posted ago by MilitaryJustice ago by MilitaryJustice +221 / -0
  • Social media censorship is an infringement on our 1A rights. We are rapidly losing our freedoms (speech, movement, association, protest).
  • Hate speech is what ever the tyrants say it is. In Canada, they made it a law.
  • Pulling down statues, burning buildings, looting businesses and throwing bricks at cops discredits the whole BLM movement. They are domestic terrorists, thieves and punks and it has nothing to do with race.
  • We don't have a systemic racial problem in America but we do have a human trafficking, pedophilia and child porn problem. Why is the compromised MSM not reporting on and investigating these issues?
  • Freemasonry (and other secret societies) cleverly cover their mission to breed satanists through secrecy, oaths, intimidation, loyalty and degrees of indoctrination.
  • These satanists are selectively elevated to positions of power throughout the system. They want us divided by race. The MSM tries desperately to convince us that racism is a big problem. Next, they will tell us that this will all be better with One World Government.
  • This is a battle between Good and evil. The evil-doers have infiltrated every institution across the planet and their mission is to control us, exploit us and then to exterminate us.
  • They do not want us going to church, teaching our children Christian principles and espousing our beliefs in God. They hate God and all people that believe in God

I am NOT a racist. It is not racist to want to live free and to to believe in God.