GDZeus 2 points ago +2 / -0

New York Jury Reaches Verdict on Trump’s NY Lawfare Trial—- GUILTY VERDICT – ALL 34 COUNTS! — EACH COUNT COULD RESULT IN 4 YEARS IN PRISON!… Judge Merchan Tells Jurors He “Admires Your Dedication and Hard Work”


GDZeus 7 points ago +7 / -0

Coming to the post late. Hope SA elections aren't as messed up as ours has been Purkiss. Praying for a good outcome, no stealing of votes and that the right people get elected. Good luck to the folks in SA and to you Purkiss!

GDZeus 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ben's TS post -

With @DonaldJTrumpJr outside the political persecution of President Trump. My message to Don: “On behalf of the American people, thank you to President Trump and your entire Trump family!” He’s right, we cannot allow this to stand. This political persecution is not just against President Trump. If it’s allowed to succeed, it means no American citizen will have due process and equal protection under the law ever again.


GDZeus 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great news! Keep us updated on her progress. I will pray for her success in beating this cancer.

GDZeus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden’s Gaza $320 Million Floating Pier: Heavy waves sent 4 U.S. Army vessels servicing the pier adrift, with 2 US Army Vessels Beached on Israeli coast - Incident earlier this week 3 service members working the pier sustained non-combat injuries with one hospitalized in critical condition.


GDZeus 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's just crazy how we are still seeing people wearing masks.

GDZeus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wonder are this Landry is related to the "Swamp People" Landry's?

GDZeus 5 points ago +5 / -0

And if you notice the reporter kept asking him where he lives, almost like he was hoping he didn’t always live in NY, but the guy kept saying he grew up in NY, he wouldn’t tell him where exactly he lives.

GDZeus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah and I think he was surprised that the guy was a nurse, and he kept asking him where he lives/lived, like how many times does the guy have to say he grew up in NY.

GDZeus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Yeah, this “reporter” was trying to dox this guy. Like he is going to give his phone number on recording/video. (At ver end of video) After that the guy should have walked away without giving that joker any info.

GDZeus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Who’s cutting onions in here?

My husband cried too, just no one took video or pictures of it. But that was when we didn’t have cell phones or thought to bring a camera to the hospital. He was only home to see one (our youngest) born, and what a mess he was during the birth, lol. He couldn’t sit still, thank goodness my mom and grandmother was there. Mom was with me in the deliver room for all 3 of our babies. Husband was in the military so was away and couldn’t come home for the other 2 births. Oh come to think of it, my mom did bring a video camera to the birth of our youngest, but I think she only videoed the birth, our kids don’t exactly want to see the video, even the child that was being born, lol. I need to find that video and watch it, maybe make our child watch it also.

Edit to add, our “child” I was referring to is now 25 yrs old. No matter their age they are always our babies/children.

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