What I find fucking hilarious is that these same women do not want to take responsibility for what they do with their sexual organs. Justifying abortion is just a way to cope with the terrible thing they did.
Inadvertently, we are getting the same result. Don't want to have sex because you can't get an abolition? Good. Perhaps you should be cautious and elevate the value of sex rather than tossing is around like an abundant resource.
The irony that you are in this group and assume that anyone here would trust the narrative of MSM is blinding. I have drawn my conclusion on scientific studies of correlating behaviors. The entirety of the LGBTQ is a net negative. If you can't sit well with that, then it is too bad. Nothing is changing the statistic for degeneracy.
Generalizations exist for a very good reason. When you begin to notice a pattern in a select group, is it wrong to point it out? Is it odd that among a study of 400 pedophiles, 80 percent identified as LGBT? Continue to live in fantasy land where everyone should do as they please. Appeasing to demagogues and allowing people to do as they please in the name of liberty are exactly why the US is in the state that it is.
There is scientific evidence of gender dysphoria correlating with pedophilia. Did you conveniently ignore that part? Or how about the high suicide rate? Oh wait, you will just mention how "trans people are being discriminated against" except in a survey of trans people in Sweden (one of the most progressive countries for transgenderism) the group of trans people that argued being trans has no effect on there daily living still had a 30 percent suicidality risk. The groups that felt it did disrupt their daily living ranged from 32 to 33 percent. Such a tiny difference is negligible to sell the idea that it is discrimination.
Just because there are transgender conservatives, does not me it is any more legitimate than it already isn't. I don't have to walk a mile in someone's shoes to understand that what they suffer from is mental illness. I am not attempting to control transgender people, I simply believe it is not appropriate to normalize a mental disorder. People are free to do as they please, but there is evidence that being trans is very well mental illness and I have 0 obligation to be accepting of that behavior.
The concept of time travel is really cool to think about. You could, in theory go into the future, but we are unsure if we can go into the past. We would have to find existence of anti-matter or a tachyon. It is funny because plugging in negatives into most physics equations works.
There is absolutely 0 reason to listen to him. He has been on record stating that he can't create certain content because of the concern of youtube banning him. He straddles the fence hard and is generally left leaning.
Please stop simping for trans people. There are huge associations with mental illness and gender dysphoria. Normalizing it only mask the serious problem that is underneath. You should probably do some research into erotic target identity inversion and is correlation between people suffering from pedophilia and gender dysphoria. The main goal of the gay movement is to normalize pedophilia. Whether you like it or not.
MSM openly supports the gay agenda. Any major corporation goes out of their way to protect the gay agenda. Foolish to assume MSM is against it. Any take on men in women's sports is always in positive and supporting light. Any take on transgender aggression is always with dissent against the perpetrator. Gender is not on a spectrum. Feeling anything outside your assigned sex is mental illness. Be real.
Gotta pick a bone here. No heartbeat does not mean dead. That is why we have CPR.
You have to meet criteria to be "dead". Normally it means irreversible damage to brain function causing no consciousness or irreversible loss of respiratory or circulatory function.
Other wise, good post!
I call bullshit. "nearly died as a result of having to sit in the waiting room" sounds like an exaggeration
That isn't how triage works. If that person really had immediate life threatening condition, they would be pushed high up on the priority list.
You even acknowledge it as being anecdotal and still consider it the be all end all for your position in this argument.
I work with many doctors. Hospitals have established specific Covid units who only handle covid cases. Hospitals are not overwhelmed as the media has suggested.
You have hospitals laying off nurses (who are in high demand) for not being vaccinated. Overwhelmed my fat ass.
For shits and giggles, were they vaccinated?
How much dedodated wam do I need to servur...