theladypatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

not all strains are the same, obviously. I've gotten sick with what you had and same deal. there are a lot of dfferent and stronger strains of flu going around right now.

theladypatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

I would love to put that on my car. I feel like in L.A. I could put that without getting my car keyed bc its not so obvious....

theladypatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

just fully ignore that - they have it on there bc legally they have to but they dont check it. ive bought 4+ times and never filled that out and all have successfully arrived. recommend paying in bitcoin.

theladypatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I feel like he could sue them for 475 BILLION for all the hate and misinfo they spread

theladypatriot 16 points ago +16 / -0

this is so true it hurts. and when sent to lib friends, they just ignored and changed the subject and yuou know theyre thinking "Florida deserves it theyre probably conservatives" and they feel ACTUALLY validated in that fucking absurdity.

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I cannot express how delighted I am by this news bc I LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE garlic and add it to literally everything. I particularly love raw garlic in salad dressings so HUZZAH!

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

there must be some key homeopathics we can take to fight the damage - I havent been vaxxed since whatever was required as a kid (born in 87) and I think maybe 2 flu shots in childhood, but not a single vax past age 10, but I am certain I have been damaged from it (my thyroid is fucked) - what is our best choice? I take ivm once a week ever since covid and can say I have seen a marked improvement in my quality of life - are there other things like this we should add to our weekly/monthly regimens?

theladypatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

the irony of this commentary is that one of the main things this entire movement fights against is getting so engulfed in a "side" that you stop critically thinking, yet here is another example of IF YOU NO THINK THIS MAN BAD U NO LONGER ON OUR SIDE. just bc some of us are entertained by Musk and his antics which have beneficial results on our side, doenst mean we dismiss his entire history. additionally, his history/affiliations doesnt mean he is automatically a "bad guy" & doesnt have a role to play for the "good side". dont people fucking understand this by now?

theladypatriot 7 points ago +8 / -1

the world already knows thats why theyre freaking the fuck out. NO ONE is worried about flat earthers. why? bc its obvious nonsense. Q? real threat. why? BECAUSE THEY KNOW ITS REAL.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +3 / -2

lol wow. you're missing a pretty specularly huge fundamental point of this movement and community.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope by that point I am able to be bi coastal and have MOST of the time in Florida and just AirBnB over here when I have work that cant be remote. or better yet voting fraud will be actually handled & Cali will be red again. there are more red folks here overall, but until the fraud is fixed we cant vote out the commies.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

uh easy to be zen if the mandates didnt kill your income or business. I'm lucky to not have been affected but my spouse isnt so lucky. nor are countless others who spent DECADES in a career theyve been suddenly booted out of. "kickback and enjoy" ? the fucking ignorance and spoiled bullshit of this post my god

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

we certainly would never scoff at people who were truly coerced into it and basically would be on the street with their kids had they not gotten it - but people who insulted us, spoke down to us, degraded us, treated us like evil monsters for daring to want bodily autonomy? sorry, you reap what you sow.

theladypatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

sucks for Elon~ plenty of us got in when there were only 2 zeroes & are still up 100x during this latest "low". this comment is the mentality of people who are just mad they didnt buy in earlier. you absolutely didnt have to get in below a dollar to make insane money, especially compared to other forms of investing/saving. crypto is not any less absurd than the dollar which is based on literally nothing. except that with crypto your money isnt in the hands of corrupt af banks who could at any point just confiscate your money.

theladypatriot -2 points ago +2 / -4

put your money in crypto!! bitcoin is SUPER low right now and its starting to recover - hop in before then and you can make MASSIVE money back

theladypatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

covid 19 is a genetically fucked with virus - it is a tampered with flu and it does weird different shit from normal flu. do you not believe this came from a Wuhan lab performing genetic fuckery?

theladypatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I definitely think it continues to shed indefinitely. not to be TMI, but one of the main ways I've identified vax shedding is my period & if I'm in public a lot during those days, my period is fucking WHACK. just a few weeks ago I went to a huge convention where i was surrounded by people and my period was nowhere near normal. it's like a weird sneaky barometer only women have, but I definitely trust it & I wouldve thought that it wouldnt be an issue by now but it very much still is if I'm in crowded areas during that time.

theladypatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

do you actually oppose homosexuality? its one thing to fight against school systems literally trying to MAKE kids gay and trans & the incessant pushing of it on people. but there are genuinely wonderful people that were born gay and I would never want to make those people feel isolated or judged. bc then we are right back to where it was when they started their crusade.

theladypatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

congratulations!!!! that is absolutely phenomenal. I know quite a few recovering addicts and have the highest respect for all of you.

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