God_wins 5 points ago +5 / -0

Take video and pictures. At some point in the USA the 5 aspects of the 1st Amendment are there for a reason. Be ready for people in uniforms to say there is some magical privacy while in public.

There is a lot of online people that would accept your pics and emails. I doubt the fake media would though.

God_wins 5 points ago +5 / -0

It is all over linked in too. It could be comms in my opinion, but solar flares means something that is not what i would consider solar flares. Water means something else and so on.

Confusion is also caused by misleading and such.

It could mean take cover to the commies or mean to attack more to the commies — yeah I tend to believe their is real bad people out there that are very organized to the level of manipulating news sources to send cryptic messages—the gaslighting of the nation. For what cause though?

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have many people who will either repent or harden their hearts with the mRNA. Families were split. People got divorced, lost their jobs, their life’s, their children, their health.

Doctors need to pay for this before the end of that wound being healed. This is not a Uniting thing. It is a healing thing.

To unite it involves compassion. Matthew 18:6–we who are understanding now we are the children of God and this is a Biblical Principle. Compassion for not only those who are victimized by these doctors and such for money and power.

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Climate change is racism. The more one digs they will see that to be the truth. Nothing to do with the weather—they only care about the weather of control over opposition.

The opposition is to be looked down on from their heights of authority. They are the storm to the peasants.

The more the peasants unite, the more they reign down lightning.

Pretty accurate but let us continue to keep believing oil comes from dinosaurs too. :)

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same as today. Why are seeing millions come into the USA? To take over the infrastructure. We are a 3rd world country in much more ways than still many will want to admit.

I do not need to notice much more than the roads are even bad in the conservative areas and worse in the commie areas.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you know the quickest way to set off a commie is to on purpose do typos? It is one of the most amazing things i have learned over the years. Not just now either. Way back before the internet too.

They worship words and hate God. They do not care about the content only the structure of words.

They love eloquent speeches done by dictators too.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you redefine the culture being white—everything is white supremacy. Social engineering. Still waiting for these people to start carrying in New York City. Saw a video (if true) of a woman getting a belt or rope wrapped around her neck and dragged in between cars. The day approaches as a woman is being dragged by a lunatic regardless of color will be shot and that lunatic will be before the Lord answering.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Communism awards its own. It has to have a division or it will never work. Most people are nice and few are always unhappy. Communism has to have a mission. The teachers and the whole school should be shutdown but again we will be content on just this.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Canadians … lost their backbone about 100 years ago … they get offended over me saying this now. Some would say what I am saying is blasphemy and should be arrested. Doubt me? I do hear there is a part of Canada that is pretty strong and I hope we actually see that part.

Same here in the USA. We lost our backbone more recently

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chris Cuomo after much ruckus running around New York City is live on cnn and walking up the stairs to meet his family a the top and proclaim he was fighting the “beast” in the basement for his quarantine.

His wife and kids said it all - without words - he is a liar.

One thing I do believe he truly was fighting the beast in the basement and he is an evil person now—knowingly.

God_wins 5 points ago +5 / -0

Going in for surgery next week. During the phase of risk assessment one of the nurse or assistants was wearing a mask and I told them thank goodness I did not have to be here when all the crazy people thought masks were a necessity….. I had no regret. Just concerned. Not really concerned but maybe there is a time to be quiet? Hmm. I have turrets when people wear masks around me.

Hopefully this goes well and I can get back to work is my hope.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why do I think Scientologist when I look and hear her? Yes I knew that was not Gretchen to which of the north. Figured it was a typo. Heck Gretchen too reminds me of a Scientologist too.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

In communism your neighbor is your enemy. This is why we should love our neighbors and try and be content. Not jealous and all that goes with that.

They have a plan. They have lots of money. They have power. Look at just scientificoligy people. They were already uncovered to have a plot to control the world decades ago.

The scape goat is your neighbor. Will it work? Maybe in some parts it already has.

Remember when Paul was Saul in Saul’s heart he believed he was doing Gods work and God seen that and gave him a path the repent. Ina country with the foundation of freedom and each citizen has a right. How could it be destroyed? From within from many dimensions— social engineering. Just a few key players who are never going to repent to God.

Pyramid scam is communism. This is part of what we are already in. We see only those who will not conform be punished while those who conform get rewarded.

USA right now might be likened to this. Including me. How does culture swing back to good? Fascinating stuff.

Luke 12:16-21 King James Version (KJV)

And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: and he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God.

