naahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the theory floated before that taiwan was a DS stronghold, Xi wasn’t necessarily good but not the bad guy in comparison and that the push to take taiwan was some sort of Chinese fight for its own freedom?

naahbruh 0 points ago +1 / -1

I think speaking using this excitable language is what makes us wind up sounding lame. In the same way that government control of people slowly crept into our vision this will, I think, be the same way that the vaccinated die off. It'll be quiet and mostly unrecognizable. Sure we can sit here and do a round of "Died Suddenly's" every week, but who pays attention anymore? It has already, almost alarmingly become second nature to see someone who dies young and think "probably vaccinated" and just carry on with our day.

For it to be a massive Tsunami of anything it needs to have the attention of everyone to give it the weight he's hoping it should be given. Won't happen. For normies they'll be in denial and for frens it'll be sad but just an understood thing that was coming.

naahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ll admit, I teared up a little towards the end thinking about it. I’d love to see it happen, especially with a young kid and another coming shortly. But at this point it will just have to surprise me because I’m too deep into being high alert trying to protect them from this insanely demonic world to relax into that dream scenario… that would really be awesome if it does happen though and I did enjoy reading it laid out like that.

naahbruh 5 points ago +5 / -0

I would say more than that had already committed vax suicide just through compliance. The same people OP posits will off themselves were the same group that could only exist while being told to exist

naahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who gives a shit what that little rat says?

naahbruh 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not gonna lie, I feel the same way when I see anyone from the PMO department of my company

naahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I literally had no idea who he was until this moment

naahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still consider this one of those people that had to pay the piper for the fame they craved. A lot of these stunts like forcing the guys to do gay stuff or things like this, even Britney's meltdown or stuff like that, I swear it's all just the Devil taking his due.

naahbruh 3 points ago +3 / -0

It messes with the gut biome which in turn limits the ability of the body to process any of the good foods you put in it. Beyond that though studies have shown that artificial sweeteners cause a chemical reaction in the brain where it confuses the brains ability to process natural sugar (fruits veggies etc…) so you use artificial sweeteners and you get the benefits of sweet with no sugar, but your brain tries to process it as a sugar but can’t since it isn’t one. Then, when you eat real foods with real sugar, your body bypasses the proper channels for absorption of those nutrients and you wind up with this mismanaged pile of shit in your body. Scientifically speaking

naahbruh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Best part about it is seeing things like “non gmo” or other buzz words where they can’t guarantee the soil hadn’t been farmed previously with Monsanto seed or round up OR that neighboring farms aren’t using similar practices which could in turn travel airborn onto their crops. The whole thing is an absolute mess

naahbruh 3 points ago +3 / -0

Cellulose… literally wood pulp. Found in grated cheeses so the cheese doesn’t stick to each other. Like the other poster said, just cook from scratch. Shred your own block of cheese, don’t put dumb shit in your food.

naahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rosemary Extract, also another way to subvert the “contains no MSG” label while containing essentially msg

naahbruh -1 points ago +3 / -4

Hate from the east coast for Taylor Swift here, but that one could be taken one of two ways. Obviously the industry is evil and I can fully believe she was discrediting whoever said that. But I also wonder if that’s the head nod in agreement when someone says something like “nothing is possible without God) and you sort of shake no in agreement. Just a thought.

naahbruh 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would trust if the most trusted ranks were something like:

  1. Ross Perot
  2. The Hamburgler
  3. A Toaster
naahbruh 6 points ago +6 / -0

They’re also apparently trained to do choreographed nonsense during a global “pandemic” so I mean… there’s that

naahbruh 1 point ago +1 / -0

At this point articles should just be honest because we know they’re fake and the people that believe would take any headlines and still believe it. Just change the headline to “you WILL believe these people this year”

naahbruh 4 points ago +4 / -0

So ELI5… did ACB betray us or was she in the right?

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