Hey Frens, the wheels grind slowly, but things are happening, Still, it's always encouraging to hear good news. Please share yours, no matter how seemingly small. It might just be the thing that lifts someone's spirits or applies to something in their own life. Seeing any progress with a leftist neighbor? Have a relative who has gotten red-pilled? Witnessed someone engaged in a random act of kindness? WHATEVER it is, please post it here to share with all your frens! Thank you.


I actually don't like that show, but I caught a few minutes today and I must have tuned in at just the right time. They were playing audio clips of one of the Tennessee legislators that were voted out. I forget the guy's name -- maybe Justin Pearson?

Anyway, evidently he attended a super elite, super white school in Maine that's about 70K a year. When running for student body president, he sounded perfectly normal and articulate. But then they played a clip of him more recently where he was apparently trying to sound 'down home' and like one of the home boys or Malcom X or something. Completely different ALA that hilary video of her putting on a DEEP southern accent and trying to sound like a genuine person instead of someone from Illinois. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaDQ1vIuvZI

Anyway, if you can post the two audio clips here so everybody could compare them, that would be great. I didn't see them on Clay and Buck's website, but if anybody has them, please do post them. Thanks!


I've already forgotten the details. Did any of you save any links / info about that? Wasn't it something like every 17 seconds? And it went around the entire world? If you remember, please help me to remember too! Thanks.


Hello frogs,

When the debacle that was obamacare came into our lives, I got to thinking seriously about how health care and health insurance work in our country. I think just about everybody would agree that the price of healthcare is beyond reason. So what do we do? Socialized medicine has proven disastrous in other countries. However, with the amount of taxes we all pay, we should get some benefit in terms of our healthcare.

That got me to thinking about other forms of insurance: Car insurance, specifically.

When you purchase a car and get it insured, the insurance only covers you in certain ways for certain things. It does not cover your maintenance issues. So for every oil change, brake change, new tires, etc. YOU pay. For something like an accident or even the theft of your car, the insurance covers you (after the deductible.)

So why not look at a similar model for health care? In other words, you ARE covered for any catastrophic type of issue -- surgery, terminal illness, etc. But for smaller things, something more of a 'maintenance' style issue, YOU pay.

Have a cold and seek medical care? You pay. Need your eyes checked for a new prescription? YOU pay. Slip on ice and break your hip? Insurance pays. Develop cancer and opt for radiation? Insurance pays.

What do you think?

Personally, I think it would alleviate a lot of the mentality that goes with "Insurance will pay for it even though I only have the sniffles, so I'll go to the doctor," stuff AND free up some money to pay for the absolutely necessary stuff that could ruin a person financially if they didn't have coverage. This is just a quick summary of the concept but I'd be interested in hearing what others think in terms of how to fix the issue of exorbitant costs for health care.

A sincere thank you to all those who prayed for me -- I will be going into 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by gobby ago by gobby

the belly of the beast later today. Thanks to your prayers, I feel a whole lot better than I did yesterday. If you would, please continue to pray for me regarding this most difficult situation. I promise to come back and let you know the result. Thank you dear frens for your willingness to help another in Christ. "Father, I love You and the family of believers You have made. Your family is located in places all around our beautiful earth, and while we might not know each other face to face here, we will someday meet in Heaven. While we each face difficulties in this life, we all know that You are there for us and with us. Sometimes, our circumstances seem overwhelming, and in our weakness, we forget the promises You have made to us. Please forgive us our many weaknesses and help us to focus on You and Your many blessings.

Please Father, also bless all these people who prayed for me concerning the difficult situation I am facing. Bless them and grant them all wisdom and discernment to navigate this world so full of evil. Please cover me completely with your peace today. The peace that only you can give. And bless any other frens who see this and pray for me. Lord, may I honor you with my words and conduct today. Please help me refrain from saying anything that my own sinful tongue might want to spew. Keep me in check and my emotions, calm. I pray all these things in Jesus's name. Amen and Amen. Thank you, Lord."

u/Flowers_for_Alger, u/udine53, u/20-guage, u/penisse, u/tweety51A, u/Mary911, u/eagle-eyes2020, u/kkthxk, u/Q20191776, u/Unhappymeal, u/SkepticalAssassin, u/ceegeegee, u/Cyberhawk, u/ThisIsHowItStarts, u/CaptBoobies, u/MyTwoSonsAreMarines, u/pepperonishoes, u/ChocktawRidge u/cc321, u/1Pissedoffredhead, u/LoneWolf, u/HardWorkinPatriot, u/Sector3, u/4Hope70, u/Bibloop, u/Bito-on, u/Pensadoor999, u/OneMoreTim3, u/jhartz39, U/summerstormAK, u/ouvrez_les_veux, u/mac1221, u/AmberWins, u/Jenmon, u/sortofsamuel, u/humanizzimo1