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

I understand. Being calm is the most effective thing to be. It is only when we as an individual gets an opportunity to speak to others by either a sign or words. I will not go out there like a lunatic but if a lunatic comes to me and I have an opportunity to express their idiotic behavior or ideas - I will and have for many years. To the point of being voted out of a family event that I 100 percent paid for.. yes I am very allergic to much because of how my mother was growing up.

I am always calm though. It is sad though my kids are missing out because of me but then at the same time they were telling my kids a lot of lies and garbage.

Taking the higher road for peace is why I think we as the USA are in a lot of this mess. Nothing to freak out about. The pride to see is a tough thing to see.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting but I would think of the something like this. Mathew 7:5. I. The USA we need accountability back in place and we need to make examples of all those who have abused their power over people. This is a must and if this doesn’t happen it is 100 percent over for those like me who are really nobodies in the world but we will not kneel when asked in the public and therefor we will lead to the slaughter for simply saying “no” to tyranny.

Each country has their own worries and many are the exact same as the USA. Once we square our chit away then we can help others. We are a pathetic nation right now in the USA.

From KJV -Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

So when do we get to the accounting part of this? Wake me up when that happens.. millionaires and arguably billionaires being called pedo with no accounting is becoming more of a sign for them to continue.

Go to Apple Music and they are probably now advertising the Didler and drake (Dracula ?) for more sales

God_wins 3 points ago +3 / -0

We need to see accountability as a culture in the USA. Even the smaller town governments of late are more tyrannical. More people are standing up too.

We on the right side neeeed to stop being content if they are fired or removed from office. That is not a good sign. We need to put them in prison for treason.

Until that courage is shown and one that the authority to strip power from the abusers of power it is only going to continue to get worse. The MSM flat out refuses to do stories on them as well as the local news medias.

One going on in Illinois and another going on in Texas with lots of other ones brewing even in smaller cities like Reno NV.

These college campus things are a distraction in my opinion. Anything that involves young white liberal woman is nothing to pay attention to these days.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

100 percent - psychological warfare in my opinion sucks, but here we are. I would of preferred the alternative (this is my opinion though and it does not matter because I will not get what I want and I know this-I view it as a faster road road to rebuild and renew is all)

Something to consider is those who have the biggest voices spewing half truths like they have been.

For instance right now this trump trial where the judge is saying Trump is cursing and such. First I do not care if Trump is cursing because it is a sham trial —but I also do not know that he is cursing. Yet there is still many that believe what they are told. I will say I do not believe the judge said he is tired of Trump cursing either, but still if I go to a family member they will claim Trump is cursing at the judge…. It is just all bologna.

The money involved in this endeavor these commies are doing is mind boggling.

God_wins 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand. However one thing many struggle with still to this day. We should have faith in people being what they are and not what we think they should be.

For instance. We should pray for our enemies but they are still our enemies. Why would we call them enemies if they were not?

We are their enemy and they tell us this daily. They try and mock us, ridicule us, claim we are the minority. Many things but they are really saying we need to repent and become like them or else we are going to their enemy.

It is a very simple thing. However many good people fall prey to this evil.

We cannot expect them to change. They have had almost a decade to repent and if it doesn’t stop soon we will be seeing the wrath of evil broken open in the USA like no other time in USA history. During this time evil will remove its enemy by force.

For now they want you to repent and pick you your sword of mockery against the wicked good people. Later when they have full authority to redefine anything and anyone at any moment it will be quickly over for good.

This is not a doom message. It is basic logic. We cannot expect evil to do anything that is good. To evil people it is humor to beat up their enemies. That is what they see as humor. We are still to much in this denial.

God_wins 8 points ago +8 / -0

It has always been their plan. Soon all we will hear about is how Trump is responsible for all these deaths and so on from the mRNA.

Will it work is the question. Do enough Americans have the ability to see yet?

In the next coming months leading up to October we will see numbers he is responsible for. The MSM is primed and payed off I am sure. Again they have all hands on deck to sway their deception to save this democracy they hold dear.

Democracy to Democratic Party is all the isms / Marxism/communism/fascism - their version of the Care Bears holding hands and casting the rainbow of deception to the Americans.

Exciting stuff really. Nothing I can do to stop what is coming. :)

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

I barely watched Fox 20 years ago. Why would anyone watch if is baffling. CNN too.

If these people would ever consider that they only care anything is when their god tells them too. Yet they believe they are free and will tout as all knowing.

They will care in the next couple months it appears. The Trump bashing is not over yet. What is interesting though is anyone who bypassed Fox and CNN will not fall for their next step but will our sheep who only care when they are told too — hear?

We shall see.

God_wins 2 points ago +2 / -0

I will help you get in the door and help protect the door from the libtards. We as individuals must accept who we are. :)

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