEEP.

Q drop 1936

Think for yourself. Research for yourself. Trust yourself. Clickbait opinions are designed to attract reader to subscribe and/or follow and/or >shape a pre-designed narrative. FOLLOW THE FACTS. SHEEP NO MORE. Q

Dr Amp, warns anons about big pharma. Calls them out, calling them "monsters".

Dr Amp: cus' they'll die in the streets

Q drop 3815

What happens when people learn the TRUTH? What happens when people WAKE UP? They will not be able to walk down the street. THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q

Dr Amp: stop distracting yourself with all this diverting bullshit and pay attention. SAVE THE CHILDREN.

Q drop 3155

Keep digging, Anons. RACHEL CHANDLER IS KEY. Q

Q drop 4908

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. ONLY THEN WILL PEOPLE FIND THE WILL TO CHANGE. Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]? Difficult truths. Q

Q drop 2872

Hillary Clinton & Foundation. Crime Against Children. Q

and the second Dr Amp broadcast in S03E12, (part 12) episode Dr Amp goes on an epic rant which is directed to the politicians. Makes you think, was David Lynch read in by white hats, or black hats about the cabals plan to release a deadly virus? COVID19.

No good link, here's a vid that compares both Dr Amp broadcasts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLIIAqlGUdI

Dr Amp:

These multinational corporations are filled with monsterous vermin poisonous vile murderers and they eat, drink and shit money they buy our politicians for a song and these politicians sing as we gag and cough sold down the river to die fuck you who betray the people you were elected to help elected to work to help, to make life better for fuck you all in the ass, you fucking treasonous puppets the 9th level of hell will welcome you

woa, this anon once again has his mind blown the absolute scope of Q operation. I think David Lynch was read in by white hats inb4 4chan drops started (series aired months ahead of first drop on 4chan)

And this segment, with an eccentric online video host, was directed at the cabal and elites.

GEOTUS (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by svensq ago by svensq
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