Woefully_Inept 3 points ago +3 / -0

When should I buy MOAR?! Now or will it dip again? HALP ME FRENS!

Woefully_Inept 4 points ago +4 / -0

CPS everywhere is part of the problem. Myself, my mother, and my grandmother all worked in a shelter for abused and neglected children. I worked in their office. Just the shit I'd here from my mother and grandmother. The entire system is broken. Foster care may as well be a child trafficking ring.

Woefully_Inept 1 point ago +1 / -0

The way I see it God created everything we used for IVF. We had very limited embryos and we used every one that we had. Our son was our last chance. Take your Holier than Thou argument and pack sand.

Woefully_Inept 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sounds like all that was meant to be. We all tale different journeys in life. I'm hoping everyone involved is happy and leading a blessed life with their families.

Woefully_Inept 9 points ago +9 / -0

The only reason we have our son is IVF. I have a genetic disorder called Familial Adenomatous Polyposis which makes someone with it predisposed to growing tumors/cancer. Have fun looking that one up. We consider him our little miracle because he shouldn't even exist. Our insurance would only cover 2 rounds of IVF. Both rounds were unsuccessful BUT for some reason there was no paper trail for the failed second round. This allowed us to do a third round fully covered by our insurance. Our son was the last embryo we had and technically speaking he was considered a very poor quality embryo. Now, only by the grace of God do we have an amazing 8 year old son without my genetic disorder and we couldn't possibly be happier or more appreciative to God. None of this happens without Him. He truly does Amazing things.

Woefully_Inept 0 points ago +1 / -1

Good thing Barrack is used to get fucked in the ass by Big Mike because he's got the mother of all peggings coming his way soon.

Woefully_Inept 4 points ago +4 / -0

Change Walmart to Gitmo and we can talk.

Woefully_Inept 5 points ago +6 / -1

A "Catholic charity" is about to relocate some illegals to a small town in Mass called Athol. My friend lives in the neighborhood and immediately put his house on the market and is moving to northern NH now. He found out the organization is based out of Colombia and has no point of contact that is in English.

Woefully_Inept 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guys! Guys! It's TOTALLY going to be Nikki Haley. MSM told us so! They never lie.

Woefully_Inept 4 points ago +4 / -0

Merry CHRISTmas frens!

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