Wtf_socialismreally 2 points ago +2 / -0

With 17 shells spread across the house, I'm sure you can still take it down just by damaging enough of the supports in the walls or foundation so really there's no excuse. They just have a skill issue, and that skill issue is being rewarded by our government.

Wtf_socialismreally 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's essentially impossible at this point to remove Trump from the ballot except through Congressional intervention. He will have an R next to his name no matter what.

Election fraud is a separate issue.

Wtf_socialismreally 1 point ago +1 / -0

At least he's talking about perceived failures, although the "cozy relationship with corporate America" is an eyeroll, as is his "support for the war machine" as he has preached peace the entire time.

I also am not so sure his environmental record was "atrocious", he has been very about cleaning up the oceans, for example, but you can't get to that if you're stonewalled everywhere else.

Wtf_socialismreally 4 points ago +4 / -0

Worth noting that this verdict came out right before "pride month", after statements of attacks during "pride month" and the ongoing labeling of Trump supporters as "domestic terrorists".

Wtf_socialismreally 3 points ago +3 / -0

That depends. The precedent may not affect legal proceedings, but it may affect public perception and cause righteous indignation.

Either way, it is now a set precedent.

Wtf_socialismreally 6 points ago +6 / -0

Sometimes we just want to bitch and vent for a few moments in our homes without being told that we're wrong or to calm down. That's just the reality of frustration, it breaks through sometimes especially if we are holding it down outside for one reason or other.

One positive note that we all have to remember is that unlike uncertainty following 2020, we have only a handful of months to wait until the next election to see what happens.

Wtf_socialismreally 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ultimately Trump is the instrument in which we take that control.

For the moment, it depends upon him to do so.

Wtf_socialismreally 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know, I've been fairly vocal about that for a long time.

Wtf_socialismreally 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is possible that the precipice ends up being something that gets glossed over by people who obsessively say "it can still get worse".

The full criteria of what the precipice would be is not known (anyone who says it is would be lying.)

We are certainly nearing some scary large scale scenarios though, so regardless of whether it has already come and gone, or it still lies ahead of us, all we can do is look forward.

Wtf_socialismreally 1 point ago +1 / -0

Presumably if a transition to war footing is occuring, there is little reason to hold back from sieging Kiev.

Wtf_socialismreally 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree and I knew that Gonzales would be selected, but it annoys me because I know no matter how much cheating Gonzales did, some people did vote for him.

Also, he did a hilarious job turning Let's Go Brandon into his thing too.

Wtf_socialismreally 2 points ago +2 / -0

Basically, yeah. More people need to catch on to the game they play.

It ends up being a self fulfilling prophecy too.

Label someone a homophobe because they criticize something that is not even necessarily directly related?

That just ensures they'll hate them. They create an enemy so they can attack it.

Wtf_socialismreally 7 points ago +7 / -0

That should have been a ton of fuckery frankly.

Brandon basically hits all American check boxes and then some. He actually should be appealing to everyone.

He's an attractive youthful man.

He loves guns and gunsmithing.

He's very in shape and works out.

He's a gaming nerd.

He makes jokes about the government.

He makes jokes about other governments.

He loves history.

He has gone to bat to protect the second amendment quite a few times and testified to do so.

The list goes on.

Even if someone has one or two things they don't like about Brandon, there are a dozen of other things to like.

And if people are too "afraid" to vote for someone new to the point that they vote for Gonzales because he's on CNN making claims like "Brandon fired a gun used in WW2 by the Nazis and therefore he's a literal Nazi!" then they should just move to California and free up their homes for freedom loving folk.

Wtf_socialismreally 4 points ago +4 / -0

The real trick is that disliking Israel automatically means you hate all Jews.

That they succeeded in that sort of gaslighting at all shows how retarded people got.

Wtf_socialismreally 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meh, I don't need to know who everyone is.

I'm content letting someone's opinions be privately held, because I'd prefer to be back when everyone wasn't an activist. It adds too much stress and the stakes are too high nowadays.

Using stardom as activism does not sit right though and is an instant turn off.

Wtf_socialismreally 2 points ago +2 / -0

I prefer when authors keep their politics silent.

I don't care if you're a leftist, just keep your shit quiet for your own sake. You're not helping your sales.

Wtf_socialismreally 8 points ago +8 / -0


At no point has Brandon ever made any "anti-Israel" comments.

But of course, either Texas fucked up or Gonzales was selected.

Brandon was the only pick there, so I certainly hope it was a selection.

Wtf_socialismreally 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frankly, by not allowing the public to see it may as well be unquestionably true.

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