About 20 years ago I was a teacher, this was before I saw firsthand what the public school system was really like, then I got a real job! But anyways, I had a student in the 6th grade, black female, who was legitimately 6’1” 310 lbs. never held back, a legitimate 6th grade age. Every day I saw her, I thought her parents should be charged with child abuse for letting her get that fat. She wasn’t a very nice person, but non violent. She could have easily beaten up about 90% of the kids in the school. So seeing this, I believe it very easily could be 2 kids the same age.
Product of the 80’s here, and no to all of them. If a kid was a little pudgy, acted gay, or were different in any other way they got mocked mercilessly. Not saying that was right, but that is how it was. It made you tough, and gave you drive. It was not a badge of honor like it is now. Also, the playgrounds were packed, no matter the weather (and we had to walk uphill both ways to get there!) unlike today when they are many times empty. Don’t remember any kids having an inhaler, or needing an epipen if they got stung by a bee.
Thank you