I could use some prayers, please 🧐 Help Wanted πŸ€”
posted ago by gobby ago by gobby

Got an extremely difficult situation I'm dealing with and am feeling nervous and panicky. Interestingly, my morning bible reading was from Mark, when Jesus is in the garden of Gethsemane. I'm not comparing my difficulty to what Jesus was facing, obviously, but he was struggling with fear and dread and I am in a similar situation. I too want God's will to be done, but I would really, really, really, like to have some peace about things, lol. Please pray for God's peace on me now and as I go head to head with this thing tomorrow. I am certainly dreading it. Please pray for God's peace that surpasseth understanding to come on me and for me to have wisdom and discernment and honor God in all my actions. Thank you, frens.


I hope someone knows what I'm talking about, lol. There was some deal, maybe even a law passed, that prevented Republicans from telling the truth about democrats -- or somesuch. Whatever it was, it silenced republicans and gave democrats tremendous power. Does anybody know what I mean? Please post here. Thanks.


So someone showed me a copy of this thing that was prepared by some constitutional experts who are urging as many patriots as possible to send it to the US Supreme Court. You have to fill it out and have it notarized, but it's supposed to be fully constitutionally correct. They are hoping to open the eyes of the SC due to the sheer number of people they hope will send it. Let me know if you want it.


Maga Pill was good while it lasted, but the guy doing it quit part way through.

I know some of you will advise me to ignore this guy, but I expect to meet with someone who hates Trump, considers him an absolute crook and someone who would do anything to hurt America as long as he comes out on top. I know, I know. But I'm not ready to give up on him yet. He used to love Trump and I honestly don't know what happened, but I want to try to get him back on the Trump train again. I want to remind him of all the great things Trump did. If you can help me out, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.


When Biden made that sudden pull out of Afghanistan, some news stations were blaming Trump and saying it was his fault that the US had to pull out so quickly and leave the billions of dollars of equipment, not to mention, many Americans. It had already been pre-arranged by Trump and he did it on purpose, to make Biden look bad and he didn't even care if it hurt Americans or made the country look bad.

So, my question is, did Trump actually plan out this removal? And if he did, when was this supposed 'pre-arranged' pull out agreement made? Was it done after the election, before Biden was inaugurated? Any details you can give me would be appreciated, particularly if they are served with sauce. I can't keep up with the details of everything, so I have to pick and choose. I figured there are some people here who chose to know the deep details of this situation. Thank you!


I've been thinking, now that twitter is more open for our side, but still full of absolute idiots, it would be funny to see a meme that basically insinuates, 'you aren't the brightest bulb on the tree, are you?'

Something like a picture of a tree, and a person representing the dumb poster, and a bright bulb with the red slash sign on it. You----> tree -----> not the brightest bulb.

Or whatever your creative genius can come up with. But I've read some comments that are so beyond the pale of dumb, they demand a meme like this. Just an idea but I hope someone creates it.


Prolific posting. I don't remember Q ever posting that many times on any other day. Autists and decoders needed to remind us.


I know a lot of people are frustrated, but this is a Q board and since Q no longer posts with any regularity, it seems some have given up on the plan. What if a few of our sager anons, autists and decoders led us through a Q review? We could literally start at the beginning and go through post by post. What do you say, would you be interested? I think it would help a lot of people re-focus and refresh.


Has anyone had any experience using ivermectin to treat pneumonia? Or have you read any studies about it? If you have any information, please post it here. Thanks.

What time? What time? What time??? 🧐 Research Wanted πŸ€”
posted ago by gobby ago by gobby

Anybody know what time Matt Taibbi is supposed to post more about the corruption?

Ascension Island (www.patrick.spaceforce.mil)
posted ago by gobby ago by gobby

Was just reading another thread about Elon saying, "The more I learn, the worse it gets." Everyone is hoping he will reveal all.

My question is, does he really know or have access, to everything? Couldn't all those who left (and there were many) have taken or deleted or destroyed a lot of the evidence of what was going on there?

Btw, I started this thread because the other already had so many replies and I thought nobody would see my question. I know many people here aren't technologically proficient, so it would be reassuring to hear that he can get his hands on the info. Thanks.

Just wondering about this. The Supreme Court is part of our third branch of government. We think of courts as settling matters. Cases are brought forth, both civil and criminal, and the court system has the final say. I have always thought of the courts as responders. They don't go out and find the cases, the cases are brought before them for decisions.

But when a country (ours) is in extreme crisis, with so many illegal things happening and an executive branch that flouts the law and even supports a commander in chief who is up to his eyeballs in corruption -- is it even possible for that branch of government to step in and do something? I mean, do something on their own. Initiate proceedings themselves, rather than wait for cases to be brought? I would like to understand how far the Supreme Court can go.

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