I order from the indian online pharmacies (MyDailyChemist and ReliableRxPharmacy) and right now the Austro brand is 70% discounted while Imrotab is sold out. Typically I would never care about brand, but this seems somewhat odd. Maybe its just that it's almost expired but is there something about Austro I don't know but should? just seems weird...


I'm currently dying from some hell fire bullshit mutation that is obviously extra strong bc vaxtards have helped create the most monstrous flus strains ever now and wondering if anyone else who is recently sick has any advice. I've been keeping it at bay with ivm but on day 4 it feels like its starting to win and I've been so dizzy and feel like shit. Symptom wise this is one of the worse flus I've had and the fact that all the self righteous vaxtard idiots did this bc they helped it mutate beyond natural immunity makes me 90000x angrier. anyone else suffering and just want to commiserate or have any tips? the dizziness is really killing me. siiiiighhh


I know personally so many people who have left to go to Texas and Florida (I am so jealous.. just biding my time til I can work remote 100% of the time) yet California housing is so astonishingly insanely overpriced still. Like.. who in the fuck is buying these 1 million dollar piles of shit houses for 2 million? any decent 2 bed/2 bath apartment is $3000+ and a house with a yard thats decent is around 5k/month. If this was just inflation times I wouldnt be surprised since Cali has always been pricey so accounting for inflation is going to jack that way up, but knowing how many people are leaving here, WHO IS PAYING THAT? all the kids who moved here to bEcOmE a sTaR have moved back home during the pandemic, locals leaving en masse, people working remote for a Cali company and able to leave to work remote full time. I just.. dont get it.


Too many people are just sitting back and suffering - there must be some way to get a lawsuit or legislation moving by some super rich/powerful red/right Californian to get mandates banned the way deSantis did in Florida. Not everyone has the freedom to just leave here for a multitude of reasons, and I know many people who are currently getting fucked by the mandates but no one is doing anything. the only recourse I can figure for my family is finding a sketchy ass doctor to pay under the table to say they vaxxed, but this is not an easy thing to find/achieve. esp since usually things like this are only word of mouth/by referral bc a doc isnt going to trust some rando person. it legit feels like war time shit of getting fake papers but you have to do it by referral so the trust is there.

we can't just sit back and wait, isnt there anything we can do??


I searched but couldnt find specifically what I was looking for.. I know that the OSHA vax mandate has been stayed by the sixth circuit, BUT can companies still enforce their own mandates? or could it be considered an OSHA violation since OSHA is not even allowed to enforce mandates? but there isnt an OSHA rule that states they CAN'T have mandates so I am unclear if you can point to OSHA if a company tries to mandate being vaxxed..

Specifically I am wondering if any one on here works in film production (Los Angeles) and if companies who were requiring vax mandates (like Disney & several big ones) have had to stop requiring vaccination proof lest it be an OSHA violation? thanks in advance.


I was exposed to covid a few months back and it didnt ever hit me toooo badly (I slammed Zinc+Vit D/NAC/Turmeric/Oil of Oregano/Black Seed Oil/Lysine/etc), but ever since I've been suffering on off with severe insane bouts of fatigue where I feel very ill/tired. I kept thinking this from being out near vaxxed people and getting shed on, but sometimes it happens outside of times when I've been out/about. I started to wonder if this is some sort of long tern effect from this lab made bullshit they infected people with.

has anyone else experienced this? if so did ivermectin heal it for you? I have ivermectin on the way from the Indian pharms but god damn it takes a while so I still have 3-4 weeks til I have it in hand. I am going to take it full dose per the Frontline protocol no matter what once I get it, but wanted to see others' experiences. thanks in advance!


With so many enthusiastic liberal idiots and Darwinism at the ready, one might be happy to pay said retards a few grand to use a fake ID with another's likeness to get the record of being vaxxed while the poison goes in someone else's arm. I'm really worried this mandate shit will not be ruled illegal/banned til the 2022 elections, if EVEN then. It's probably much more difficult to find a doctor to pay off than some rando illegal immigrant who is very familiar with fake identities...