vegan4jesus 5 points ago +7 / -2

The only new age that I will enter in is the millennial age of our God and His Christ when the LORD returns to judge the nations.

vegan4jesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes they're speaking Japanese. The audio is taken from the show "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders." Excellent series btw. I'm just saying that this video appears to be made by a Chinese person.

vegan4jesus 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is actually a Chinese made JoJo parody. The subtitles are in Chinese.

vegan4jesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

They will give Biden 150 million votes and say what a miracle it is that he is the most popular candidate in American history two elections in a row.

vegan4jesus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not as eco-friendly as hanging. You can make the rope out of recycled materials. Make Hanging Kiddy Diddlers Great Again

vegan4jesus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't make statements about things you don't actually know. South Korea favors a strong US President because they rely on the US for defense against North Korea which is backed up by the CCP. South Korea is currently undergoing a cultural crisis similar to the US where radical feminism and LGBTQ mind virus is tearing the society apart.

vegan4jesus 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Precipice will be when they will give him "100-150 million votes" despite the fact that he has the mental capacity of a ham sandwich, then brag to us about how he is the most popular President in American history.

vegan4jesus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks. We want to be accurate and not paint people with a broad brush because of their ethnic appearance. This chick crazy though

vegan4jesus 1 point ago +1 / -0

CCP stands for "Chinese Communist Party" my guy

vegan4jesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to her website, she's Korean not Chinese

"Lee owes her spiritual heritage to her maternal grandfather, Dr. Geun-Young Lee, a renowned physician who helped reconstruct South Korea after the war, and to her mother, Dr. Inmyung Lee, who extended his philosophical legacy to the United States, a country she admired and adopted for its historic ability to place principle over tribe."

vegan4jesus 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to her website, she's Korean

"Lee owes her spiritual heritage to her maternal grandfather, Dr. Geun-Young Lee, a renowned physician who helped reconstruct South Korea after the war, and to her mother, Dr. Inmyung Lee, who extended his philosophical legacy to the United States, a country she admired and adopted for its historic ability to place principle over tribe."

vegan4jesus 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to her website, she's Korean not Chinese

"Lee owes her spiritual heritage to her maternal grandfather, Dr. Geun-Young Lee, a renowned physician who helped reconstruct South Korea after the war, and to her mother, Dr. Inmyung Lee, who extended his philosophical legacy to the United States, a country she admired and adopted for its historic ability to place principle over tribe."

vegan4jesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

According to her website, she's Korean

"Lee owes her spiritual heritage to her maternal grandfather, Dr. Geun-Young Lee, a renowned physician who helped reconstruct South Korea after the war, and to her mother, Dr. Inmyung Lee, who extended his philosophical legacy to the United States, a country she admired and adopted for its historic ability to place principle over tribe."

vegan4jesus 1 point ago +1 / -0

According to her website, she's Korean

"Lee owes her spiritual heritage to her maternal grandfather, Dr. Geun-Young Lee, a renowned physician who helped reconstruct South Korea after the war, and to her mother, Dr. Inmyung Lee, who extended his philosophical legacy to the United States, a country she admired and adopted for its historic ability to place principle over tribe."

vegan4jesus 5 points ago +5 / -0

I graduated from one of the twelve schools mentioned but have been an anon and MAGA crew since 2017. I consider myself blessed to have broken out of the brainwashing because the Lord Jesus Christ entered into my life and saved me. Hopefully my take might help you understand how these people think.

This group of individuals is the "middle manager" class or "Outer Party" of the establishment. They are given positions of marginal power within the elite system, but are not themselves financially free, meaning that they make "just enough" to cover the college/med school/law school loan payments, the mortgage for the exorbitantly overpriced 3 bedroom condo, and maybe childcare; but not enough to actually escape the rat race. These individuals are not usually business owners or entrepreneurs who have their own sources of recurring passive income.

They are just "golden-shackled slaves" of the system who are given disproportionate amount of cultural influence in order to propagate elite ideologies and viewpoints. They do this not because they have anything to gain from "transnationalism", "DEI", "BLM" or whatever, but because they have been conditioned since childhood to mindlessly obey institutions of authority. That is the way they got good grades, entered an elite college, went to med/law school/residency/grad school, joined Google/FB/Twitter, etc. By the time they have graduated from grad school, they have been boiled for more than 20 years.

Moreover, this group is disproportionately female. Meaning that by the time they have left school around age 28, they are hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, saddled with a mostly meaningless degree, and close to age 30; which wouldn't be so bad except they are now overeducated with respect to finding a potential husband. The combined biological, societal, and financial pressure causes many women to short circuit and become a raging leftist, a lesbian, or both.

vegan4jesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

If 40% were falsely accused then 60% were truthfully accused. 60% of 40% is 24%. If 24% of cops are guilty of violent crime compared to 6% of civilians, then cops are 400% more likely than civilians to be violent criminals.

vegan4jesus 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is the two letters "Het" and "Yod" in the Hebrew script. Together they form the word "Hai" meaning "Life" in Hebrew (as in the toast "L'Haim" "to life"). Very ironic considering the mask venerating the leader of a death cult.

vegan4jesus 7 points ago +7 / -0

It is the two letters "Het" and "Yod" in the Hebrew script. Together they form the word "Hai" meaning "Life" in Hebrew (as in the toast "L'Haim" "to life"). Very ironic considering the mask venerating the leader of a death cult.

vegan4jesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Unpopular opinion, I think they're going to let Biden steal another election, this time they might give him something even more ridiculous like 100 million votes. Moreover, since some of the states have already passed voter IDs, almost all of these 100 million would be coming from battlegrounds like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. The number of votes may even exceed the number of adult residents of the state. It would be so blatantly fraudulent that all but the most brainwashed would have no choice but to admit that the election was a fraud. This would be the awakening event that leads to a military coup and tribunals.

vegan4jesus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Michael Flynn exposed himself as a NWO cultist when he quoted cult leader Elizabeth Clare Prophet word for word at a Christian church service and called for everyone to belong to one religion. https://churchleaders.com/news/410645-michael-flynns-cult-leader-church-event.html

vegan4jesus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Parents who send their children to public schools are delivering them like sheep to the slaughter. Who in their right mind wants to let satanic illuminati brainwash their kids 8 hours a day to turn them into transsexual prostitutes for elite pedophiles.

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