Mr_A 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully it's better than autocorrect!

Rife with potential to frame people: "ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I'll now play this recording, isolating and enhancing the suspect's voice so as to be heard through the crowd..."

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm sure he had support from others, but he's probably the one...

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've eaten raw salad plenty of times. It is not horrible, and after one gives up sugar, the natural sweetness of spinach leaves is very appetizing. Tomato slices with a sprinkling of salt are also very tasty. But I'm not a big fan of vegetables anyway, so won't split hairs on the other points.

Mr_A 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your body will make the requisite amount of cholesterol for its maintenance needs, especially if you have good nutrition. A healthy diet (carnivore / keto) is the long term answer.

I personally think this protocol is only useful (and evidently needed!) for an emergency situation like the one described, and I wouldn't do it for maintenance unless the person being treated regularly re-clogs their arteries for whatever reason. OP's FIL clearly falls into that category, proving that our bodies are remarkable and able to take a lot of abuse (or just adapt to a wide variety of circumstances) and to recover from it all.

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

I always assumed it was misdirection ... his warnings about Taiwan before Russia moving into Ukraine reminded me of Q talking about nat'l guard mobilization and Hillary arrest to get the focus on one place, right before the Saudi purge.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hasn't Q also explained that some were forced into kompromat, i.e. drugged in order to be filmed? In those cases do you still want the death penalty? And also that some on the inside, realizing the evil that they entered as a slippery slope or regardless of how they became trapped, actively worked to take down the system, should those also be sentenced to death?

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read the intro page from this guy: darkovelcek.wordpress.com. Boron is contained in sea salt, and so is the full grab bag of minerals you'll need.

Then search the site (he has a search bar, though it's hard to find) for arthritis and you'll find a nugget of discussions about how and why it helps. It all made sense to me; I highly recommend.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's a guy who did a dig on scurvy and figured it to be a psyop. In other words, scurvy was malnutrition, and the psyop was that "limes cure it." Boom: propaganda worked, recruitment went back up, and sailors still died of malnutrition but complained less thinking they were being treated. Notable that other navies never bothered with citrus like the British did. Somewhere on this site, if interested: https://ggenereux.blog/discussion/

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is incorrect. Researching keto will give you the reasons, but essentially carbs require that you feed more often, and get tired more often. When you switch to keto and your body re-adapts to burning fat instead of glucose, you no longer get tired without food and consequently lose the urge to snack.

Your body is optimized to use fat as its fuel source the same way a car is designed to use gasoline. Glucose burns hotter than fat the same way that diesel burns hotter than gas. When your body has an abundance of glucose in the blood it uses it, and gradually adapts by deactivating your mitochondria so as not to become hyperactive; it's as if your 6-cylinder car adapted to diesel by becoming a 3-cylinder. (The body is pretty incredible in how it adapts, and half your mitochondria on glucose is as good as a full load of mitochondria for most purposes.) But here's the problem: when the glucose runs out, now your body taps into your fuel tank of fat, but you're no longer running 3-cylinders of high octane diesel nor 6 cylinders of regular fuel, you're stuck with 3 cylinders of regular fuel when you need all 6. So you get tired, get cravings and grab some sweet carbs.

It would be different if the body had a reserve tank of glucose, but it doesn't, at least not a significant one. Plants store their energy as carbs; us animals store it as fat.

When you train your body to use your fuel as designed, after a month or so your mitochondria come back on line and you're firing on all cylinders again, and you don't get tired or hungry. I recently transitioned to carnivore a few months ago and I have way more energy and better circulation than before.

Mr_A 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'd be careful about using this as a regular protocol. As you point out, cholesterol is required to repair and build cells, a necessary ongoing maintenance process.

In emergency cases like this one, clearing the cholesterol might be needed, both for immediate blood flow improvement but also simply to convince the doctors not to operate, but in general letting the cholesterol do its job is a good thing.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Regarding point 2, I believe that raw fruit and vegetables pass through largely undigested, without converting to glucose, due to the cellulose structure of plant cells that prevent digestion. When cooked, the same vegetables and fruit now become digestible and covert to glucose in the body. This is why raw salads are good for you, not because they are good but because they are less bad, and regular (i.e., non-vegetarian) people who eat a lot of salads instead of cooked vegetables are skipping the absorption of carbs compared to those who eat fries and the like.

Mr_A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you asking for help / advice? Or offering?

Mr_A 4 points ago +4 / -0

Heredity / genetics are blamed for many diseases and conditions, from obesity to myopia to autoimmune conditions, cancer ... and heart disease. And yet 100 years ago our own ancestors had none of these afflictions. And the incidence of these afflictions grows within the population at a rate that exceeds population trends, which doesn't fit the explanation of genetics. Don't consider yourself condemned because of the false rationalizations promoted by the AMA and CDC.

Mr_A 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for posting this. My understanding is that cholesterol is needed to repair and rebuild the damaged cells, including the endothelial cells.

I understand that getting rid of the cholesterol is probably wonderful for convincing the doctors to leave your FIL alone, but long term I believe the cholesterol is needed to repair the micro-tears. Any thoughts on that?

Also, did your research include what causes the blockages? I mean a dozen Pepsi each day sounds horrible, but lots of folks have blockages without smoking or sodas, so if you could pass that knowledge around it would also be helpful to a lot of people. Thanks again for doing God's work in your corner of the world and on GAW. God bless.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nicotine patches will allow the body to quickly purge the vax poisons. A 7-day regimen of 7mg will do it. It worked for me, although I had long covid and was never vaxxed, but the doctor recommending this method says they are the same thing.

You can use the search bar on GAW for nicotine and you'll find more details, including one or two posts I made. Honestly this is so easy, effective and even inexpensive compared to other methods that its worth trying before even digging into other more complicated protocols. Hope it helps. If you have questions I'll reply.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm seconding the carnivore diet recommendation. I switched to carnivore about 3 months ago and immediately noticed effects of improved circulation, and the energy shift is beneficial.

Mr_A 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's a beautiful song, and a worthy hymn.

The first thing I learned about it was "Glory, glory hallelujah! Teacher hit me with a ruler / I hid behind the bank with a Sherman Army tank / and she don't teach no more!"

... But I eventually grew up, and learned better.

Mr_A 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bill is plainly unconstitutional. No need to comply or pretend to comply.

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