wintermoot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm just relaying what I saw elsewhere, I don't know the language at all.

wintermoot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I recently read that Josh Allen translated into Hebrew means "The savior is upon us"

wintermoot 3 points ago +3 / -0

That a Josh Allen color rush jersey?

wintermoot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd probably land above average but I'd def fail out of the program, lol

wintermoot 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's cuz you can't be told, you have to arrive at the conclusions yourself. It's like how an addict can't start recovering until they truly want to recover and have reached a mindset where that's what they want, until then all the help in the world will do nothing for them.

wintermoot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup. Even normies I know are trying to find places to put their money where it'll keep value. Seems people are really into pharma stocks, makes sense.

wintermoot 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are really cool, I really want to play them on a massive soundsystem so you can really feel it. Thanks for mentioning them.

wintermoot 2 points ago +2 / -0

INFP-T, basically get dead center in the T-F plane. Descriptions of INFP fits pretty well, when I was a kid I used to think I was different so I'd imagine how aliens made me look like a human so I'd fit in among them, lol.

wintermoot 4 points ago +4 / -0


The stuff about increased sensitivity strikes me, I've increasingly felt over the years that I don't have a choice. The consequences of violating my beliefs and principles are far too negative, I mostly thought about it as learning from my past mistakes but it's clearly also personal growth and feels like it's striving upward towards being more realized.

For basically my whole life I've had that nagging feeling that something about the world is wrong, then I experienced some events that pointed that feeling inward at myself, even to the point where I perceived things were my fault (basically sounds like a delusion, probably is). It's taken me years to figure out how to defeat that but I feel that I've found the path and it leads to an obviously higher plane of existence. I similarly have a feeling of this being inevitable, but it always felt kind of... insane to accept. However, accepting it and living it bring feelings of responsibility, clarity, and peace. I can see the 'demons' (that I think of as actual programmed daemons, basically unconscious habit/addictive-type loops that make me go on autopilot and drop into a lower space). They still win sometimes, and some of them are probably necessary but can be better guided... but now I see the battlefield.

I'm not sure if I'm describing the same thing, but your post felt like it matches the general themes I've been experiencing pretty well.

wintermoot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hive gut works with how I think about it. Your subconscious is a massively parallel processor whereas your conscious mind is much closer to serial. There's stuff going on down there that you know is important, it's just not reaching the surface.

I sometimes get these feelings that something is wrong with a set of logic but I don't know why, if I dwell on it I can usually figure out what that feeling was. The gut feeling is there for a very real reason, you just can't always consciously put your finger on it.

wintermoot 1 point ago +1 / -0

A lot of electronic music plays with this stuff. Sometimes tracks feel like the interaction of two vibrating bodies. This one has a pretty direct example of it for a minute or so after about 1:20, if you ask me it feels like interacting with DMT entities.

I've noticed that a lot of our own processes seem to work in these patterns which may be part of the appeal.

wintermoot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it's a lot of people expecting the value of the dollar to go down under Biden

wintermoot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I imagine she used some sort of file sync software or maybe even her email account on that computer

wintermoot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haven't there been plans for satellite mesh networks? I realize that's an absolutely enormous undertaking but it's one of the few ways that makes takedown of the network difficult expensive.

I remember a cryptocurrency project having that (universal/decentralized internet) as a focus but it seemed like a bit of a pipe dream. I think they dropped that but it's still one of the more ambitious and possibly ahead of its time projects - https://crypto.nexus.io/blockchain

wintermoot 10 points ago +10 / -0

I honestly don't give much of a shit about Biden. He's a puppet who played games invented by others, and he did so poorly enough that he was easily blackmailed and thus useful. He should get his, but I'm more interested in the takedown of the puppetmasters and various figures in government in positions of authority.

I also think the optics of Biden first would not be ideal.

wintermoot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Count of Monte Cristo is a typical example. The whole plot is dependent on beneficial coincidence after coincidence to the point that it can break your immersion. The counterargument to that is fate.

wintermoot 2 points ago +2 / -0

God from/out of the machine.

Typically criticised as being unrealistic in literature.

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