winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

This could also be a factor of rabid loved ones desperate to squeeze a few more years out of their dying relatives... Doctors would be hard-pressed to say "nah, just take them home, it's their time", plus that makes them less money

winn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Captain Saucypants flies in


And here's Ariel trying to make you think "duh dark judge" is some uber mysterious totally legit insider on par with Q and the military, or whatever https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOx52BoF/x/c/4Z8k2bTahrb

u/Donny_Fiasco u/bubble_bursts u/strelnieks u/ThomasMaker

winn 7 points ago +7 / -0

that's his purpose according to Q. His job is to report the stuff in a way that makes people not believe it

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump is diffusing a bomb. Israel can think whatever it wants. Once Trump is back in business, the game is over

winn 1 point ago +3 / -2

The Jesuits likely run the South American drug cartels, as the heavy Catholic presence there makes for good cover and hubs of operation. I cannot prove this yet but my senses are tingling. If the cartel is making major moves, watch what the "charities" and "missions" are doing. And yeah go ahead and watch Duh Joos too, but really people give them far too much credit. They are the cabal's manager class.

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are, and so are the RINOs. Only real Republicans are for our form of government. Even Libertarians appear to miss the mark.

winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

You make good points. I'm guessing there will be some "background figures" who like to stay out of the spotlight, but as you said and know, they have to work up the chain, and that can take years of build-up, depending how entrenched the handlers are. It has to be done right, they may only have one shot at it

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Get ready frens. When we sort these globalist crooks out and get our nations back, we'll likely have money for things like this! Prepare your hearts, so that the blessed abundance doesn't corrupt you! 🙏❤️

winn 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thanks for the corrections. After learning how bad it really is I think we need a bunch of nations to withdraw at the same time, or one after another after another. I hope that's in the cards. Surely this is a known element to the Plan. How can we prevent a one-world totalitarian socialist government if the UN is still standing? It will be a delayed creep right into it

winn 30 points ago +30 / -0

First of all,

Passed by “SILENCE PROCEDURE” - If no objection, you are automatically signed up. (America did not object).

this is not how contracts work lol. Express, explicit consent is required.

Second, we can just withdraw from the UN all together when Trump comes back. Because fuck the UN. I think we all know what to do if we see blue helmets... please don't post any glow anons

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it's something to do with Diddy... we know these globalist politicians like to flip-flop to the correct position when things get too bad or elections are coming up. I don't think they care about that

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's fine, now if only he could figure out something better than "freedom of speech, not freedom of reach"...

winn 0 points ago +1 / -1


Israelites = God's chosen people

we are merely debating who are truly part of it. My statement still stands true.

edit- Feel free to downvote and not say anything, as you likely have nothing worth saying

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