Lawjic 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I say the sky is a substance made of the tallest and sourest dimension of purple, you know I'm either full of shit or insane, but how do you PROVE where I am wrong? You can't prove I'm wrong scientifically. That's because what I said was so zany, you can't do anything with it. There's nothing you can attach to to criticize it. It's just completely batshit. It's like nailing Jello to a wall. That's Terence Howard. He puts a lot of disconnected fancy words together that don't belong together and people think, "wow I've never heard that before," and he's like, "I know... That's because THEY don't want you to know. "

Lawjic 11 points ago +12 / -1

I think Terence Howard is either controlled opposition, or flat-out insane and being used by controlled opposition for their purposes. Remember: he is (or was, but in my opinion, still is) a high calibre actor. I've listened to some of his talks and I'm convinced at least half of what he says is batshit bullshit.

Lawjic 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't know about you, but I certainly didn't learn this stuff in history class... I knew royal families were somewhat inbred (some more than others) but goodness gracious, the family line from Ptolemy to Cleopatra is a 300-year parade of brothers marrying their sisters. I haven't seen any of the Cleopatra movies, but Ill bet they don't talk about this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EaGuMrs_x2M

Lawjic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, it's 7h30min ahead of Eastern Time. The time of the post is 13:17, making it still the 27th in Iran. But the day before is still a big enough deal, IMO.

Lawjic 5 points ago +5 / -0

When I first heard a recording of this speech, it took me to a whole new level of awakening.
Interestingly, when I tried googling the text of this speech, this site (JFK Library) did not appear in the results, or at least not in any of the first page of results. Hardly surprising, of course, but should be noted.

Lawjic 1 point ago +1 / -0

You don't. You buy a claw machine and use it to rake in the bucks. They are actually rigged to essentially let go x out of x+1 times. A claw machine is not a game of skill, it's a game of chance.

Lawjic 3 points ago +3 / -0

You make sense, and the last few years of silver prices do not make sense. I'ma keep on hodling!

Lawjic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tangential fun fact: to win at Whack A Mole, you hit each mole at least twice each time it pops up. Most people assume you just hit it once or you can only score once each time it pops up. Now you know that's not true. It pays to be a member of GAW.

Lawjic 4 points ago +4 / -0

One of the replies on her tweet was exposing that her education credentials are not legit; she says she did her PhD at a university (now defunct) during years it didn't exist.

Lawjic 10 points ago +10 / -0

Wow. What he says confirms my long held suspicion that they want to kill off the elders and brainwash the children to mold them into the slave class. COVID was engineered to kill off the conservative commonsense generation and spare the rainbow flag generation.

Lawjic 5 points ago +5 / -0

I didn't know that was Catturd. Are you sure or just slightly cat-racist? Is he wearing contacts? He's severely nearsighted.

Lawjic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q also posted "Every dog has its day." Relevant? Maybe?

Lawjic 2 points ago +2 / -0

That was good. In the history books that discuss the Great Awakening, they should quote your post.

Lawjic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for taking the time to respond in such detail. I do see what you mean and am ready to believe it as a possibility. I also see you know more about the law than I do. I do think you make good arguments and I've always been prepared to be wrong on this. However, I think your example of the definition of State, you will notice that they say "the term State means" whereas in the other example they say the term State "includes". I'm not 100% convinced about what you're saying, but I'm far from 0% convinced too. I can't say whether they are deliberately trying to make things confusing, but they are. I know enough from hanging around here that the powers that be are not above obfuscating creating loopholes and cheat codes to screw us over to their benefit. Anyways, thanks for the intellectual stimulation.

Lawjic 0 points ago +1 / -1

If Clandestine was half as smart as he thinks is, he'd be one quarter as smart as anons here who called all this long ago.

Lawjic 0 points ago +1 / -1

First of all, OP, excellent dig and a very commendable post. Thank you. However, I am going to respectfully poke a hole in some of its 2nd half.
Notwithstanding my user name, I am not an expert in the law. If I may be so bold, then, I think you are mistaken about your points about the definitions of State and of employee. Anyone may correct me if I'm wrong.
In regards to the excerpts you posted in the 2nd half of your post, you argue that those excerpts don't apply to something that the legislation supposedly defined. Your excerpts follow the pattern "x includes y."
I don't think you can take that to mean the definition, but rather an expansion of the definition. You cannot equate that with "x is defined narrowly as y." It means that x contains y as well as everything commonly known to be x.
For example, mammals include dolphins. However, you cannot accurately say mammals are defined narrowly as dolphins. So where you said:

What is a "State?".

(a)(10) The term β€œState” shall be construed to include the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out provisions of this title.
...it implies that "states" (not actually being defined here) include the 50 states... plus DC.
Likewise, employees, not actually defined, include those particular salesman with all other typical employees.

Lawjic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I had to look this up, not being American, and learned that the American legislative procedure to table a motion is very different from the British parliamentary phrase to table a motion. For Americans, it means to put an indefinite pause on debate, essentially mothballing it. Bringing it back to the floor would require majority as well.

Lawjic 0 points ago +4 / -4

Don't you see? Any time anyone connected to Trump or the military makes any reference to anything in one of 4000 Q posts, people here go bananas. They wet themselves with glee because ... Well, I don't really understand why, but they do. And if you ask a rational question like a person who thinks critically, you will get downvoted into oblivion. Happened to me just last week as a matter of fact. Some here are still stuck in 2018, where any link between Q and team Trump or the military was a big deal because there was still a question about whether the Q op was legit or not. Personally, I know that Trump and the military are at the very least leveraging Q if not directly involved in it, and they're giving a wink and a nod to Q followers, so something like this is mildly interesting, but that's all. It's not giving us meaningful Intel or telling us anything new. I'm open to have my mind changed if anyone has anything thoughtful to say.

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