PandaMoon17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dankest meme in a while. Props!

PandaMoon17 2 points ago +3 / -1

I agree with you about humans from earth going to other planets but Q obviously said no to the question of "are we alone in the universe'. Besides that there is way more evidence of aliens than there is of 911 being an inside job or the 2020 election being stolen. Governments around the world have admitted it.

You're living in a dream world dude.

PandaMoon17 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yes. this is obvious. Remember that this is a redpill that a lot of people on here don't like the smell of. It smells so strongly of obvious truth that it scares them.

It's the same reason why people believed the official 911 narrative. They believe it even though they knew building 7 did a free fall collapse without being hit by a plane. Same willful ignorance .

PandaMoon17 7 points ago +9 / -2

The bible is full of "aliens" or whatever you want to call it. What is a physical non-human conscious intelligent entity called? What is it called if its from another planet?

Obviously Q says that its gonna be biblical and Q also said what is in the title of this post. Explain to me why is has to be one or the other? If "aliens" and "biblical" are mutually exclusive is Q then contradicting himself? I don't think so.

PandaMoon17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its all these damn devices that are causing all this divisiveness! Preach it brother....LOL

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. Add vax brain and smart phone zombification to that list.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dude....Read everything I've said in this post again please. I think I've made my points clearly. If people think hes trolling by clearly saying "hes 17" when he is obviously actually 18 at the time trump said it then it's their right to hold that opinion. For everyone else who ever saw an air Q or any other basic comm that would be totally missed by normies, and THAT made their day but they didn't like this one for whatever reason; well I think that they hold some cognitive dissonance. I really think most people were on here were stoked to see this post......I mean really, the guys channel on rumble has almost 500k subscribers and his video got over 10k like and only 80 dislikes. I didn't even wanna bring this point up because its outside of the community....But honestly dude i think some of us are getting out of touch here maybe you included. There are a lot of good researches on here who have a lot more time than me. I was really hoping that some of them would have a really strong argument as to why this was true or false. We didn't get that. We got a lot of 8th grade style "thats retarded" comments instead. We should do better....

PandaMoon17 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree that most western women suck....but I'm sure there are plenty of beautiful Ukrainian refuges who hate that Zelenskyy sent all their homeland's men to die in the meat grinder and would love to become patriotic Americans.

Don't give up hope or lower your standards. Just do your research, say/get healthy and God will have your six o'clock.

PandaMoon17 2 points ago +2 / -0

actually its a verb too but i agree with you in spirit :-P ........you don't have to believe when you find the truth because you know.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

This song is dank and so true....

PandaMoon17 4 points ago +4 / -0

Someone who is one of the trolliest actors of all time. One of my favorite parts of the movie.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, if you're saying i didn't start statistics class 101 in this thread then your right.... But i think i have the right to say facepalm now. When its something this obvious (at least to me) I would say the burden of proof is on the guy who is shitting on the post not the other way around.

Really the issue is that no one wants to back up their attacks with data and its not like I'm making a scotty mar 10 video....so of course I'm gonna get the down votes from the people who just have a good sense of whats popular.

I can see it from their point of view too though.

To them its obvious that what i presented is cringe.

To me its obvious that their point of view is jaded and blue pilled.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can totally dig that that point of view but disagree on this one.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump said that. Not me. Again, you can't blow your load to air Qs and shit on this without some cognitive dissonance.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have one overall response and question for you. What if I do know more than you or most of the people here about whats really going on? Would that be somehow a bad thing for everyone? ....Its really not like I'm making stupid claims about stuff that can easily be disproven eg: "the earth is flat" or "trump is actually dead and has been replaced"

I'm sure there are people on here who know a whole lot more than they will ever admit me or you. If those people they make hard to swallow claims that cannot easily be disproved, does that then make them some how at odds with their "peers" (who don't like what they say for whatever reason)?

Everyone loves reddoric like this:


Thinking Barron is Q or on the Q team is exactly the way the death cult had us in this position in the first place. Cmon people, quit grasping at straws. there is plenty available to give you hope without resorting to believing the ludicrous."

Because the it makes them feel like they aren't like the OP and aren't falling for that crazy jump to conclusion stuff anymore....

...but really its just because it wasn't featured in a Scotty mar10 Video.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

To the statement that you don't agree with me: fair enough. I was never abusive though. Most of what everyone has been saying is opinion, especially you.

I also do not agree with most of what people on this board assume to be true or false.

You conveniently never addressed my real points about logic and statistics.

My post was unstickied about 15 mins after I started posting my rebuttals and replys.

In general I see a lot of this pointing of the "you're not doing enough research" finger without the person pointing that finger doing any actual disproving or research to the contrary.

By the way, if the few arguments i do have in this thread are so unconvincing which arguments of the people who disagree with me are so convincing to you and why?

PandaMoon17 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nice research! Thanks for looking up all the ebbidences and "contributing" your important deboonking of me.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again, The loudest drive by "thats retarded" comments don't really count as real engagement or "research" in my book....or anything close to engaging and discussion encouraging arguments.

PandaMoon17 0 points ago +1 / -1

Calling something or someone retarded because of the implication that its impossible for someone that young to be that smart and capable is....retarded.

Saying my comparison doesn't make sense doesn't prove that it doesn't make sense. All things being equal you didn't prove Q wassn't a larp you just said that you don't think it is. I would agree with you wholeheartedly. But I'm not gonna try and prove it in a court of law. Maybe you are, and I would obviously fully support your effort.

As for u/lithopedion, I was just calling out his misdirection that he tried to use in order to say that I was trying to prove that Barron was on some normie list of child prodigies when it was clearly just an simple disproving of his assertion that no one that young could be Q. He knows that. I know that. You know that.

Honestly, whats so difficult about this? Trump called him 17 when hes 18.

People post speculative 5 and 6 year deltas that are less clear than this until they are blue in the face and everyone gets a hard on for it, including me!

Kill the messenger much?

I'm allowed to be snarky and sarcastic when people call me retarded with 0 argument and when people imply that I'm just a low effort hopium salesmen. I was doing research on how bad the death shot was before any one on this board started talking about. Big deal. So and so's account is older than mine. Big deal.

Barron is Q or at least one of the Qs on the team. Trump said it. It's as clear as him doing an air Q at a rally.

I stand by everything I said about the general vibe of GA now as well.

PandaMoon17 1 point ago +1 / -0

By saying "we" I was just replying in turn to the way you were seemly making your comment to the general group. It also gave me a chance to address everyone with how I've been seeing things go around here. Also don't act like everyone disagreed with me or what trump was saying on the video or what the guy in the video was saying just because the loudest voices were negative.

Ask yourself one question: Would this post have gotten 99 updoots or 500+ 2 or 3 years ago? and remember this post was still %90 positive response

What has really changed?

P.S. The Mods unstickied my post right as I was responding to all the negative comments in order to lower visibility.

It doesn't take a conspiracy theorist to figure this one out.

I wouldn't ever delete my account here but for some reason a less than small portion of the big OGs and major contributors have have. Its a shame but they must have had good reasons.

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