Space_Monkey 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I've done this but wix sucks and I taught myself a lot of other web dev stuff but not so good at marketing and social media.

Space_Monkey 6 points ago +6 / -0

I know what you're going through. I'm also a vet with a degree but haven't worked in my field since 2016. I've been doing seasonal jobs, temp gigs, online freelance work and trying to start a business. Now its super tough to get back into my old industry because I've been out for so long, got into some legal trouble, and the big employers tend to be woke companies that don't like seeing big gaps in employment history or having lots of different jobs and no clear direction, but that's just what I've had to do to get by.

Maybe those of us going through similar situations can get together in a co-op group to help each other out. I feel like I just need to find people trustworthy enough to go into business with but I don't know anyone with an entrepreneur mindset and the time and drive to partner up. If you are interested in chatting about this, hit me up.

Space_Monkey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I like this channel on YT. In order to work you have to listen on stereo headphones. That's because there are different frequencies from each side and the difference creates the sound inside your head. It really is different when listening on headphones vs speakers. With good quality headphones you can close your eyes and literally see and feel the music like it's coming from inside you.

Space_Monkey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was there during covid and remember him shutting down businesses for noncompliance with his mask mandate. I remember one case where a bar was shut down and the owners fined because they had a live music performance where the band was on stage violating the "6 feet" distance policy and not wearing masks.

He ordered the State House shut down so legislators had to meet over Zoom, and I believe he ran a coup against the state legislature. It was December of 2020 and the Speaker, who was working on legislation to strip the governor of powers to enforce mandates, suddenly died at home just hours after a meeting where others said he seemed fine. They announced he died of covid right away and there was never any autopsy. Then the new speaker was completely in lockstep with Sununu.

Space_Monkey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also interesting that Trump's father paid for his brother's college education.

Space_Monkey 7 points ago +7 / -0

Or, like NoName, the public just won't be told the real story.

Space_Monkey 5 points ago +5 / -0

It wouldn't surprise me if this is what it actually means.

Space_Monkey 6 points ago +6 / -0

after Trump wins for a third time

Funny thing, this will hit the libs as a double whammy because they can't yet accept that Trump won 2020. So if/when that becomes clear, then soon after Trump wins again they will absolutely lose their shit.

Space_Monkey 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's a Luciferian thing. They believe it gets them off the hook in terms of spiritual karma. If they tell everyone what they are doing and no one stops them, then they can say it was done with consent.

Space_Monkey 2 points ago +2 / -0

George Carlin was one of my first red pills. I did kinda agree with this opinion in principle for a long time but still voted for libertarian candidates and then Trump helped me see that it does actually matter and now we collectively better understand what is at stake. Most election cycles both major party candidates are shit, but this time I can't believe there are people who think Trump and Biden are no different.

Space_Monkey 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've been telling my mom this for years but she can't get it through her head. Her doctor tells her to avoid eggs because of cholesterol and that's all she can believe because every one of her doctors says the same thing and why would I know better than them? I learned years ago that serum cholesterol does NOT come from what you eat, your body actually produces it and it's necessary to live. I'm sure now that the FDA dietary guidelines are designed to make people deficient in every vital nutrient.

Space_Monkey 3 points ago +3 / -0

We're in the same boat, fren.

Space_Monkey 6 points ago +6 / -0

Probably when Wall St collapses and all the hedge funds go under.

Space_Monkey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden can barely read a coherent sentence, let alone write one.

Space_Monkey 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's fine, I agree. People should just understand what they are getting into and not just assume because some new banking service uses crypto that it isn't just as scummy.

Space_Monkey 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's all good if you wanna do it that way, but the card account is still:

  • custodial
  • treated as a capital gain/loss when you buy something
  • can be frozen/seized and traced back to you
  • from that account they can trace any funding sources, so they will know your other wallets too.
Space_Monkey 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your prepaid crypto card is custodial too. Unless you set up your own wallet and use it directly it is just as controlled as the banking system.

Space_Monkey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only gold and silver coins are lawful money, and the government is just there to regulate the mint so there is a national standard. I don't think the government should be involved in money at all, now that we have crypto, and the metal coin industry can regulate itself privately.

Space_Monkey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get how you feel but that's an emotional reaction to violence that would have played right into the enemy's hand. Do you see why Q had us/the enemy believing that Trump would make such a move? The deep state was counting on it. They didn't expect to inaugurate Biden while the streets were quiet and Trump walked away.

In a civil war situation where the military sides w MAGA there would be no other side.

Not true. The enemy is deeply entrenched and many traitors in the military deliberately worked against Trump. There would have been a breakdown in the chain of command and no comms for anyone. Game over.

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